Chapter 65

As time went on, under volcano dust, the dragon teeth soldier first showed their head, then chest, then stomach, and feet, and then became the same as the previously planted dragon teeth soldier while wearing magical armor, shield, spear, and sword. There is only one problem… “Under normal situations, one dragon seed could grow a hundred soldiers” Claudius was surprised since he was not expecting this place to grow soldiers.  Yet soldiers grew from the hot volcano dust and hard volcano rocks. Every spot that he planted grew a soldier.

This completely collapsed Claudius’s delusions to the ground. He originally thought that a tooth can make a hundred people.  His dream of making legions of soldiers is now crushed.

Now, Claudius realized the rules of the world of Feilun. A tooth can theoretically plant 3 to 5 dragon tooth soldiers, depending on the magic and power of the dragon.

Only one soldier can come out of one tooth. Want to form a legion? You slowly pull your teeth.

Claudius looked at the three newborn dragon soldiers. The dragon soldiers grabbed their chin and went and stood next to the old soldiers. They put their attention on the last lava. The growth of this dragon tooth soldier is obviously slower than that of other dragon teeth soldiers, and it is much slower. But Claudius understands that this dragon tooth soldier is completely different from other dragon tooth soldiers. The fact that a half helmet growing out of the dragon tooth soldier’s head proves Claudius’s point.

The dragon tooth soldier one by one floated up from the lava. Claudius was surprised. “It’s really beyond my huge expectation!

“So it is like this.” What appeared in front of him was a very gorgeous and complicated close-fitting armor. The gold-red armor consisted of a lot of medium-sized and large-sized plates.

The shoulders that are lifted and overlapped, the nesting skirts are clearly the Milanese style body, but they are very rich in ancient Roman style.

It also has a huge geometric metal wing, like the metal wings of the folded swan wings. It even covers the entire leg and even covers the foot. The most conspicuous thing is that the armor’s chest presents a distinct feminine design—yes, the dragon’s tooth soldier… is a woman.

Under the colored armor and the golden red helmet, the soldier has long brown hair with a spear in her hand and a round shield with a height of half a person. Shen Yun. “This red dragon recalled the most beautiful girl he had known in his human memory, and found the closest one among to the dragon tooth soldiers among the many female beauty.”

Under the gaze of the red dragon, the female dragon soldier slowly opened her eyes after completely exposing from the lava. Her eyes were beautiful and determined The dragon’s chin rested on the ground, the part of the nose was far above her head, and the golden dragon of the red dragon was looking at her. The dragon tooth soldier stepped back a half step and hit her chest with her right hand with a spear, slightly lowering her head.

At the same time, a golden red halo appeared directly at the foot of the female dragon tooth soldier, which was full of complicated graphics.”Focus, command, durability… the combination of the three auras.” As her creator, Claudius naturally understood the light at the foot of the dragon tooth.

The red dragon looked at the female dragon soldier in front of him. “Hero unit?” Claudius thought for a moment. “Do you have a name?” Claudius asked, the female dragon in front of him.

The soldier looked at the red dragon and shook her head. “Ha ha ha, lying is not necessary, no need to flatter, Miss. But I am very happy to take your flattery.

After Minerva gained a high position in the soldiers rank, the actions of the dragon tooth soldiers suddenly became more active and flexible. They assisted the flame mushroom people in the construction and installation of the temple.

While the Dragons and the Half-Dragons constantly decorated the Santa Cruz Island and Hell Island, Claudius let them get used to combat training under the control of Minerva

The current dragon tooth army, including the half dragon tooth soldiers, has 1,800 soldiers. Although they are still incomplete, they can barely call it ” an army.”

Soon, only about 120 soldiers with armor were left on Hell Island to guard the port and the temple. The rest of the dragon tooth soldiers and most of the mushroom people left the island and went to Santa Cruz Island – but the flame mushroom people are still on Hell Island.

The place where Claudius is now staying is mainly within the extremely majestic shrine, which is different from most red dragons.

I don’t like the complicated cave structure very much. This ancient Greek and ancient Roman temple style are quite suitable for Claudius. Staying inside always makes this guy feel very strong and very powerful.

But no matter how strong Claudius thinks he is, he still can’t solve the hostile behavior of the ocean goddess Ambori. Although Claudius doesn’t care about her, the torrential rain and the gust of wind that came every day made him feel annoyed by the crazy women. “But this stuff still can’t be fixed.” Claudius now has a roof on his head. Anyway, the rain and the storm have nothing to do with him. His attention is now on a huge stone in front of him.”

There was a little necklace on the table. “How do I get the Marathon power on this transformation necklace” Claudius wondered. All of his current subordinates did not know how to help him. Migne Wae went to Santa Cruz, and now should have completely ruled the island. He is working to turn the island into a large militaristic port…