Ji Xinxin Leng Leng, slightly Cu Cu frown, "how to return a responsibility?"

Referring to this, Ling chuxia is also full of depression. She sighs and answers softly. Ji Xinxin listens. First she stares, then she can't help laughing. Then she doesn't forget to say, "so, you've been a thief these days and nights?"


Ling chuxia was depressed to death because of this, but Ji Xinxin was still gloating. Ling chuxia couldn't help but stare at her and gritted her teeth angrily: "Ji Xinxin!"

Ji Xinxin was not afraid of her, and said, "what's the use of following me horizontally? If you have the ability, go and cross with your young master."

Ling chuxia held that breath, heard this, suddenly shriveled, if she can and when Che Heng, where does she need to tangle here?

"Forget it. You're just a hopeless person." Ji Xinxin glanced at her scornfully, looked back at her casually, looked at the box, sat on the sofa when Che one eye, the corner of the lip hook, "don't worry, tonight I help you, when Che drunk, you think of a way to sleep him, wait for him to sleep, you get up to steal, if you are afraid of a long night dream, I'll help you to make an appointment for a doctor later, and you'll send it to you the first time."

Ling chuxia is show eyebrow twist, although she did not drink with the time Che bar, but also know when Che's alcohol is excellent, Ji Xinxin said to intoxicate him, is it possible?

"Young master's drinking capacity..." Ling chuxia's words hesitated, "I'm afraid you may not be comparable to him."

Ling chuxia's words, Ji Xinxin is not willing to listen to her, she hums a smile, raised her head high, "what do you say, you just long others' ambition, destroy your own people's breeze, do you think that my mother in the entertainment industry these years, is to eat dry rice?"

If you want to mix in the entertainment industry, especially in her position, which is not a thousand cups will not pour, ten thousand cups will not be drunk?

Ling chuxia seems to have some worries, Ji Xinxin directly patted her on the shoulder, "you can make it for me. If you can't pour down shiche tonight, I won't let him go home!"

Ji Xinxin said so, Ling chuxia didn't know what to say. He looked at her and whispered, "thank you."

Ji Xinxin white her one eye, ignore her. After all, with their relationship, it's too vulgar to say thank you.

Ling chuxia calmed down, and then she remembered something. Suddenly, her sight fell back to Ji Xinxin. She squinted slightly. "Xinxin, you will be here tonight. Is it Mr. Shen who brought you here?"

Ji Xinxin is not affectation, directly nodded.

Ling chuxia's eyes suddenly became dignified. "So, the object of your last blind date was Shen Qian?"

"Well." Ji Xinxin shook her glass lazily and sipped it.

Ling chuxia's face was wrinkled. She had known Shen Qian since she was a child. She knows Shen Qian best. She looks at Ji Xinxin, thinks about it, and says, "Xinxin Shen Qian He, he is not bad, just... "

Her words have not finished, Ji Xinxin has been casually accepted in the past, "it's just very flowery, girlfriends go around, play - women are like housewives?"

Ling chuxia's words were blocked by Ji Xinxin's words. Her eyes opened and she didn't speak. Ji Xinxin, however, laughed and shrugged, "it doesn't matter."

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