Chapter 44

“Hyung. You should turn yourself in.”

“What do you mean?”

Hwang Gyeongryong was stunned. He gave a gift only to be told to turn himself in?

“This is an A-grade artifact from China.”

“It’s fine. They gave it to me.”

“Sigh... Hyung, thieves always say that.”

That was why people sometimes unknowingly bought stolen goods. That bluff would likely work in any other situation, but there was no way it could be used for an A-grade artifact. Unless the Chinese government was crazy, it was only natural to assume it had been stolen.

“The Chinese government really gave it to me as a gift!”

“Is the Chinese government crazy? No, honestly, everything's been a bit suspicious starting from the panda!”

Choi Yeonseung naturally didn’t believe it. Before Choi Yeonseung left for the Abyss, China was one of the leading countries on the planet... when it came to misconduct! Asking for help from other countries’ hunters, stealing dungeon clear rewards, slandering hunters who came to help, claiming ownership of monsters in the sea, etc...

That greedy country gave such an artifact as a gift?

“No... You’re not aware of this because you’ve been in the Abyss, but it was at a time when China was in real danger.”


“South Korea managed to stop it somehow, but China has a large territory. When all hell broke loose, there was nothing they could do. It was also a confusing situation because an evil god constellation took the north...”

The hunters were split up when the evil god constellation attacked them. As a result, the capital was taken, and the dungeons were left uncleared. Moreover, many exceptionally strong dungeons popped up in China back then, and A-grade monsters like the Bai Ze, the Monkey King, and the Gu Huo Niao all burst out of them! Dealing with one A-grade monster was enough to make any country sweat. Hence, it was understandable for the Chinese government to panic when three appeared at the same time.

“I went there to help and got this in return.”

“You helped them, Hyung? Didn’t you used to say things like ‘I will never be a pushover and help them!’ in the past?”

Wasn’t Hwang Gyeongryong the type to watch the news and say things like, ‘Wow, these bastards. Yeonseung, I will never help those Chinese or Japanese bastards’?

Hwang Gyeongryong blushed.

“... My factory is there...”

“Huh? I didn’t hear you.”

“My company’s factory and land are in China!”


China had low labor costs, making it a good country to run factories. Why did he never think of this?

“In addition, the Chinese market is large. Nothing good will result in it being destroyed... I had to protect it...”

“... Wow... Hyung... Trash...”

“No...! I saved people! I am a hero!”

“You’re trash for abandoning your beliefs...”

“You should also run a company! See if you can do that when a few trillion flies away!”

Hwang Gyeongryong’s company, Dragon Industry, was a giant corporation that touched everything. They had all types of subsidiaries and naturally had manufacturing plants.

Choi Yeonseung nodded. “Yes, in any case, I understand.”

“I gave you a present, but you’re saying nonsense instead of thanking me!”

“It is a really good sword.”

“You haven't even used it yet...”

“No. I don’t need to use it to know.”


Hwang Gyeongryong was initially puzzled but soon came to a realization.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

‘Is this the power of a constellation?’

“You can determine that without even using it? That's amazing!”

“It’s a long story, but... In any case, I will use it well.”

“Ah, right. You will have to write a pledge if you go abroad with it.”


“That you won’t give it to another country or something like that.”

“... Can I really carry this around?”

“You can carry it. It’s fine.”

For some reason, he felt like he just gained an additional burden on his shoulders.

Choi Yeonseung drew the sword and swung it quickly. State of Perfection was a skill that could only be obtained when one has achieved peak enlightenment in martial arts. Having gained such a skill, Choi Yeonseung didn’t find swordsmanship particularly difficult. Unarmed martial arts was more than enough for him in combat. Nevertheless, he wanted to use a sword just because he could.

[You have succeeded in creating a new martial art!]

[Please name the new martial art.]

-Origin of the Celestial Swordsmanship.

He executed a few strikes containing the essences of Origin of the Celestial Fist and Origin of the Celestial Kick, and a message window popped up saying that he had created a new martial art. It was such an in-depth linked technique.

‘I did well.’

[The mouth of the ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ is watering.]

‘Uhh... Wait a minute. Let me cook and offer it to you.’

Choi Yeonseung placed the meat on the well-heated grill and cooked it with concentration. He owed the Cat of Lava and Magma, so he thought he should at least do this.

“It’s done. Here.”

Choi Yeonseung decided to make it an offering, and the cat constellation used its power of existence to take the meat.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ raises its thumb!]

Very satisfied! The magic power contained in the meat was strong, and it was delicately cooked using excellent cooking equipment.

As expected of a kitchen knife I had created!

This was probably what the cat constellation was thinking.

‘Others might mistake me as the Cat of Lava and Magma’s household member.’

Household members were usually the ones that made offerings. Of course, grilled meat wasn’t normally used as an offering!


“Shall I explain it again?”

“No, I understand.” Aine nodded with an arrogant expression.

“Are you angry?” Hwang Gyeongryong asked quietly.

“I’m not.”

“Is that so? Sigh. I knew it.”

She wasn’t particularly angry, but she seemed arrogant. Aine frowned like she already knew everything.

“He’s an Abyss returnee. I think he should go through a rehab process rather than immediately join a clan.”

“He already told me he’s fine.”

“No matter what he says, he should go to rehabilitation.”

“No, he really is fine. Have you forgotten that I have discerning eyes?”

Aine nodded upon hearing Hwang Gyeongryong’s words. Hwang Gyeongryong was weak in front of his children, but he was an S-grade hunter who had experienced many practical battles. If he thought it was okay, then it would be okay.

“Then what I have to do for now is teach him how to deal with magic as a martial artist.”

Magic had evolved spectacularly over the course of 30 years. There were many spells that hadn’t existed before and the ways to use these spells had diversified. It would be quite difficult for a martial artist who had just returned to deal with this. Moreover, Choi Yeonseung was a player in the UHC League. He had been promoted to B-grade as soon as he passed the C-grade qualifiers, so he would be joining the B-grade League. He’d likely face the monster hunters in the B-grade League soon.

“I think he could do that well on his own... No. In any case, teach him well. He’s a bit weird, but he’s easily taught.”

“How is he weird? I don’t like perverts, even if they’re Father’s friend.”

“Umm... Should I say he is a bit eccentric? His common sense is a bit... different. You’ll know when you meet him.”


‘A weird person...’

Aine stepped forward while thinking about what Hwang Gyeongryong told her. There were a lot of weird guys among the hunters. Once someone had gained power, they grew far from ordinary.

‘Has he made a contract with an unusual constellation?’

His behavior would make sense if that were the case. Hunters who had contracted with a constellation did really strange things depending on their master. However, Aine was confident. She could respond and help him properly no matter how strange he was.

“Ah, Odaigon. Don’t cook your way!”

“No. Hunter Choi Yeonseung. Please give me one chance! Just one, please! It’s a really good dish!”

“I’ll be treated as a crazy person if I give something like that!”


Two unidentified hunters were having a barbecue party in the courtyard! She could tell it was Choi Yeonseung and Odaigon just by looking.


“Ah. Are you Hyung’s daughter?”

“Yes. That’s right. You are...”



Choi Yeonseung held out a plate, and Aine took it in surprise.


“Eat it.”

“... T-Thank you?”

He offered the steak so naturally that Aine just accepted it.

“Try it. It’s been grilled to perfection.”


‘Did he sign a contract with the constellation of meat?’ Aine thought as she cut the meat into small pieces. She then took a bite.