Iprus placed her hand on her chest and gently closed her eyes.

“Imprint. It’s romantic. At least, there’ll never be cheating. Even if the whole world turns into your enemy, there is at least one on your side.”

Then she raised her eyelids again and stared at me directly.

“But, I think Sir Suradel will only look at you for the rest of his life even without an imprint.”

—After all, Sir Theodore was forced to fall in love with Lady Lia because of the imprint, right?

Iprus, who softly added, smiled.

What she said made me think a lot.

In the first place, I had no intention of accepting Theodore’s heart.

That’s why I avoided the imprint as much as possible.

It was a joke of fate or something, but I ended up imprinted on.

I didn’t think that’s Theodore’s true feelings.

It didn’t feel very good to see someone who had no affection or interest in me dry out because of a single imprint.

Actually, there was something I thought about after being turned away by my dad a while ago.

—I couldn’t live forever in my dad’s arms.

After solving the plague problem that affected only pure-blooded people, I would have to think about my life.

I couldn’t be living in the Weil family for the rest of my life, so I would have to get a job or something.

The problem with Suradel, which I had been putting off with the excuse of being busy…

In the end, I had to face it.

Whether it’s Suradel’s true identity or my feelings for him.


After returning to the center, I decided to take a break from learning animalization and humanization with Suradel.

It came from the thought that now that Bella knew who I was, there was no need to hurry.

So, I decided to be diligent and leave the Weil mansion in the morning with the siblings.

I was thinking of going to Jack and asking where Anemone and the raccoon demibeast, Nikita, live.


‘What is this man doing here? Is he not aware of that?’

But I crossed paths with a man with black hair and red eyes. It was Theodore.

“What are you…? Why are you following me?”

“I came to ask you out on a date.”


It sounded like he was asking for a duel.


I glanced at the sky and commented.

“It’s like a situation where the rain starts pouring down as soon as you do laundry.”

Then Theodore, not understanding the meaning, narrowed his eyes.


Iprus, who decided to support Suradel yesterday, interpreted my words as if to be helpful.

“It means that the timing of your visit is not good.”

“Ah… Sorry. I wanted to see your face as soon as possible.”

Seeing how Theodore was not yielding to the interpretation, I spat out harsh words.

“You’re like a mosquito that crawls out whenever I turn off the light!”

“It means it’s so annoying that one could die.”

“Like a crab shell stuck between the teeth!”

“It means something like the previous.”

Then Theodore replied with a strange expression.

“…I know that even if you don’t translate it.”

Theodore glanced at Iprus, then let out a small sigh.

“I heard that this maid is a yellow cow, and the escort next to her is a black bull, right?”

It appeared that he had been collecting information on me. I frowned and replied.

“Why do you ask such a thing?”

“Which one does a better job?”


I sighed briefly at Theodore’s question.

It was because Iprus and Hanu’s eyes burned when they heard those words.

It was an excellent topic to divert attention from oneself to another place.

The siblings glared at each other fiercely and began to combatively assert that they were doing a better job.

“Lady Lia, of course it is me, right? I’m the only one who shared a deep secret with you.”

“I won’t say much. I went through life and death with you several times. Just by this, it’s clear who worked harder.”


Bloody sparks flew from their eyes.

Flustered, I scratched my cheek.

To be honest, the fields in which the two assisted in were too different to say that one was better at their work.

‘Besides, both are precious to me…’

Of course, that didn’t mean I didn’t know the answer.

I approached Theodore and whispered in his ear so Iprus and Hanu could not hear.

“I’m the best.”

My breath must have tickled him for he had a momentary sharp intake of breath.

It wasn’t until I got away from him that he barely moved his rigid body.

“…Right. But why did you have to whisper in my ear?”


It was a simple matter.

I answered, rolling the corners of my mouth up like a devil.

“To make Iprus and Sir Hanu curious.”

Then the siblings raised their eyes at the same time and shouted as if it was too much.


“Lady Lia!”


I let out a mean, villain-like laugh.

