Chapter 700 Chapter 699-Austin The Hero.

Name:The Conquerors Path Author:
700 Chapter 699-Austin The Hero.

'What is this?'

Angelina thought, her gaze being unable to be peeled away from the scene in front of her, the situation and emotions around fully embracing Angelina. She could feel the dignity within that situation as if the gods had come down upon them to take Austin as a hero, the whole situation around looking extremely confusing.

'What the hell is this?'

As she asked this to herself, the scene kept playing.


"What dangers are the world about to face?"

Austin asked with a narrowed gaze to which the voice started to speak.

"All the information will flow to your mind, right now all you have to do is to keep this to yourself. The forces of evil are always watching, if you don't want to have people around you hurt, keep this a secret, strive to make it all work till you have the strength to stand with the truth."

"I have to deal with it alone?"

"Yes," the voice replied solemnly. "You have been chosen, Austin. Chosen to bear the burden of knowledge, to protect the innocent, and to stand against the darkness that threatens to engulf the world. It is a heavy responsibility, one that few are worthy of shouldering."

Austin's expression hardened with determination as he absorbed the weight of the task before him. He knew that he couldn't falter now, not when so much depended on his strength and courage.

"I understand," he said firmly. "I will do whatever it takes to fulfill my duty and protect those I care about."

The voice seemed to nod in approval, its presence a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty that surrounded them.

"You are brave, Austin," it said softly. "But remember, bravery alone will not be enough to face the trials that lie ahead. You will need cunning, wisdom, and above all, the strength of your heart."

"It doesn't matter if I become a hero or not, all I want is to keep my family happy, for that I don't mind being a piece of forgotten history never told."

As he finished speaking, the light in the darkness shined brighter than ever, a pink-like divinity shining forth with such power that Angelina had to kneel and it didn't take a second more for Angelina to connect the dots of the power to its origin and such a female voice of power and pressure surged forth.

"Good, to you who has accepted the call, with a heart stronger than all and mind honed than many, I shall bless upon you the power of fate, and along with it the gazes of the Gods above, your journey shall be hard but the light that will flow it shall be brighter than any...."

"Go forth, Austin," it said, its voice echoing in the darkness. "And may the light guide your steps."

With those words ringing in his ears, Austin felt a surge of energy coursing through him, a sort of powerful blessing covering over him. He knew that he had been chosen for a purpose, and he would not rest until he had fulfilled it.

As he prepared to leave the dreamscape behind, Angelina watched in awe as the scene unfolded before her. She could sense the gravity of the situation, the weight of destiny pressing down upon Austin's shoulders.


"He's... he's going to be a hero," she whispered to herself, her heart filled with a mixture of fear and admiration.

But even as she watched, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of her mind. She knew that the path ahead would be dangerous, filled with challenges and sacrifices that Austin would have to face alone, and now right in front of Angelina began the show, the show of Austin's sacrifices and the things he had done for the world all truly hidden out there.

With bated breath, Angelina kept watching, the scenes of him waking up from his near-death, and the happiness of the family, while the information of the danger filled Austin's mind, Angelina seemingly not having any access to it, thus the story kept flowing, Austin planning, his might increasing and with a great wrecking pain leaving his family, for now, to embark on his journey for greatness.

Angelina kept watching, feeling the pain he had to go through, the pain of leaving his family behind, while the weight of responsibility weighed down on him but with gusto Austin took up the responsibility and went into action, his will not bending and thus the story began once again.

Each of the journeys begins with Austin trying to increase his strength, he traveling forth into dangerous areas, battling beasts and nearly dying to get stronger, he uses his own bloodline call to get stronger, to use more power to battle the corruption energy growing whole throughout the world and within it Angelina got to see how he met his so-called friends, saving them from despair, bringing out their talents to make them who they are.

Which once again started to show why and how loyalty lay in the hands of Austin but that wasn't the end, it wasn't all beautiful for Austin, the pressure of the situation started to get heavier and heavier upon Austin, and he couldn't speak upon the truth to anyone, he had to bear the burden and thus Angelina kept watching, Austin seemingly moving with known knowledge to certain areas coming upon small openings of the corruption portal.

The scene made Angelina suck deep breaths in as chills filled all over her body, the scene only continues to go forth with pressure as Austin uses his unique blessing to try to close it, all the corruption not being anything against him but even so he bleeds for it, Angelina kept seeing the scene of Austin bleeding and hurting himself to get everything done, the lonely sight of him with his own responsibility being like heavy weights pressing more and more on him.

The scenes only going forth to make Angelina's heart wrench in pain along with Austin, the inclusion now fully present within her mind as she kept seeing Austin helping others, saving the world, all under the darkness while he got the scars of all his actions on himself, it being a repetitive lonely walk, until he met a girl.