Chapter 495: Wish

Name:The Creatures That We Are Author:
Chapter 495: Wish

The tour guide was good at her job. It was clear that this was far from her first tour. Walking up to the shrine, she clapped her hands a few times before holding them over her head, bowing slightly and making a wish with her eyes closed.

Then she reached out to pull the thick hemp rope hanging from the beam with her right hand. A clear, lilting sound came from the bell on top.

“After making a wish, pull the rope, and that’ll be the end of the whole process. If your wish does come true, remember to pay it back.”

The other two couples started doing the same without wait. Gao Yang and Qing Ling followed suit, too.

Gao Yang didn’t believe in such things, but he was here as a tourist, and he had to play the part. Thus, he pretended to be praying, when in truth he wasn’t thinking about anything.

About ten seconds later, he opened his eyes to see Qing Ling’s hands still pressed together, her eyes closed, like she was actually making a wish.

A stream of clear sunlight lit her from above, shining on her thick dark lashes. She blinked, and her lashes fluttered, the splattering of light dancing.

Breeze swept across the mountain and rustled her bang. At that moment, she looked gentle and sentimental in a youthful way.

After making a wish, she tugged at the hemp rope by her side.


Only after that did she realize that Gao Yang was glancing sideways at her. She hurriedly averted her eyes.

“Little Qing Ling?” Gao Yang noticed the shift.

“Ahem.” Little Qing Ling fake coughed and explained, “Sister thinks it’s a bother, so she had me deal with the situation.”

That was what Qing Ling would do.

Gao Yang asked casually, “Have you made a wish?”

“We’re here already. Might as well.” Qing Ling shrugged and spoke the doctrine of everyone back home.

“What wish did you make?”

Little Qing Ling glared at him. “Why are you getting nosier and nosier?”

Gao Yang smiled awkwardly at the jab. Just when he was going to say something, his face darkened.

He had a strong feeling that someone was staring at him, and it was someone powerful.

He whirled around. There was no one and nothing behind him save for the old pine tree covered in ribbons for good wishes, the branches and ribbons swaying in the wind.

That made Gao Yang think. It was clear that Qilin had reached an agreement with Surnamed Li.

Gao Yang still didn’t understand why Qilin wouldn’t send help.

“What the hell?! Are you just gonna let us die?” Officer Huang was furious. “We’re very likely facing...” He managed to swallow the word “life monsters”.

“I’m sorry. I have to follow orders.” Chen Ying sounded guilty.

Officer Huang stopped wasting his breath and hung up. Disappointed, he said, “Turns out no one can be depended on when it matters. We only have ourselves.”

“Gao Yang.”

Qing Ling’s voice came from the other side of the screen.


Gao Yang was a little embarrassed. They were all naked in the same hot spring.

“Come over for a sec.”

“Huh?” Gao Yang thought he had heard wrong. “Now?”

“Yes, come here.” Qing Ling wasn’t in the mood to joke.

“That’s...inappropriate, right?”

“There’s no one else here but me.”

Wait, that’s not the point! You’re missing the point!

“Ahem.” Officer Huang tugged at his lips resignedly. “Although this really isn’t the right time, you and Qing Ling are young. It’s a rare chance and a rare occasion for you to have some fun. Don’t mind me.”

“And me.” Heavenly Dog rested his hands on the side of the hot spring, a wet towel placed on his face.

“No! We aren’t having fun. And I’m not in the mood—no, that’s not right! We aren’t a thing...”

“Hurry!” Qing Ling was getting inpatient. “It’s business.”

“Alright.” Gao Yang took a deep breath and teleported through the screen, getting into the women’s hot spring. Since he had teleported over while bending low, he reached the other side with the water submerging him from chest down. With an added person suddenly showing up, though, Qing Ling still got splashed in the face.

She was submerged in the hot spring to her collarbones, her hair tied up and her expression cool. Faint red dusted her fair skin due to the heat of the hot spring. Her neck was covered in sweat with a few black strands of hair sticking to it.

She stared at Gao Yang seriously. It seemed that she had something to say.