Chapter 669-A New...........Mother?

Name:The Conquerors Path Author:
Chapter 669-A New...........Mother?

'Well, all things considered, this wasn't bad.' Follow the latest novels at

Thinking so, the complete restriction around me and the atmosphere quickly evaporated, I quickly found myself on the ground as Aria and Grace kept floating beside each other, side by side, both their expressions null and a bit void, yet a similar feeling of presence started to leak out from the two of them.

"Guess that's that," I spoke out loud, the story behind this being very simple yet in a way complex. The thing here is that my mother and Aria are actually the same person, or in this sense, you can say that Grace is a partial reincarnation of Aria's soul that was sent forth into the future from something that happened in the past.

Basically, both Aria and Grace are the same yet different, and if one were to look at it, Aria can also be said to be my mother. Just like in reality, she is also my mother, just like Grace, the theory here being the fact that in the past before Aria was fully encased in this ice that had sealed her fate, an extreme amount of desire to live a really happy life flashed within her heart.

A desire is so deep and inherent that for some reason, a controlled part of Aria's soul was broken off, taken into another cycle of rebirth where, years later, the replica of Aria, my mother, Grace, was born. The princess Grace went forth to live another life different from Aiura's, a life she had willed to live in the past.

'The so-called 11 heroes seem to be getting a lot of help here and there.'

And even above that, it's all coming forth to have me interact with a lot of the 9 heroes. I already dealt with Xavier, now I am steadily building a romantic relationship with Zelda, and right now, Aria, the one nicknamed as a powerful magic Empress, a human that can use magic like no other is my mother. In all, blood and soul, Aria can now be said to be my mother, making that, in a sense, a third mother into my life, and that's no joke at all.

'Why do I feel like this won't be the end of mommies for me?'

I thought inwardly, the thought itself going forth to bring chills down my spine, my eyes focusing on the two floating women. Zelda, wishing for a new life, somehow ended up reincarnating, Aria, wishing for a better family-like life, ended up with her having a full clone-like woman of hers, forming Grace and becoming my mother, Xavier finally got his wish of resting, and all three of it has every bit of connection to me.

Due to me, Zelda is finally getting the normal love life she wants, Grace got her perfect family-like life because of me, and Xavier got his rest because of me too, all of them being linked to me, their wishes being fulfilled somehow through me, and once again I feel the subtle pulls of someone's play taking place, and I ain't liking it one bit at all.

But I am sure of one thing, after these steps are over, Aria will never ever have any thoughts of harming my family, heck, I am very subtly sure of the good things she might even throw at us.

Though then came the question of why did I do all the things I did with Grace today, to go over to create such lust over Grace? The reason for that is simple, it was to bring out the latent traumas I knew that the true Aria had, the feeling of being lost and the feeling of not being the most important one of the day, finally pulling forth all the traumas that Aria tried to hide.

And that too was very important for me, because it was only with that did the true Aria finally broke through and gained control over her own body. But the moment she did, the connection I kept burst through fully forming the soul link in front of me, and make no mistake, this is not just for Aria, the thing I am doing is also very much helpful to my mother Grace.

I didn't put her through all this just to torture her and get the connection, this link in front of me isn't a one-way valve, it's a two-way connection, thus all the skills, talents, and abilities that Aria created through all her life will now flow directly into Grace, which would soon put my mother on that talent level same as Aria itself.

Of course, Grace won't be readily able to use it all, but with given time, the powers and talents will flow, and a unique path for Grace will open up, one that will shoot her to the top of the power level similar to the legendary heroes.

'I can't wait for it.'

A small smile lit on my face at that thought, though there would still exist the questions of how and why everything happened. I mean, none of the two women in front of me are idiots, Grace suddenly being fully filled with lust, the extreme reaction from Aria, the mood fluctuations, all of it will be very well questioned.

Not to mention that this entire place is empty when it should be bustling with people, these keen ladies will be able to smell the subtle plays of manipulation all around, and it should also be pointed out that I know Grace's behaviors and I should also have taken in doubt her sudden rise in 'heat' and dangerous actions she took, yet I went with the flow. Why?

All of these have questions and to answer those loopholes I already placed the needed information for it in those two's minds, a smirk lighting up my face, thinking of the reaction these two women would have when they woke up.

'Ah... guess it's time I take some rest.'

Thinking so, I lay on the ground looking deep into the sky.