Waking up in He Yanlu’s arms the next morning, Ye Yixing, now calm and composed, wasn’t feeling down about the failed transformation from the previous night.

There’s a saying that all decisions are emotional decisions, including rational ones.

Moreover, Ye Yixing, as a black cat, was driven by impulsive choices when he eagerly wanted to reveal his true form to He Yanlu. Besides, he didn’t have complete confidence in returning to his human self.

If something doesn’t happen smoothly, there must be a reason the heavens are trying to prevent it. In such situations, one mustn’t panic. It’s better to be patient and wait for the right moment to come.

With this thought, Ye Yixing felt somewhat fortunate that his impulsive emotions didn’t lead to a situation he couldn’t control.

He Yanlu opened his eyes and lovingly gazed at the black cat in his arms. The little creature’s emerald eyes were darting around, lost in its own thoughts.

He Yanlu held the black cat against his chest, and due to the cat’s prolonged sleeping position, its fur was flattened and looked comical.

So, even cats mess up their fur while sleeping! It’s just like when people mess up their hair.

He Yanlu reached out and gently smoothed the black cat’s fur without saying a word.

The beautiful morning immersed in the serene gaze between the man and the cat…

To Ye Yixing, He Yanlu’s confessions from the previous night were akin to Zhuyan’s disguised confession to Luomu. This was because Ye Yixing, at this point, had feelings for He Yanlu that went beyond mere friendship. Without these extra emotions, he might have regarded Zhuyan as just a brother, both a competitor and a like-minded friend, without anything more.

Likewise, no one could explain what kind of different feelings Zhuyan had for Luomu. Admiration doesn’t necessarily mean love.

Ye Yixing also didn’t know how He Yanlu had come to know that Luomu was himself. Until now, the only ones who knew that Ye Yixing, under the pen name Luomu, was serializing a novel online were the editors and Yang Qu alone.

However, knowing that the person he secretly admired had also silently paid attention to him, and for a longer period of time, the moment of realization filled Ye Yixing with joy and prompted him to immediately have the impulse to “reveal his true form” in front of He Yanlu.

Stepping back for a moment, even if Zhuyan’s attention to Luomu was purely based on his writing, it was different for the black cat. Ye Yixing could deeply feel He Yanlu’s fondness, even love, for this little creature.

So Ye Yixing still held the winning hand.

“Dad, if I were to turn into a human, how would you want me to look?” the black cat asked softly.

“You can turn into a human?” He Yanlu furrowed his brows slightly. When the black cat had transformed into a human before, it locked He Yanlu in the bathroom, and he was curious about what that person would look like. Now, could he expect the cat’s appearance to change according to his wishes?

“Yeah, I’m a cat demon… It’s always been my dream to have a human form!” Ye Yixing, who was a natural-born liar, was confident in his ability to fool He Yanlu.

He Yanlu became somewhat conflicted. He didn’t really expect the cat to change, as it was already perfect this way—small, furry, and so much fun… Moreover, it was magical for a cat to talk, but it wouldn’t be extraordinary if it could speak as a human.

He Yanlu held the black cat’s tiny front paws and squeezed its slender arms, thinking that even if the cat were to become human, it would still be good. It could make him bento boxes, cook dinner, do the laundry, take care of household chores… and have children.

(=_=) Oops…

How did he end up thinking about having children? The black cat isn’t a snail girl!

He Yanlu wore a grimace on his face, trying hard to dismiss this strange idea. However, his thoughts started to wander uncontrollably…

Speaking of which, did the snail girl actually have the fisherman’s child? If she did, what would it be? A small snail?

No, no, the snail girl was a fairy sent from heaven, and the black cat was a cat demon. It should be referenced to Nie Xiaoqian…

Nie Xiaoqian was a fox demon who had cultivated for a thousand years. What was her child with Ning Caichen? A human-demon hybrid?

(=_=) It seems they didn’t have a child, right?

If it were the black cat and himself, what would they have? A little cat demon? A small, talking black creature would be adorable… Maybe it would look like him, with cat ears and a little tail…

Aww… so cute…!

Hey, He Yanlu!! That’s not the point, right?! The black cat is male!

Right, the black cat can’t give birth…

Ye Yixing curiously looked at He Yanlu’s face, which had been changing colors—black, white, and then red. He used the pads of his cat paw to press against He Yanlu’s chest and asked, “What are you thinking? Come on, tell me, what do you want me to look like?”

