Chapter 582: Don’t Ever Talk About It Again

Name:The Creatures That We Are Author:
Chapter 582: Don’t Ever Talk About It Again

Rain River didn’t think there was anything wrong with the topic. She put down her teacup and chimed in openly, “Ever since his brother passed away, he treated us even better, taking us out for food and buying us gifts every once in a while.”

Gao Yang didn’t know what to say. He was there when Green Tea’s brother died. He was involved in it, in fact.

“Everyone needs something to hang on.” Sister Ling sighed. “Team Leader lost his family, and now we’re his.”

“Stop, stop! Can’t we talk about something more fun when we’re hanging out?” Old Seven hollered.

First Firelord said, “Yeah, it’s better to talk about where we should go and have fun after the meal!”

“You’re right.”


Soon, Green Tea returned with glasses of different colors. As soon as he sat down, he heard Citrus suggest, “Hey, there are nine of us tonight. Why don’t we have a game of Werewolf?”

Green Tea shot Citrus a glare.

Citrus jumped, unsure what she had said wrong.

“Citrus,” Green Tea said coolly and slammed the avocado milk tea on the table before her. “Good idea. Don’t ever talk about it again.”

“But Werewolf is fun.” Citrus wasn’t going to just accept it. She turned to Gao Yang, looking for support. “Brother Yang, you...”

She jumped. What’s going on?! Why does Elder Seven Shadow’s gaze look even more terrifying? What have I said wrong?

“Let’s go singing.” Rain River knew a little about what had happened, and she proposed a safe alternative.

“Sure.” Wang Zikai was the first to agree. He had practiced a few more songs at home recently, and this would be the perfect chance to show it.

None came up with better ideas, and the decision was made.


After dinner, they went to a karaoke.

To Gao Yang’s surprise, everyone was quite a good singer.

Some of them were probably born with the talent, while others had become better at it after awakening with the added Charisma, like Gao Yang.

Wang Zikai and First Firelord sang powerfully, and they always picked grand, epic songs with heated, hyper emotions. It felt like they were going to march onto a battlefield to shed blood after every song.

—Activate Lie Detection.

The target didn’t lie, and he was benevolent.

Gao Yang said coolly, “Ask. I know Green Snake quite well. I’ll try my best to answer your questions.”

“Okay, thanks.” Green Tea licked his lips. “First, do her two personalities know of each other’s existence?”

“Yes, for Green Snake.”

Green Tea nodded. “Then can the two personalities share information?”

“To my knowledge, they can’t share information in real time.” Gao Yang thought back to it. “They can’t show up at the same time, and what one experience is her experience alone, but the information can be communicated to the other personality.”

“Green Snake’s two personalities work well together and communicate efficiently. As long as it’s not something too complicated, the communication can be done in seconds, or even in the blink of an eye.”

So Little Qing Ling sometimes showed up without warning.

That, Gao Yang didn’t say.

“I get it now.” Green Tea tried his best to understand it. “So no matter how well the two personalities work together, they still need to communicate with each other rather than simply sharing experiences.”

“That’s the case for Green Snake,” Gao Yang said with qualifications.

“Then,” Green Tea thought for a moment, “Is it possible for one personality to be in control while the other personality takes the subconscious?”

Gao Yang frowned. “I’m not sure I get you.”

Green Tea scratched his head and explained further, “I mean is it possible that while two personalities cannot show up at the same time, they can still exist and think at the same time in a different way. I’ll make an analogy...”

“For example, Green Snake’s eating, and she’s thinking that the dish is a little salty. Meanwhile, her other personality is thinking about something else in the subconscious, such as she has to cram tonight for tomorrow’s test...”

Gao Yang nodded. “You’re asking if the other personality is running or sleeping in the background while the other personality runs in the front.”

“Yeah!” Green Tea slapped his thigh. “That’s what I mean.”

“I’ve never thought about it,” Gao Yang said. “According to what I know about Green Snake, though, I think it’s more likely for her other personality to be sleeping in the background.”

“That so...” Green Tea slowly nodded, bemused.

“Green Tea, have you...” Gao Yang paused before continuing in a composed voice, “Gotten into trouble?”