The Correct Way Of Feeding The Sick And Delicate Villain Chapter 53

Get Over Here (1)

Ding Yi almost fainted from fright!

But her strong survival instincts told her that it was not the time to go out of commission! Don’t talk, just run!!

Ding Yi turned around to run, but as she turned around her arm was grabbed.

She couldn’t move, and a shiver ran up her spine. Her back was frozen stiff and she was too afraid to turn around.

Oh no, is there anyone who can save me? This, this was the Boss Mu from the original work, a being a pure evil!!

This Mu Yueshi radiated a malign aura, his eyes were cold and unfeeling, and his vicious expression white due to his injuries. He seemed absentminded as he stared at the hand he was holding.

He seemed to be trying to discern something, and after a long pause, asked: “…Ding Yi?”

Ding Yi wanted to cry!

No, I’m not, let go.

Mu Yueshi still seemed unsure, he stared at Ding Yi’s back in a daze, scrunching up his brows.

Ding Yi’s heart almost leapt out of her chest, she thought of all the ways she could possibly die and cold sweat pooled in her palms.

She was at a loss on how to react, but she eventually heard Mu Yueshi say with a low voice: “An illusion huh.”

Yeah, that's right, it’s an illusion!

Illusions are fake, so why should she be afraid of an illusion! As soon as she realized this, Ding Yi was suddenly filled with courage. She turned around and said:

“Then why don’t you let go?”

Ding Yi didn’t know if it was because she had replied or something else, but Mu Yueshi’s face was filled with surprise.

But he didn’t let go.

Mu Yueshi lowered his eyes, and his eyes turned sharp: “You aren’t Ding Yi.” And this wasn’t an illusion.

Ding Yi's legs almost gave out from his sudden words. Why, why could you even tell?!

She wanted to get away from the demon, but she couldn’t. His grip was deathly tight, and she couldn’t pull her hand away.

Mu Yueshi’s brows were tightly knit, the dark rune on his forehead emitting murderous intent. “Who are you?”

This woman seemed extremely abnormal to him.

Ding Yi felt like her pants were on fire at this point, but if she panicked it would be over. She could only pretend to be calm, and steeled her resolve: “I am Ding Yi.”

Her face was undeniably Ding Yi’s.

“Is that so?” Mu Yueshi didn’t release his grip, his dark gaze stared at the veins on her hand, and his lips formed into a chilly smile, “but you’ve already died.”

That’s right.

Ding Yi had been executed, on his orders.

This woman, who carried the same face, wasn’t a spirit, or a doll. She was a person, a real live person.

His eyes were cold, and even showed a hint of murderous intent. So… who was the one that sent this woman to die?

The world seemed to flip over, Ding Yi’s eyes could only catch the flapping canopy as she was pressed onto the bed. There was a sharp pain in her back, probably bruised from the excessive force. It hurts!

She opened her eyes to see Mu Yueshi’s arms pressed to her side. He looked at her from above, his gaze like cold daggers.

The subtly intimate position utterly stupefied Ding Yi. W-wow, exciting… but also embarrassing!

Mu Yueshi’s handsome face was locked into a false smile, and she heard him say darkly whisper: “Who was it this time? Wuji* Palace? Or Tiandao* Sect?”

*(Chaos and heavenly way respectively)

“No, I-I…” Ding Yi’s tongue twisted due to her nervousness.

Mu Yueshi didn’t wait for her to speak.

He slowly raised his hand, and his white, cold hands gently caressed Ding Yi’s face, his smile was sultry as he seemed to speak to himself: “It’s probably Wuji palace, maybe I should send them a lantern made from human skin?”

Human skin! Lantern!

Ding Yi’s hopes went cold as she looked in shock at the gently smiling Mu-the real savage demon-Yueshi. This was a real evil psychopath!

If he wanted to flay someone, he would do it!

She struggled madly as she twisted her face away from his hands, shakily screaming: “I’m not! I’m the real Ding Yi!! This is an illusion don’t you know!”

Ding Yi had a strange premonition that this subspace was the world of the original work, and this Mu Yueshi was a true devil who would peel her skin from her bones!

Mu Yueshi was about to realize his words when the crazy woman started kicking, biting, and screaming. Before he could get the skin he wanted, he had already suffered a gouged chin, with blood slowly dripping out from the thin wound.

As he started bleeding, Mu Yueshi’s gaze turned even more vicious, his violent emotions exploded, and he raised a hand to take Ding Yi’s life, but was stopped by his own condition. His chaotic internal circulation interfered with his mind, and he tasted metal in his mouth, only just barely holding back from coughing up blood.

Ding Yi felt that his grip had weakened, and so she took the opportunity to shake off his hand, and dashed off the bed!

But there was no way Mu Yueshi would let her go so easily.

When she was only a few steps away from the doorway, he waved his hands, and the door was instantly sealed shut!

Ding Yi couldn’t believe her terrible luck, and she did not give up pulling and scratching at the door, but the door did not respond to her actions and remained shut.

She felt like crying. Oh no, I’m going to lose my skin!!

Mu Yueshi’s face at this time was pale white, and his eyes were blood red. His black clothes spoke of murder, causing his entire being to seem eerie and terrible.

His breath was ragged, and he spoke in a low, menacing tone: “Get over here!”

Ding Yi unconsciously backed up, and refused with her life on the line: “No!”

Stop dreaming, I won’t go over there even if it kills me!