Chapter 61: The Handsome Marquis

Name:The Child Emperor Author:
Chapter 61: The Handsome Marquis

The people in the room were all startled by Marquis Junyang’s sudden impending arrival. Cai Xinghai and Zhang Youcai stood in front of the Emperor, while the Captain of the Palace Gates Liu Kunsheng grasped the hilt of his sword. After a brief moment of hesitation, he turned around to face the entrance, standing shoulder to shoulder with the two eunuchs.

Han Ruzi had faced many dangers on this day. Unable to simply follow instructions in the face of unexpected events, he was torn between trust and suspicion, selfishness and selflessness. These considerations had seemed distant, mere theoretical debates on paper. Now, he had to make judgments in a very short time and be decisive.

Taking a step forward, Han Ruzi patted the Captain of the Palace Gates on the shoulder, signaling him to turn around. He then placed the Founding Emperor’s treasured sword into his hands, saying, “Hua Bin is prepared, and any attempt to seize power would be unfeasible. Liu Kunsheng, We command you to leave the palace immediately, deliver the Founding Emperor’s sword to a senior official who recognizes it, and order them to enter the palace to exterminate the traitors...”

The footsteps outside were getting closer, and it seemed there were quite a few people approaching. Han Ruzi hesitated no more, forcefully pushing Liu Kunsheng and shouted, “You dare commit regicide? Protect the Emperor, quickly, come protect the Emperor!”

Liu Kunsheng did not understand the situation when he received the sword. He was even more baffled by the Emperor’s push, causing him to take two steps back.

Although Zhang Youcai was intelligent, he was also puzzled at this moment. Cai Xinghai, however, reacted quickly. He raised his short blade and struck Liu Kunsheng with the back of the blade, saying, “You scoundrel! Can’t you even recognize His Majesty? How dare you claim he’s an imposter!”

Finally understanding the situation, Liu Kunsheng inserted the treasured sword vertically into his waistband as a way to conceal it slightly. He then drew his blade and sternly said, “The Emperor of Chu is safe within the inner palace, yet you three eunuchs dare to impersonate the Son of Heaven! Such audacity! Guards, come quickly!”

As the door opened, Liu Kunsheng stumbled backward, waving his arms wildly, the blade in his hand spinning like a windmill.

“Hey, be careful!” someone shouted, catching Liu Kunsheng and pushing him aside.

Taking advantage of the situation, Liu Kunsheng fell to the ground, pressing the treasured sword beneath him.

Ten imperial guards entered the room, each with their swords drawn. The last to enter was none other than Marquis Junyang himself.

Han Ruzi had once taken special notice of Marquis Junyang in the Hall of Diligent Administration and recognized that handsome face with the beard reaching his chest. Staring at him, Han Ruzi spread his arms, shielding Cai Xinghai and Zhang Youcai behind him.

Hua Bin’s figure was tall and imposing, standing out even among the group of Imperial Guards. After a brief eye contact with the Emperor, he said coldly, “This is not the Emperor. Take them all away.”

The guards obeyed, slowly approaching the trapped trio.

Cai Xinghai gripped his blade, eager to fight, but Han Ruzi signaled him to put it down. He then addressed Hua Bin, “Imperial in-laws rarely withstand the test of time, but the Hua clan is an exception. Why do you, Marquis Hua, risk your own life?”

“Don’t make me shut your mouth,” Hua Bin’s voice grew even colder.

With a sigh, Han Ruzi told Cai Xinghai, “Forget it.”

After some hesitation, Cai Xinghai finally threw his short blade to the ground.

The Imperial Guards stepped forward, their swords pointed at the three. With just a single command, the Emperor, who had ascended to the throne only a few months prior, would meet his end here.

Hua Bin turned his head to look at the fallen Captain of the Palace Gates, Liu Kunsheng.

“Captain Hua, it was I who captured... these three... Ow!” Liu Kunsheng feigned injury.

Having taken up his post only half a day ago, Hua Bin had not yet fully taken control of the Imperial Guards and did not wish to create more trouble. After hesitating for a moment, he said, “Very well, your service merits commendations, and I will remember this.”

“Captain, I merely followed orders and fulfilled my duty in capturing these traitors upon your arrival. Do you require me to accompany you? I can provide testimony...”

“No need.” Hua Bin immediately rejected the request. “It is obvious that they are impersonating the Son of Heaven. There is no need for testimony. Stay here and rest. Tomorrow, go to the secretary’s office to have your merit recorded.”

“Yes, Captain. Farewell, I shall... Ow!” Liu Kunsheng cried out in pain once again.

As Hua Bin turned to leave, he stopped and asked, “Are there only these three? Isn’t there a fourth person?”

