Chapter 776: To Survive in this World

Name:The Creatures That We Are Author:
Chapter 776: To Survive in this World


Game Over.

We’re doomed. All of us!

It was the first time Liao Liao ever faced such a despairing situation since awakening, and she was stunned into inaction.

“Ice Realm!”

Six Rime, as expected of an experienced fighter, immediately conjured a great chill and sent it to the walls and the ceiling, forming a thin layer of hard ice.

The broken windows, doors, and the hole in the ceiling were the main targets of her reinforcements. She layered thick ice to fill the holes.


Realizing what she intended to do, Zhong He sent countless black lines from under his feet to reinforce the whole interior of the building like clusters of black veins.

Six Rime had considered creating a sturdy ice dome to shield them from the enemies, but even the most impregnable bastion would fall under the siege of thousands of elite monsters. Once she ran out of energy, what awaited them would be another fight to the death.

And there was no running away.

The entire Aurora Town was packed with elite monsters. They would need Talents like Invisibility, Fly, Intangibility, or Teleportation to get out of here.

Unfortunately, they had no access to those Talents.

They had no choice but to fight.

There was only one open door to the bastion Six Rime and Zhong He had turned the bar into with their collaboration. This way, they didn’t have to worry about getting flanked, and they could funnel their enemies to deal with them in small numbers at a time.

However, they both knew that the bastion wouldn’t stand for too long.

Slaughterers were bloodthirsty and hotblooded. They didn’t care what the humans were planning, and they rushed through the only doorway one after another.

Under Colorless’ Petrify, they collapsed one by one, legs turned into stone and mobility stripped—it would take too much energy to turn the whole body into stone. Colorless had to be frugal with her energy.

More slaughterers rushing in got thrown off their feet by Six Rime’s snowstorm or pierced in the chest by sharp shadow spears. Bodies piled up at the door over time. They moved as they fought, the space getting cramped. Blood pooled at their feet.

The lone slaughterers Six Rime and Zhong He failed to deal with got blocked by Dead Pig’s big build. His skin and flesh were so thick that he didn’t even wince when a slaughterer’s bladed arms thrust into his thick belly. He raised his arms and made a powerful clap like his hands were cymbals. Bam! His palms collided with the slaughterer’s head.

The slaughterer bled from its orifices as its brain turned into mush. It didn’t even manage to scream before it collapsed to the ground.

Finally, Liao Liao recovered from the pressure of despair, stunned by her teammates’ stubborn resistance. Yes, we shouldn’t just give up even when facing what seems like certain death! Fight! Aren’t miracles always hidden in despair?

Clack, clack.

The bastion of ice and shadow threads was more fragile than expected, and after only a minute, it cracked and was about to crumble.

The few overtakers hiding in the swarm of slaughterers and devourers made their moves. Fingers turned into sharp bone stings about eight meters long, they stabbed at the bastion like countless nails, slowly chipping away the bastion of ice and shadow.

The Talent didn’t differentiate between friends and foes. They all covered their ears and felt themselves losing their calm, their temples throbbing like their heads were going to explode.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh.

Two seconds later, the crisscrossing bone stings in the bar retracted. The elite monsters outside stopped their assault, holding their heads in a daze.

Dammit, Liao Liao! How many fucking tricks have you hidden up your sleeves?!

Zhong He cursed in his head, but he was overjoyed. With Disorientation, they would stand a better chance of surviving!

“This isn’t a safe place to be! Let’s move!”

A few seconds later, Liao Liao stopped shrieking and shouted a warning. The others recovered from the disorientation.

Six Rime dropped to one knee and slammed her hands on the floor. “Ice Ladder!”

Thick chill gathered and formed a staircase of ice rising from the ground, breaking out of the door and reaching into the sky at a 45-degree angle.


Six Rime led the way up the stairs. The others followed.

Manipulating shadow to turn it into flexible whips of thorns, Zhong He knocked away the elite monsters attempting to approach them violently. Meanwhile, Liao Liao rained bullets down on the overtakers a little farther away, stopping them from making sneak attacks with the bone stings.

Dead Pig was carrying Surnamed Li and shielding Liu Qingying at the same time.

They climbed up the ice stairs as quickly as they could, but without proper support, the staircase was too fragile and soon crumbled when two slaughterers slammed into it.

The structure collapsed like tiles of dominoes. They rushed along the stairs, racing against the crumbling stairs behind them. They were going to lose their footing soon.

“Jump!” Zhong He hollered.

Midair, they had no choice but to jump onto the rooftop of a four-story building.

Before landing, Liao Liao used Disorientation again to immobilize the enemies once more.

Two seconds later, they landed safely.

Zhong He’s shadow shot out from below to quickly kill the devourers on the rooftop. Six Rime pressed her hands to the floor, trying to conjure another staircase of ice but failing.

The ice dragon and the following moves in the intense fight had drained her of almost all energy. While Six Rime’s explosive elemental power was strong, she lacked endurance. That had always been her weakness.

Bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang—

Liao Liao continued to make shots after shots to drop the slaughterers and devourers attempting to climb onto the rooftop. Meanwhile, Zhong He and Colorless were dealing with the more cunning and threatening overtakers.

Liao Qingying and Surnamed Li took cover behind Dead Pig, who had kept his arms extended to shield them from all the ranged attacks while taking out the enemies that had gotten close.

However, their effort was like a glass of water poured onto a blazing fire. More and more elite monsters climbed onto the rooftop, forcing them to retreat and encroaching upon their area of movement.

They couldn’t eliminate all the enemies, and they couldn’t run away. There was nothing else they could do.