“It’s a sin for you to dare to ask me something like ‘Do you like mom or dad?’!”


“Thug penguin…”

I left them both in despair and glanced back at Theodore.

Since I found the racoon demibeast who could make a cure for the plague, there was no need to be in a hurry to get close to Anemone.

The reason I tried to get close to Anemone was because she might be of help when making the cure.

I nodded, an indication to Theodore to follow me. 

“You, I want to talk.”


After entering a nearby high-end cafe, I grabbed a private room and entered with Theodore.

I was thinking of having a one-on-one conversation without anyone interfering.

I lightly quenched my thirst with the tea I ordered and said.

“I will ask you directly. The imprint, is there any way to remove it?”

“It does not exist. Once imprinted, it has to be carried for the rest of your life.”

It seemed so. I was just asking just in case.

I rested my chin on my hands and asked the next question with a serious expression.

“Do you love me?”


Theodore managed to look somewhere other than me and spurted tea.

His face was a little flushed, not as unresponsive as usual.

“That question…”

I tilted my head.

“So, no?”

“I, you…”

He stared at me with shaking eyes like he was confused about how to express his feelings.

Then, slowly, gradually, eventually. He uttered.

“I think… I love you.”


When I put on a disapproving look, Theodore quietly continued.

“Every time I smell your scent, my mind goes crazy, and whenever my eyes contain you, my heart beats, and indescribable ecstatic emotions dominate me. If this is not love, what is?”

… It sounds like a drug.

From his explanation, I recognized that the situation was more serious than I thought.

“Theodore, aren’t you offended by that feeling?”

I couldn’t understand why he was so quick to accept the fact that he had imprinted on me.

I fumbled and recalled the original, which I couldn’t remember well anymore.

I think… In the original work, there was friction with Anemone initially because of the unfamiliar emotions and a sense of distance.

A smirk formed on Theodore’s face.

“Do you know how I felt when I found out that I imprinted on you?”

“…How was it?”

“I felt like I came back alive from hell.”

“Eh? Hell?”

When I responded as if I didn’t know why, he answered, intentionally avoiding my gaze.

“…Anyway, you don’t need to know the details. The important thing is that I consider imprinting on you a great blessing.”

I didn’t know why he was so positive about imprinting.


Theodore seemed to hesitate for a moment as to whether he should say it or not, but then decided to do so.

“Lia, he has no interest in human women.”

I replied with a critical eye.

“No matter how much you like me, don’t lie.”

‘Why are you telling such an obvious lie?’

‘Suradel obviously likes me, what disinterest…’

“No, that’s for sure. You may not believe it, but he is a terrible penguin fanatic.”


“When the penguin of Lord Reynos of the Magic Tower went missing, I asked Suradel if he could just bring another penguin.”

With absolute seriousness, Theodore told me what had happened that day.

“He was genuinely angry. He was smiling, but he was about to kill me.”

“Hey, Theodore…”

“And Suradel said with a nuance that if the penguin died, he would die as well.”

That, I think that’s me.

‘You’re only confirming Suradel’s sincerity to me right now.’

‘You idiot…’

With blurry eyes, I called him.


“Will you call me by a nickname like Suradel?”

He was even asking me for a nickname.

It took several years for Suradel to hear one.

Of course, during then, I was a penguin, so it was almost impossible since I couldn’t speak human language, but anyway.

“Yes, Theodore.”






“…Yes, do as you please.”

I backed down and put my face on the cafe table.

‘I’m tired.’

Gradually, I began to compare him to Suradel, who, unlike my fierceness and feisty behavior, I was at ease with.

I had a strong desire to go back to being a penguin and lie down in the nest of stones to heal.

Did I ever say it’s a penguin’s heaven?

I quite liked the time when I was just a penguin, there was no need to worry about this or that.

“Wueeeeng. (I want to give everything up.)”


At the unfamiliar yet familiar sound of crying, I returned to my senses.

All I could see were flat wings with black… 

Theodore staring blankly at me with his mouth open.


“…Weng!!! (Why!!!)”