Chapter 214: Doctor Su

Name:The Creatures That We Are Author:
Chapter 214: Doctor Su

Gao Yang played it by ear and said, “Yeah, I’m your 11:30.”

The short-haired woman looked down at the appointment list for the day before looking up at Gao Yang. “It’s Mr. Qi Ying, isn’t it?”

Qi Ying?

Oh right. I’ll give the double entendre a ten out of ten.[1]

Gao Yang gave her a smile. “Yeah, I’m here for a therapy session.”

“You’re younger than I expected.” The woman returned the smile with an unreadable look in her eyes. He wasn’t sure if it was concern or sympathy.

Well, it is pretty sad for someone my age to need therapy.

“Please wait here for a moment. Doctor Su is still with a patient.”


Gao Yang sat down on the sofa. The woman poured him a glass of water.

Having a sip, Gao Yang quietly scanned the room. Hung on the light blue walls were childish drawings done with crayons. One was of an old witch straight out of a fairytale, and another a pig in a spacesuit landing on Mars.

The short-haired woman had returned to the front desk and was now sending messages on WeChat with her head lowered. Judging by her typing speed, she must be chatting with many people.

Gao Yang’s mind strayed for a moment.


The door leading to the inner room opened.

Gao Yang looked up to see a middle-aged woman emerge. Her burgundy hair was permed into curls. Her outfit looked as expensive as it was refined. And her skin was well taken care of. She was clearly a rich woman who had led a life of abundance.

“Thank you, Doctor Su. Talking to you always puts me at ease...”

Her tone was grateful with a tinge of adoration. “If not for you, I would’ve lost my will to live and followed my son to the other world...”

“Fate is fickle. It’s important to accept things as they are.”

Out walked a middle-aged man in a long white coat, wearing a pair of glasses. Although he wasn’t particularly handsome, he stood out with the air of gentleness and grace around him, and his intelligence showed in the way he held himself.

He was holding a black, finely crafted walking stick in his left hand, and his body leaned slightly toward it. It seemed that his left leg had been injured and crippled.

“Let bygone be bygone, and pursue not an elusive future. Live in the moment and feel it empower you. Don’t allow sorrow to trap you.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Doctor Su smiled before adding, “And remember to take your medicine.”

“Okay. See you, Doctor Su.”

“Until next time.”

The rich-looking woman turned to leave. With the support of the walking stick, Doctor Su saw the woman off. The wind chimes gently sang.

After a moment, he turned to the sofa where Gao Yang was sitting. “You must be Mr. Qi Ying.”

“That’s me.” Gao Yang stood up. “Hello, Doctor Su. I’m here for my appointment.”

Gao Yang nodded, thinking back to Xiran, the innocent, shy young man, and the fourth team members he hadn’t gotten the chance to know well. His mood took a downturn.

People couldn’t help but develop attachment to those they had spent time with. Any form of bond was precious in the Mist World, yet so very dangerous and terrifying.

“I talked to Black Tortoise. From today onward, Nine Frost will be a member of the fifth team. And the team is promoted to a special task force under the command of Black Tortoise. Should you encounter any special circumstances, you are allowed to take action at your own discretion and even report directly to me.”

“Moreover, you are now an Elder-candidate. Nine Frost will remain as a Protector, and Gray Bear is promoted to Protector. The others are promoted to Elites. All with the corresponding benefits and authorities.”

“Understood.” Gao Yang slightly lowered his head and didn’t meet Qilin’s gaze.

On one hand, it was a show of deference. On the other hand, he was worried that the man might notice his guilty conscience.

After all, Gao Yang was a spy planted by the Twelve Zodiac Signs—well, not exactly a spy, but an informant, at the very least.

“You may also make a request as your reward,” Qilin added. “Of course, it has to be within my ability.”

“I’m satisfied with the promotion and the raise. I don’t have any other request.” Gao Yang conceded without meaning it.

Qilin smiled faintly. “I’ll take that as you being humble, but there should be a limit to that.”

“Then I’ll be frank.” Gao Yang had been waiting for him to say that. “I do have a wish, but I’m afraid Guildmaster may not grant it.”

“I’ll hear you out.”

Gao Yang calmed himself and said the line he had planned to say, “I would like to have a look at the Miracle Rune Circuit.”

Qilin’s lips were still curved, and his eyes calm with a bemused glint.

“If I remember right, you don’t have a Miracle-type Talent.”

At first, Gao Yang had thought Lucky was a terrible Talent that wasn’t worth talking about, but soon, he realized how unusual it was. Lucky was his greatest trump card. He hadn’t told anyone about it, not even Qing Ling or Officer Huang. Of course Qilin wouldn’t know either.

Gao Yang mixed truths with lies. “That’s right. I don’t have a Miracle-type Talent, but I know that the Miracle Rune Circuit was the first Rune Circuit ever found, and it was found by you, sir. I’ve been curious about it.”

Qilin nodded for Gao Yang to continue.

“I joined the Qilin Guild because I wanted to be stronger, but also because I believe the Guild is leading the way in exploring the Mist World, more so than any other organization. And I am really, really, really interested in the truth of the world.”

Gao Yang emphasized his point.

Qilin leaned into the sofa and smiled again. “You didn’t lie about that. I can sense your eagerness.”

Gao Yang was being truthful about his feelings, but he was lying by omission.

“You’re never meant to stay in a small pond, Seven Shadow.”

“It is true that I never want to die in the pond, ignorant of the truth.”

After a few seconds of silence, Qilin slightly leaned in. “Alright. I’ll grant you the wish.”

“Oh?” Gao Yang hid his surprise. It worked? So easily?!

Qilin chuckled. “You have made a S-class contribution by bringing us two Rune Circuits, and you only ask to have a look at the Miracle Rune Circuit. If I don’t even grant you the simple wish, how am I going to lead the Guild going forward?”

Gao Yang almost couldn’t control his excitement. It was all he could do to maintain his poker face.

“Thank you for your generosity, Guildmaster,” Gao Yang said in a composed tone. “I’ll leave you to decide the time and place for it.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Qilin sounded casual. “I can show it to you right now.”

1. Seven Shadow is also qi-ying in Mandarin, only in different tones. ?