Chapter 23

Sylvia the adult Jade Dragon had a casting level which almost reached Legendary-Class with the help of multiple buffs. The truth behind the superiority in magic of True Dragons was their bloodline — the blood which flowed within their veins was basically magic power. When facing dragons which relied on brute force, Sylvia was rather confident that she held the upper hand.

For the past decades, she had been enslaving Claudius’ sister, thus Sylvia had a good grasp of Crimson Dragons’ capabilities. With that said, Claudius displayed power which exceeded her expectations during the flashy fireworks show just now. There was a moment which Sylvia doubted her decision of coming out of her lair.

But now was not the time to review her actions, nor was the time to regret the decision. The adult-sized Claudius was now glaring at Sylvia with superiority from above. Noticing the Cerulean Dragon-like chin pointing at her and the sparks spewing from his snout, Sylvia could not help but think that this Crimson Dragon was an indestructible being forged by metal.

As a spellcaster, Sylvia was naturally clad in a ton of defensive spells, as well as a few spells which could be triggered immediately if required. The prowess Claudius showed was on the level of a young adult, but to be frank, Sylvia was not worried in the least.

“Erm, I guess we can talk……”

“Hah? You wanna talk? Talk about signing a slave contract with me, then working me hard for centuries? Or did you want to discuss about the compensation for what you bastard did to my sister?”

Words filled with malice and mockery came out from Claudius’ mouth. Sylvia looked troubled by the verbal attack which originated from the dragon which seemed to be forged by crimson steel.

“In consideration of your petty life, annulling Britannia’s slave contract would be the best course of action. I would definitely be pleased if you can at least do that much, you know?”

Red hot magma-like fluid was tumbling in Claudius’ mouth as he spoke. Looking at his stance, it was clear that the Crimson Dragon was ready for action. If Sylvia’s answer was not satisfactory, he would spew a mouthful of that stuff before ‘nicely’ asking her to reconsider.

Forcing Sylvia to annul Britannia’s slave contract — that was Claudius’ sole purpose for the sudden visit. As for Sylvia’s attempt to kidnap him, he did not really feel mad about it. Honestly, if Britannia hadn’t told him that he was Sylvia’s original target, Claudius would not have even been aware of the Jade Dragoness’ intentions. Speaking of which, Claudius did feel like someone was gazing at him back then, but that could not really be counted as being aware of Sylvia’s intention.

It was most likely due to the nature of Crimson Dragons that Claudius suddenly lost control of his temper. Fortunately, the rage was all vented through the disastrous breath just now. The breath also marked the completion of fusion between Claudius’ soul and the body of a dragon. From now on, the nature of Crimson Dragons would no longer affect his will or sub-consciousness.

Meanwhile, Sylvia was preparing to invoke an illusion-type spell on herself. Of course, this was an improved spell tailored for monsters. True Dragons naturally had high magic resistance, especially to magic which manipulated the mind and soul. No matter how powerful or skilled a mage was, even for Sylvia who almost reached Legendary-Class, a normal illusion-type spell was nothing more than a scratch to True Dragons.

The Jade Dragoness chose to resolve the problem through a business-like manner. The first thing which had to be done was to annul the contract, or else further negotiations were impossible. Crimson Dragons (in fact pretty much every dragon species) hated the idea of being bound by magic. While covenants could be made with dragons, they were no more than business contracts — the caster would pay money or valuables, and the dragon would lend the caster its powers in return. Enslaving a dragon, a Crimson Dragon at that, was pushing the limits of magic.

As one would expect, Sylvia was unwilling to annul the slave contract of Britannia, but things were going downhill right now. If she showed any sign of resistance, the atrocious dragon in front of her would undoubtedly show no mercy. In terms of close quarter combat, Sylvia was certainly the weaker one as she was a spellcaster.

“Fine, to show my sincerity, I will annul the contract. However, a ritual has to be setup before that could be done. Please take Britannia here as she needs to be present for the preparation. It will take some time to prepare as well.” Sylvia answered.

Claudius was a retard in terms of magic, thus he could only accept her terms. Crimson Dragons during their youth were known for their barbaric and brutal actions, not their intelligence and magic after all. As he was one of the few dragons which would actually care about their family, Claudius had no choice but to ‘spare Sylvia’s life’ this time for the sake of his sister.

As for who was actually the one spared…… It was better not to discuss such hypothetical things. If Claudius, who was renowned for his insane flames unbefitting his age were to fight Sylvia, who boasted complete knowledge in magic, it would be difficult to accurately predict the outcome.

Anyways, a red spot appeared in the sky. Britannia was flying as fast as she could, but she was still a distance away from Sylvia’s now destroyed palace. After around 20 minutes, Britannia now stood on the burnt and hardened ground next to Claudius. The condition of the surroundings was obviously caused by Claudius’ breath attack and Ring of Blaze. As she tottered around, Britannia could only stare at her brother in awe. Britannia knew from the start that Claudius was special; even with her newly acquired magic, she was still no match for her brother who had a ridiculous growth rate.

“Ring of Blaze!” Britannia unintentionally spoke. The strength of the ring was on a whole new level; one which was probably unreachable even in her adult stage.

Britannia crawled on all fours while Claudius stood with two legs. This made the Crimson Dragoness seem like a German shepherd obediently sitting by its owner. At last, Claudius could get a good look at his little sister — she had a body befitting of her age, with proportions similar to other Crimson Dragons. The only thing worth noting was probably her slightly petite size. It was not really much of a concern as Britannia would continue growing for the coming decades until she became an adult.

While Britannia was being enslaved, her living conditions did not seem to be as poor as Claudius had anticipated. Sylvia allowed Britannia to practice magic, taught her the battle stances and forms for dragons, and even granted her access to the library in the palace. In a sense, Sylvia was Britannia’s teacher in combat.

Sylvia was a farsighted dragon, thus she clearly understood that enslaving a Crimson Dragon for eternity was but a dream within a dream. In a war, having a Crimson Dragon on her side was advantageous, and there were a myriad of methods to achieve this goal — enslaving a Crimson Dragon despite lacking the power to control it was the worst choice. That was why Sylvia did not treat Britannia harshly, even going as far as teaching her magic. This, of course, was also done with an ulterior motive in mind. As Britannia experienced growth in magical and physical power, Sylvia would also gain attributes points proportional to her growth. The cost of such was that Britannia would need more time to learn magic and grow up physically. This was something which the Crimson Dragon siblings had no idea of.

At the same time, Sylvia was upset about the fact that she captured Britannia instead of Claudius decades ago. 

“If I had caught this irregular dragon back then, perhaps I would have become a legendary or mythical creature by now……”