“You just said you don’t see me as a child.”

“After I have explained, will Your Majesty be willing to tell me who that martial arts expert is?”


Hua Bin folded his hands behind his back and paced back and forth for a few steps before stopping and saying, “The Hua clan was enfeoffed as a marquis during the reign of the Peaceful Emperor, and I am the third generation. Among the imperial in-law families, ours has a long history, but the Hua clan has never held great power in the court, unlike the Cui family and the rising Shang-guan clan. Of course, barring any accidents, the Hua family will witness the decline of these two clans, just like the fate of the previous generations’ imperial in-laws.”

“In that case, you are not after power, nor are you loyal to the Cui clan or Prince Donghai.”

“Of course not. Although the Hua clan lacks power, we still possess our pride and would never bow to the Cui clan.”

“Then it must be Chunyu Xiao?”

“Chunyu Xiao is a swindler from the pugilist world, who has spent years persuading various lords. Among the descendants of the Han imperial clan who are eligible to be enfeoffed as princes, who doesn’t harbor a little ambition to become an emperor? Chunyu Xiao lives off their ambitions. However, these ambitions are short-lived, as once the lords realize the difficulties are insurmountable, they usually become disheartened. Chunyu Xiao then changes his name and moves on to instigate the next lord. How could the Hua family possibly pledge loyalty to such a person?”

Han Ruzi was truly at a loss this time, “Then... are you seeking personal revenge?”

“Your Majesty has guessed a part of it. How much do you know about the Hua clan?”

“All I know is...” Han Ruzi shook his head, the bit he knew about the Hua family had just been mentioned by Hua Bin: the imperial in-laws during the reign of the Peaceful Emperor, enfeoffed as marquises for three generations.

“The Hua clan is known throughout the pugilist world for its chivalry. There is a saying in the pugilist world: ‘The Handsome Marquis, the Ugly King, and the Commoner Tan; Their fame spreads far and wide, justly won.’ The Handsome Marquis refers to the Hua clan,[2] ranking at the forefront.”

Han Ruzi resisted asking who the “Ugly King” and “Commoner Tan” were. “Your son, Hua Huwang, once helped me out of a sense of justice.”

“That cannot be considered an act of chivalry. My son was merely cooperating with Prince Donghai in staging a play. The Hua clan’s reputation for chivalry dates back to the time of the Peaceful Emperor. He was unwilling to grant the Hua family direct power but gave us the authority to intercede on behalf of others. No matter who it was or how grave the crime, as long as the Hua family spoke up, at the very least, the death penalty could be averted. Of course, the Hua clan also has its limits, and we never pleaded for mercy for those plotting treason.”

Han Ruzi nodded, not understanding where the Hua clan’s resentment came from.

“When the Martial Emperor ascended the throne, the Hua clan’s privileges were preserved, probably for about twenty years. By the time I inherited the title of Marquis Junyang, this privilege was not as effective. Later, the Martial Emperor decided to act against the warriors of the pugilist world. Many brave men sought my help, and I tried my best to satisfy their requests. I barged into the imperial palace several times to reason with the Martial Emperor, which indeed made the Hua clan’s chivalry even more renowned. However, I could save only a very small number. The chivalry of the Marquis Junyang had become mere empty words.”

The more Han Ruzi listened, the more confused he became, “Are you seeking revenge for the warriors of the pugilist world? But the Martial Emperor has been dead for several years.”

Anger suddenly appeared on Hua Bin’s face, and he said fiercely, “I am seeking revenge for myself and the chivalry of the Hua clan. Regardless of who wins or loses, who becomes the emperor, I want the people of the world to know that the Junyang Marquis is not a coward who fears death. Whatever I have promised, I will fulfill!”

“What did you promise?”

“I promised to clear the names of those heroes killed by the Martial Emperor.” Hua Bin clapped his hands three times, and three people walked in from outside, one of whom was Gui Yuehua, the Ghost Hand, with his right arm wrapped in a cloth bandage, with faint traces of blood seeping through.

“Keep your promise and tell me the truth, Your Majesty.”

Han Ruzi shook his head, “I’m sorry, but my promise to that person takes precedence, and I cannot reveal a single word. However, I can issue an imperial edict to clear the names of the heroes killed since the reign of the Martial Emperor.”

Han Ruzi did not know if the Emperor’s promise still held any value. He could only hope to hold out until dawn, hoping that the newly acquainted Captain of the Palace Gates would not let him down.

The “precedent” of officials being loyal to the Emperor became his only hope.

[1] The imperial doctors’ job is to serve the imperial family, not guards.

[2] This is a play on the words used for Marquis Junyang. The character Jun can also mean handsome, hence they are known as the Handsome Marquis.