Chapter 593: Hell Will Break Loose

Name:The Creatures That We Are Author:
Chapter 593: Hell Will Break Loose

“You!” Fresh Snow pointed at Six Rime, filled with surging frustration. “Gao Yang and I are friends. You’re the pest following him along!”

“I’m on a mission. You’re not.” Six Rime retorted in an unhurried tone. “You’re the pest.”

“You, you, you...”

Fresh Snow became flushed in the face. She didn’t know how to argue against that. Then she remembered the phrase her sister, White Dew, had used in the past in arguments. “Bullshit!”

“Alright, alright.” Gao Yang quickly ruffled her hair. “Be good and go play games with Can.”

“Hmph, pest!” Fresh Snow shouted with lingering anger before running away, worried that Six Rime would have another comeback.

Six Rime didn’t even spare Fresh Snow a glance. Her eyes were on Gao Yang.

While boiling water, Gao Yang pointed at the cupboard at his feet. “The coffee is on the first shelf. Thanks.”

Six Rime paused before crouching down to open the cupboard, finding the instant coffee. She asked coolly, “How many?”



Meanwhile, Nine Frost and Lithe Snake stood back-to-back on the rooftop, watching out for potential enemies in the area.

“I have a feeling that something’s gone wrong between Captain and Qilin, Old Frost,” Lithe Snake said in a controlled voice.

“Yeah, I feel the same.” Nine Frost frowned slightly. “Team Heavenbreaker is now under the full control of Azure Dragon. It’s bad.”

“Ha, Captain’s joined the Guild for less than six months, during which he’s found several Rune Circuits, unearthed information on the Godbearer Cult, the Spectres, and the life monsters, and then he turned out to be a mix. What’s it called again...”

“Divine Scion, I think.”

“Divine Scion.” Lithe Snake felt the words roll on his tongue. “Captain’s achieved too much and overshadowed Guildmaster. He’s acquired six Talents and killed the Malediction to save all awakeners in Li City. Were you Qilin, would you be able to stay in your seat leisurely? Wouldn’t you feel the threat to your position?”

Nine Frost put himself in Qilin’s shoes. “Were I Qilin, I wouldn’t mind continuing working with Captain as long as our goals align, but if not, I would consider making a move.”

Hong Xiaoxiao had received information on her company’s latest product and was memorizing the sales pitch. She even rehearsed the lines on Six Rime, pretending that she was a client. Six Rime remained silent throughout, her eyes never leaving Gao Yang.

Came noon, Gao Yang rummaged through the fridge and made seafood sandwiches for everyone with salmon, shrimp, mayonnaise, leafy greens, spam, and toast.

Can took two sandwiches and two cartons of milk to the rooftop for Nine Frost and Lithe Snake.

Fresh Snow was known for hollering for food the fiercest while eating the least. She gave her unfinished sandwich to Hong Xiaoxiao.

Hong Xiaoxiao smiled bashfully. “I woke up too early this morning and haven’t had breakfast. I am a little hungry.”

Afterward, Gao Yang went to the kitchen to do the dishes. Six Rime watched while controlling the speed at which the water hit the bowls, increasing his efficiency.

In the afternoon, Gao Yang, Can, and Hong Xiaoxiao played Monopoly with Fresh Snow. The three of them tried their best to play badly, and finally, they managed to have Fresh Snow come out as the winner.

Fresh Snow jumped up happily and gave each of them a hug. Even Six Rime, who was merely spectating, got one. She didn’t react at all, showing no positive or negative feelings.

Night soon fell. They were getting so bored that they started singing. Then Can and Hong Xiaoxiao got hungry again and suggested they order delivery.

Gao Yang agreed, ordering fried chicken, roasted skewers, cola, and beer—all high-calorie food that could make people happy.

Half an hour later, the delivery came. There was enough food to fill the table. Can reached out to make a grab for it, only to be deterred by Gao Yang’s glare.

He asked in an icy tone, “Do you know what you’ve done wrong, Can?”

Can lowered her head and mumbled, “I...I shouldn’t just make a grab. I should let you have it first, Captain.”

“Yes.” Gao Yang nodded. “The reason being?”

“Because you’re our leader, and we should respect you,” Can said without thinking.

Gao Yang sighed, visibly disappointed.

He wordlessly reached out to Hong Xiaoxiao. Hong Xiaoxiao paused for a couple of seconds before her eyes glinted, and she quickly picked up a skewer of roasted beef tendons to offer it to Gao Yang, speaking in a respectful tone, “Captain Seven Shadow, please have it first.”

Gao Yang rolled his eyes and almost fainted from frustration.

You both have a few screws loose in your heads. It’s gonna take work to lead the group in the future.