Chapter 396 Different Faction Members

Name:The Chaos Dragon Prince Author:
When considering that the requirement to enter the city is at least Extreme Stage Great Divine Sea, Cain and Amber didn't find it too hard to accept the causal Divine Star warriors.

Minutes later, the duo were walking around a considerably spacious store that sold a various assortment of items.

To Martial Weapons, alchemist resources, medical resources, or general cultivation resources, it was all here.

The number of people here wasn't too high. Only a few dozen populated the shop. Nearly everyone there was a Great Divine Sea expert. It was actually rarer to see a person in the Divine Origin realm.

The duo searched around for a few minutes. Their Divine Sense could certainly detect some very potent items. However, neither of them knew exactly what to choose. Their knowledge of resources was very limited.

It wasn't as if Shi Wei didn't give them lessons about resources. But when considering that they were still mere mortals when under her, Shi Wei needed to carefully guide them through every step of the mortal process. There simply wasn't any time for them to study up on the Divine Way.

Cain nearly found it funny when thinking about his dear grandmother. She always had high expectations of them all. But he bets, that even she wouldn't be able to see him achieving the Divine Realms so quickly.

Moreover, reaching the 5thfall stage within a week!

Shaking his head of these amusing thoughts, Cain strolled up to the shopkeep for some questions.

The shopkeeper, despite being a Divine Star expert, didn't exude any overbearing presence.

He appeared as a simple yet hardworking middle-aged man. A polite smile graced his lips when the duo strolled up to him. In that brief moment, he also identified the Zhou Family badges on their clothes.

His tone was calm and polite as he asked, "Is there something you specifically want, dear customers?"

Cain cut to the chase. "Hello, we are actually looking for any general resources to nurture our Inner World. You see, my wife and I weren't taught much about this subject and would like to make an informed decision."

The shopkeeper sneakingly swept his Divine Sense over the duo. He expected at least a 3rdfall level of cultivation given their background but was genuinely surprised to only detect a vague aura from both of them.

Traces of Divine Aura certainly exuded from them, telling that they were at least Divine Origin cultivators. Anything farther than that was a legitimate mystery.

The shopkeeper found it curious but didn't think much about it. After all, these two hail from a first-rate Martial family. Having unique items was only par for the course.

Thus, the shopkeeper said, "I see. For Divine Origin cultivators such as yourselves, Inner World management isn't overly complicated. The most you need are resources to fuel the essence marks with a vitality force to keep all of them in their most pristine condition. As a preface, I will say it now that for specific Law Inner World resources, my shop mainly only ranges from Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. We and many other shops have a very limited selection of the more unique Law resources. This is mainly because these types of resources are incredibly hard to find in any environment, realm, or planet. One needs great lucky chances for it, so it's only natural that these resources are quite pricy if you desire one of them."

"Are those for Law the most common ones across all realms?" Amber asked next. From the numerous fights she experienced and seen, the most common Law used would be either Fire or Water.

The geniuses she faces tend to have the more unique Law types. But for the common cultivator, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind are the most accessible.

Even those Great Divine Sea warriors she and Cain faced used Fire Laws.

The shopkeeper nodded and replied, "Those four are commonly known as the mainstreams Laws. Many cultivation arts and history centered around these Laws. Furthermore, there are a large number of Primal Sovereign and Heavenly Venerate Masters who utilize these Laws as their main Daos. Thus their paths are greatly expanded upon and are still being rapidly developed to this very day."

Cain thought it over and decided to just go for something simplistic. "I see. Well then, I suppose we will just take general Inner World resources."

"A wise choice, dear customers."

The shopkeeper worked fast by introducing various types of resources to the duo.

These ranged from special-looking fruits, plants, herbs, or even more exotic items such as ginseng roots. Each of these resources contains a special type of force.

Vitality essence force.

It isn't precisely known how these resources came about. Some say they were created by the Seven Primordial Origin Ancestors of history to pave the way for Martial cultivation. Others say they're a natural gift from the grand Heavenly Dao as a way for all living beings to have a chance for survival.

But whatever the reason, it is a fact that these resources fuel any essence Marks, keeping them in pristine condition which prevents them from drying up into a weakened state.

Cain paid a reasonable sum of True Spirit crystal beads for enough resources to fuel their essence marks for a few months.

Because this only general resources, they didn't need much thought on what to choose. Only needed to consider the amount of their spending.

After a short while of buying, the duo was back on the streets. They were just about to walk off in some random direction when three considerably powerful yet hostile auras locked onto them.

The duo wasn't concerned but rather curious. Looking over in the direction of the auras, the duo watched as three beautiful youths imposingly strolled up to them.

These three weren't light in their gazes. Intent intrigued crossed their eyes. Their Divine Senses weren't particularly intense, at least to Cain and Amber. It brought down a pressure that felt nothing but a gentle breeze to the duo.

However, be it some other Divine Origin genius, the Divine Sense pressure of Great Divine Sea warriors would make them go red in the faces.

Cain identified the level of their auras. Three Peak Stages Great Divine Seas who all had solid foundations. None of them was anything close to average.

Furthermore, each of them wore the Zhou Family crest badges proudly on their clothes.

In this brief moment, Amber transmitted to Cain, 'Didn't Steward Que mention this? Our reputation just spread around and now it seems like other factions can't wait anymore.'

Cain lightly chuckled. 'Well, I was getting a bit antsy over not fighting. Let's see what they want. At least they won't try anything foolish.'

By the time the duo finished talking, the three youths already neared them.

The young man in the middle had an indifferent smile but elegantly spoke as he said, "You two must be from young master Ping's faction, correct? The two newest members who also happen to be only Divine Origin warriors. An intriguing thing, really. I don't recall any other Divine Origins being in any of the factions."

"But even more than that..." The young man on the left picked up. "There are great rumors of you two being able to effortlessly defeat Early Stages Great Divine Sea warriors. And even more wild rumors that you can match even Late Stages Great Divine Seas. Quite a reputation already."

As if they had a perfect pattern, the young woman perfectly followed suit to speak up. "Such a reputation and yet, neither of you showed up once to the battle arena. You are a part of the Zhou Family no? Don't you believe that's a bit shameful to your young masters?"

A faint sense of pressure tried to engulf the trio.

Peak Stages Great Divine Seas naturally cultivated a far superior presence at this point. They could reasonably make most calm people slightly cracked under this pressure.

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It was only a shame that these three youths were trying it against the abnormal Cain and Amber.

Cain even had a small smile of his own as he calmly said, "Last time I checked, there's no explicit rule stating that we need to participate in the battle arena. Only to complete missions to whatever gets assigned to us. But at the same time, we naturally know it is only right to showcase our value less we want to deal continue to deal with annoyances in the present and future."

The opposing trio's expression slightly twitched. That haughty tone didn't sit well with them at all.

But before any one of them could speak again, Amber directly asked, "What are your names?"

Straight to the point and with complete indifference. She truly regarded each of them as nothing special at all.

The three youths' already biased impressions gradually went down, yet their expression remained the same.

The man in the middle introduced, "My name is Guo Qing, and these two are Dai Jia and Lin Ya. We are under young master Pue. Each of us is ranked quite highly in the battle arena. At this point, we already breached past the top 20s out of the other few hundred other talented warriors."

For any other faction members, they would be wary of hearing about young master Pue. After all, that bloodline descendent is ranked 5th out of 25!

Not only does have powerful members under him, his cultivation as well is at a high standard.

Many wouldn't have a problem with backing off against Zhou Pue's faction.

But for Amber, her bored expression never changed. Whereas Cain's eyes held a hint of mockery.