Chapter 366

‘Isn’t it a thoughtful gift though?’

Choi Yeonseung thought that it wasn’t bad for him to have a power that allowed him to recycle other powers. After all, he accumulated a lot of useless powers because he was disguised as a human.

[Blood Madness]

[Rank: B

Triggers your blood and causes you to enter a berserk state. You will lose your sanity but your combat power will increase drastically.]

[Red Hallucination]

[Rank: B-

It releases red hallucinations in the name of the Expert of Twisted Hallucinations.]

-It’s typical trash.

-Yeah, it’s awful.

The power he received, or rather, took away from the Warrior Stained with Madness and Blood wasn’t very good. Of course, going berserk had its merits in terms of combat, but it was at odds with Choi Yeonseung’s style.

The same was true of Red Hallucinations. What was the point of releasing hallucinations?

‘I’d rather take the opportunity to gain new ones.’

Choi Yeonseung could come up with generic martial arts in his sleep, but it took a lot of time to get a special martial art. Even so, he wouldn’t have any use for skills like Red Hallucinations.

-I will have to replace Explosions that Tears Through Space as well. Dignity of Light isn’t bad though.

Dignity of Light, a skill Choi Yeonseung had received from the Arrogant Light Elf, was actually quite useful. The more he maintained his beauty and dignity, the stronger the power of the light became. Furthermore, it synergized well with martial arts because the light attribute empowered each attack.

-I think it’s better to leave that one alone.

-Is that so? I guess I’ll have to get rid of the rest.

[’Arrangement of Chaos’ has been used.]

[Please offer up the powers!]

Choi Yeonseung decided to offer Blood Madness first.

[The more powers you offer, the greater the power you will receive.]

[You can offer more powers.]


Choi Yeonseung was surprised. Did this mean that...?

‘I can combine them into one?’

If that was really the case, it changed everything.

‘I can also offer Red Hallucinations and Explosions that Tears Through Space.’

Choi Yeonseung offered up all the powers he had no use for. After all, having one useful power was better than having ten useless ones.

‘There will be a lot of fighting ahead. The more powers there are, the better. I won’t always have the same luck as last time.’

Last time Choi Yeonseung was lucky enough that the fight against the explosion constellation was one-on-one inside an isolated building, so nobody could see him use his constellation powers. However, next time he might not be so lucky, so he had to upgrade his abilities so he could win without having to resort to his constellation powers.

[The powers have been offered.]

[Chaos finds a new power.]

[You have acquired ‘Joy and Happiness Aplenty’.]

[’Arrangement of Chaos’ can’t be used for a while.]

‘...Huh? A martial art?’

Choi Yeonseung was a bit taken aback.

‘A martial art... I really don’t need it unless it’s like the Star Absorption Method.’

Choi Yeonseung could develop martial arts over time if he had the time and the power of existence necessary, so this new power was a bit disappointing on that note, but...

[Joy and Happiness Aplenty]

[Rank: S]

‘But it might be better since it is an S-rank skill, and if anything, I can teach it to other people, since it’s a martial art technique.’

Even if Choi Yeonseung looked only for martial arts skills, it would be difficult for him to find one that was S-rank.

The more unique its effect, the more valuable the skill became. In addition, Choi Yeonseung was a top-tier martial artist, so he would quickly get used to this new power.

[Joy and Happiness Aplenty]

[Rank: S

Seduce the opponent with sexual energy.]


[The ‘Goddess of Balance Who Walks Ahead’ glares.]

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ covers its mouth.]

The moment it seemed like Choi Yeonseung had used the power, the Wandering Merchant Who Sells Destiny spoke again in an excited voice.

[The ‘Wandering Merchant Who Sells Destiny' says excitedly, “Hehe, isn’t this a great power?” He recommends that you purchase a new box.]

-Nah, I’m going to save soul stones for a while.

[The ‘Wandering Merchant Who Sells Destiny’ collapses from shock!]


[With the tremendous development of high-tech materials, will there be another technological war?]

[The high-tech material companies, Peleza, Raiden, and Klein, have a strategic alliance. Experts hint at a possible merger...]

[The stock prices of the three high-tech material companies have skyrocketed!]

“Big news! Big news!”

“Isn’t this crazy?”

Those who hadn’t known about this were shocked by this news.

Peleza, Raiden Holdings, and Klein were all well-known companies in the advanced materials industry. They were all from different countries and were fierce rivals, and yet they united all of a sudden.

-Are they saying they want to kill all competition and monopolize the market?

-How did they come together? It shouldn’t be possible no matter how much money is poured in.

-Should I buy Peleza stocks now? It’s not too late to buy some, right? Please tell me I can still buy them!

-You need to buy their stocks right away! It’s a guaranteed way to get rich!

-If these powerful companies unite, it’s guaranteed that they’ll rule the market.

-You trash who undermine the market order! Why isn’t the US government arresting these bastards?

-Hah, so I take it you own stocks of their competitors?

-Hey, this isn’t a laughing matter! If they monopolize this, it will affect other places as well.

Just as a butterfly flapped its wings in Brazil and caused a hurricane in the United States, modern industries were closely related to each other.

If a super giant company monopolized the industry of high-tech materials, the price that this company charged would become the norm for other industries as well. In the worst-case scenario, the company might refuse to sell the products altogether, no matter how much money people offered.

High-tech materials were used not only for hunters’ armor, but also for construction materials, the alloy for cars, and various military purposes.

-...W-wait. I’m a hunter from the Six-Eyed Turtle clan. Even if they monopolize the industry, they’ll still produce defensive gear for hunters, right?

-Who knows?

-Hey, hurry up and buy armor for the clan. If we wait, there might only be trash armor left.

-Shouldn’t we sign a new contract? They’ll certainly sell the materials if the price is right.

-That’s true... But isn’t Raiden Holdings part of the alliance? They don’t like Korean clans, so we might be screwed.

-W-would they actually refuse to sell the materials even if we give them a lot of money?

-We can give money, but at the end of the day, it’s up to the seller. In any case, you’re a hunter, so you should be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

At the top floor of Dragon Industry, Choi Yeonseung was greeting Monali, the CEO of Dragon Solutions, who had come in a hurry.

“It’s my fault. I can’t believe I didn’t notice this when it was happening!

“That’s right. It’s your fault.”


Choi Yeonseung and Monali looked at Ducoms, who was also sitting there. He was the CEO of Dragon Battery. He had made an appointment, so Choi Yeonseung had naturally let him in. However, on second thoughts, Ducoms had no reason to be here.

“There are no problems with Dragon Battery, are there? Why did you come here?”

Ducoms answered confidently, “I wanted to see Monali Gupta humiliated.”

“...Hey, take him out.”

Guards immediately dragged Ducoms out.

Choi Yeonseung turned back to Monali and asked, “So how bad is it right now?”

“All the companies in this market currently have great weapons.”

Each company that had survived in this fiercely competitive market for high-tech materials had at least one main weapon. They had developed materials resistant to fire, water, mental magic, etc.

“They’re about to announce that all three companies will join forces and produce new materials together and put them on the market. The production line is ready, so it’s likely they’ll take over the market share right away...” Monali reported dejectedly. He couldn’t believe that this had been happening right under his nose.

“I see.”


Monali was a bit flustered by Choi Yeonseung’s surprisingly calm reaction. Hadn’t Monali told him all the bad news?

“It’s quiet for now, but once they announce concrete specs, there’s a possibility that everyone, from clans to companies, will move over to that side...”

“I know, but can’t we just make a new material ourselves and fight back?”
