It was fine during the day, but horrible during the night. Claudius’s pseudonym was Hank. It was unwise to expose his glorious name as soon as he had reached the island. Now Claudius was sitting in the lobby of the pub/part-time hotel, eating rough meat, drinking ale and cocking his ears to listen to other people’s conversations. He had enough money to stay there for a while, approximately 10 days. 

Claudius then looked at the long-term mass purchases of various things outside the city, such as ore, soul stones containing magical creatures, and even things like goblin equipment. He was prepared to earn some money so he could buy valuable things. He would also try to step into the higher-level society to try and find the whereabouts of the Silver Dragon. Claudius knows that the two dragon species, Silver Dragon and Gold Dragon, usually never go places where there is a lot of money involved. They usually go to middle class areas to camouflage themselves. But after meeting the Silver Dragon several times, Claudius has reason to believe that she is definitely a rich noble woman. (EN: soul stones were originally called tissue papers here)

However, there were indeed places outside the city where you could make money. There were monsters everywhere in the Starring Mountains, as well as legendary ruins, magic materials and mineral mines. Claudius’s human form looked like a typical barbarian warrior. He resembled the Northland Berserker. Strong people are rare in the south, so it didn’t take long for someone to come up and talk to him. It was a halfling. He first invited Claudius to a glass of ale, and then began to introduce himself: “Hey, brother! You look strong! You must be a skilled warrior! My name is Klimov. Look…” The self-centered man pointed a finger at several men and women sitting on a table behind him. “We are together, and are going to the Starring Mountains to find some pocket money. How about joining us?”

The halfling seemed like a good person. Claudius looked at the men and women around the table and found that there were five people, and there was actually a paladin wearing full armor. There was also a young mage wearing a mage robe. Claudius noticed that there was not much magical power coming from the mage. Most of the people in the group looked like they just started. The halfling must have been a thief, and was carrying a short knife with a bow and arrows. In theory, it should have been a forest patrol. The last one was a female priest. The pendant on her robes was also proof that she was a believer of the sun god. Claudius thought about it, then looked at the halfling. His palm patted the table gently. “My name is Hank. Nice to meet you too” Claudius habitually took out his sword and kept in his hand. This was not something that adventurers should have in this pub, except for the paladin. (EN: apparently paladin is also called holy samurai nowadays).

In fact, the half-human thief named Klimov had good eyesight. Otherwise, why would he pick claudius? There were so many other adventurers in the pub. Why him? It is because not only do Claudius’s muscles resemble a high-ranking barbarian’s , but the most important thing was the metallic luster that appeared in his sword. Claudius put his sword down on the table. The light reflected in it is slightly blue. This was noticed by the Halfling due to his good eyesight. He basically judged that this barbarian’s two-handed sword was mostly blended with fine gold. Such a sword has already surpassed his entire squad’s equipment. Anyone who can wield such a weapon, is by no means a rookie. 

Claudius finished eating the meat and went to the table where kilmov’s team was seated, with the wine bottle, and then the whole team introduced themselves, except for the halfling Klimov. The Paladin, Tasman was accompanied by the pastor Ms. Mara and the Ranger who called himself Panther. His real name was unknown. The team leader was  called Link, but he also did not reveal his job or level.

The mining industry was also one of the economic pillars because of its proximity to the Starring Mountains, but the miners seemed to have been having troubles lately. The entire pit area was constantly brushing out undead and monsters. Many miners had been killed, and mining operations have had to stop – miners had refused to go down. For this reason, a long-term reward was offered to the people who exterminated these monsters and undead. This kind of thing had always been the favorite of the paladin. Claudius was not interested in these monsters. Even if it had been a vampire or a mummy, these high-level undead were still too easy for Claudius to beat. Unless there was a lich or a dead dragon, Claudius would not be interested in such things, but he had to do this one because he needed money.

After replenishing the food and clean fresh water, they prepared to go to the mine. The paladin and the mage had space bags for storage, although they were of the lowest quality, they helped in reducing the hassle of carrying the bags of equipment and food. Claudius also had a storage bag, but as a newcomer, he had limited trust, so the team just spared a little portion of the food and fresh water, as well as sleeping bags and ropes for him to carry. However, Claudius did not mind, even if there was no more dry food, he could catch animals on the road. 

The city was about 30 kilometers away from the mine, which was in the Xingxuan Mountains. Some of the mined ore would be transported into the city and some would be smelted on the spot.  There were many adventurers in the town, basically to destroy undead creatures and underground monsters. Thus, of course, Tasman saw several saints. The general mobility of people in Feilun was not strong, and the same was true for low-level professionals. Therefore, these paladins knew each other. Soon they reached an agreement, and the adventurer teams entered the mine together to carry out the extermination of the undead.