“…Like a woman,” He Yanlu blurted out, staring at the black cat.

(=_=) Damn it!

I’m a male! Oh no, I mean, I’m a man!

“I can only take on the appearance of a man!” Ye Yixing angrily patted the other’s body with his paw.

“O-Okay…” He Yanlu squinted his eyes, conflicted about his bizarre thoughts from earlier. “As a human… Hmm, black hair.”

Ye Yixing nodded, currently having black hair.

“Green eyes,” He Yanlu added. In his mind, the image of the human form of the black cat he had dreamt of naturally appeared, but he couldn’t recall the face of the black-haired youth from his dreams.

Ye Yixing started to scratch at his fur. “Isn’t that my current appearance?!”

“Without fur,” He Yanlu added.

“…” They probably sell green-colored contact lenses at the eyeglass store! Ye Yixing sharpened his claws, almost wanting to scratch a few marks on He Yanlu’s chest.

But he was only thinking about it and couldn’t bear to actually do it. So he reluctantly withdrew his claws.

He rested his head on someone’s body and helplessly said, “Dad, you’re a writer, and your imagination has run dry at a time like this?”

“It’s because I really like your current appearance,” He Yanlu smiled and said, “But, when I think about it, I feel a sense of familiarity with your human appearance…”

“Familiar? Like who?” Ye Yixing raised his head, eagerly awaiting an answer.

He Yanlu thought for a moment and said, “I can’t remember, actually.”

A surge of excitement welled up in Ye Yixing’s heart. He continued to tempt, guide, and tease, “…I might become the appearance of your idol, you know.”

The face of the youth from his dreams briefly overlapped with Ye Yixing’s face, but it flashed in He Yanlu’s mind and he couldn’t grasp it. It was extinguished and vanished by an invisible force. He merely smiled and asked, “Is that a unique ability of cat demons?”

Ye Yixing didn’t directly answer He Yanlu. Instead, he clenched his teeth and continued to press, “Would you like it? Ye Yixing’s appearance…” As he said these words, he was incredibly nervous, trembling slightly in all four limbs, his heart pounding rapidly. He was on the verge of sweating from his temples.

He Yanlu gazed at the black cat in silence.

In reality, he remained silent for only a dozen seconds, but those dozen seconds felt like he had been waiting for years.

Then, He Yanlu softly said, “I like it.”

Those two words made Ye Yixing’s heart blossom with joy!

Ah, He Yanlu only likes it when the black cat takes on Ye Yixing’s appearance! Hahaha!

If this were a movie, there would definitely be a silent moment at the beginning, followed by increasingly intense heartbeats, accompanied by the first firework shooting up into the night sky with a “swoosh.” Then, numerous fireworks would follow, bursting open with a “boom boom,” illuminating the entire screen. The first wave hadn’t completely faded away when the second wave would burst, and the protagonist would have a calm demeanor on the surface but a tumultuous heart, revealing a foolish smile in the night sky…

“No matter what appearance you take on, I like it,” He Yanlu continued.

“Ding…” The movie was paused, and the fireworks froze halfway, contorted and distorted on the screen.

Damn it, so it doesn’t matter what appearance Ye Yixing or anyone else has? Ye Yixing felt infinite resentment in his heart. Can I pretend I didn’t hear that last sentence…?

Actually, that last sentence was unnecessary.

He Yanlu himself didn’t understand why he had nervously added that sentence. Was it to conceal his own flustered heartbeat?

When Ye Yixing asked if he would like Ye Yixing’s appearance, every cell in He Yanlu’s body contracted intensely.

For the past three years or even longer, his “attention” towards Luomu had already exceeded the level of an ordinary person. He even used a little trick with Chu Wenxing’s help, prying the true identity of Luomu Zhixiu out of the editor’s mouth…

Was it really just an opponent in writing? Was it merely admiration?

Using “writing novels” as an excuse to deceive himself about his unusual feelings, had he not realized that his behavior had become abnormal?

It’s just a silent confession that I like Ye Yixing’s appearance! It should be a happy and romantic moment!

The love of imagination far surpasses real love.

The most captivating attraction comes from the unmet poles.

Having once watched Ye Yixing chatting and laughing with friends, and Yang Qu, shoulder to shoulder, I wish my emotions that arise from it were limited to mere “admiration”.

I want to stand by his side, become his friend, talk to him…

Perhaps, I want more.

I often hear the girls in the department talking about themselves and Ye Yixing, many of them pairing themselves with him. Although I show no reaction on the surface, I feel a small, inexplicable joy in my heart.

When I learned that Ye Yixing never refutes these jokes and simply smiles, I secretly believed that he was accepting…

When did these panic-inducing thoughts actually begin?

He Yanlu himself has forgotten, or rather, he cannot trace them back.

Unbeknownst to him, he has unknowingly fallen into a swamp called “Ye Yixing” and can no longer escape.

He only read the other’s novels, only knew the other’s name and appearance. From what he knew, he guessed the other’s personality and preferences. He may not understand what the real Ye Yixing is like, but because of admiration and attention, he has developed strange feelings—completely baseless and lacking persuasiveness, yet strong enough to make his face blush and his heart race to such an extent.

In an instant, the overwhelming surge of emotions has left He Yanlu bewildered and at a loss. Even if he wants to extinguish those thoughts like he did at the beginning, he cannot.

He Yanlu looked at his black cat, and he also liked the little creature before him. Sometimes, he even felt that Xiao Hei had so many similarities to the Ye Yixing he knew, as if it was supposed to be Ye Yixing’s appearance.

Or perhaps, Xiao Hei transforming into Ye Yixing’s appearance would be the best.

Originally, the black cat was sulking with its head drooping, but it sensitively noticed that its dad’s heart was pounding like a drum.

Ye Yixing was surprised and looked at He Yanlu, only to see his flushed cheeks, pursed lips, and lowered eyelids—a shy expression that he couldn’t decipher. Although He Yanlu was looking at him, his gaze seemed absent-minded…

When their eyes met, He Yanlu suddenly averted his gaze, appearing somewhat hesitant.

Rarely seeing He Yanlu’s blushing and shy demeanor, Ye Yixing’s curiosity was piqued. He extended his claw and lightly scratched He Yanlu’s ticklish spot, teasingly asking, “What are you thinking?”

As if his son had instantly seen through his thoughts, He Yanlu hastily changed the topic, saying, “It’s time to get up! We’ll be late!”

Ye Yixing pushed back the person who was about to get up, his mouth twitching. “It’s Saturday today.”

“…I need to go to the supermarket. We’re running out of food at home!” He Yanlu grabbed the cat clinging to him and tossed it into the soft blanket. “You go back to sleep.”

The speed and posture were like when he picked up Xiao Hei and tossed him away last night, as if he was not holding back!

Ye Yixing became annoyed, and as he tried to get up, his paw got tangled in the blanket, causing him to stumble and do two somersaults before landing face down on the pillow in the middle of the bed. When he looked up to find the assailant, he realized that the person had already dressed and rushed downstairs like lightning.

(=_=) Why did he run faster than a mouse…

I’m not chasing after mice, so why did he run so fast…

“Do you have to go to the supermarket so early?” Ye Yixing didn’t bother to chase after him, lying on the pillow and asking loudly.

“…To get fresh groceries! You stay at home obediently, and Dad will be back soon.” Just as He Yanlu finished speaking, there was a loud “bang,” and the door downstairs was closed.

Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Ye Yixing squinted his eyes, speculating: What did He Yanlu just think of? His blushing and shy expression in this situation is so rare.

Moments later, a black cat stretched out its paw to hold the pillow and buried its head in it, vigorously rubbing against it, twisting its body from side to side, with its tail swaying in the air…

His dad looked so adorable like that!! His eyes kept evading contact, and he was so enticing… Meow!

I want to pounce on him, I want to kiss him…

Hold his hand and not let him escape…

And then, in an unexpected turn of events, Ye Yixing suddenly felt the mattress sink, and the large pillow he was hugging, like a big sponge bed, instantly shrank under his weight…

They say practice makes perfect, and failure is the mother of success. After experiencing several previous setbacks and failures, this time, the experienced human form of Ye Yixing smiled while hugging the pillow.

He lowered his head and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of He Yanlu that was imprinted on the pillow, causing a palpitation in his body and mind.

Glancing at the collar and bell on the bedside table, He Yanlu didn’t put it on him after their bath last night.

He reached out to touch it, and the bell made a clear, melodious sound. It was actually very light and pleasant, if it weren’t hanging around his own neck…

He brought the collar to his eyes, slowly caressing the engraved “Lu” with his finger, just like He Yanlu gently stroking his neck when he was a black cat.

The cursive script “Lu” engraved on the collar was seen up close for the first time, exquisitely beautiful.

Ye Yixing leaned over and lightly pressed his lips against the engraved letters.