Even though the weapons used by the second group of skeletons could be considered passable, they still couldn’t be considered the adventurers’s equal. Similarly, the priests, paladins and mages didn’t even need to use magic or their divine arts, just taking turns hitting the skeletons with a morning star would solve the problem. Claudius played an important role as he didn’t need to take turns, he switched his shortsword out for a mace. As he was already at the level of a martial arts god, he didn’t have any misgivings about accidentally injuring his teammates with his weapon. Even though he didn’t really care about them and wasn’t interested in killing them, who would kill a colony of ants on purpose?

TN: Literally, Claudius is a Gan Jiang, a reference to a historical/mythological Chinese story. Look it up, it’s a bit of a wild ride. 

The mace Claudius was using was a heavy mace made out of iron which was about 1.3 metres long and had one thick and one thin end. After hollowing out the core, its center of gravity was remarkable. Swinging it around took no effort. This sort of wild weapon was suitable for Claudius’s power as well as his appearance – a barbarian. A berserker waving this sort of thing around was totally normal, the berserkers were even called  “human meat grinders”. The skeletons couldn’t even fight back, the mace smashed through their armor. 

After clearing out the skeletons in front, floating translucent human-shaped beings started emerging from everywhere, their lower bodies were fuzzy. They didn’t just come from down the tunnel, some of them even emerged from the walls. “It’s a ghost! Fuck! So many!” Many people were shouting things like that. Ghosts were hard to kill because there was a high chance physical attacks would not work on them, especially physical attacks from normal weapons, which were 100% ineffective. That’s why, from that point on, the main attack force was replaced with paladins, priests, and mages who will weaken the ghosts with magic before smashing it with a hammer. Or, just kill it with magic directly. These are all good ways to take care of these ghosts – as long as the level of these ghosts aren’t too high. 

Claudius didn’t care, his weapon was made of refined gold which made it easy to channel his soul energy. The ghosts definitely ate all the damage. It is like if the priests or paladins use holy spells. In the adventurer team, the ratio of paladins and priests was very high compared to other classes. It was really unfortunate for the ghosts. If it were any other team of adventurers, they’d be looking at their own destruction. But who told the ghosts to pick a fight this team, made up of mostly-paladins.

TN: soul energy is literally “the flame inside his body”

The Crimson Dragon didn’t want the spotlight. After swinging his mace a few times, he handed it off to Tasman who held a cross in hands. It glowed with the radiancy of white gold and was a holy symbol. It cut the ghosts like butter, one at a time. These ghosts really were low level. However, they still weren’t wiped out when, with a terrible stench, a group of zombies walked out from the tunnels. Claudius felt a bit angry, he didn’t like these sort of noisy smelly creatures. He started to think about what methods he could use to eliminate them all. But, he didn’t need to do anything, the priests made a move.

Claudius didn’t know much about the power of the gods, so he didn’t recognize what the priest had used. He only saw a white light rush down the tunnels. The ghosts that were hit by the white flame burned up immediately. The zombies were also charred and turned into dust. The disgusting smell in the air also disappeared wherever the white light passed. “It’s a really good divine art. Cleans everything up with no remains”. Claudius sighed, the ant’s skills impressed him. But, something felt off about the next group of undead.

TN: Talk about a broken move. Why didn’t you start off with this?

EN: Only a noob would use their ultimate attacks from the start.

The temperature suddenly dropped to below zero. “Are you messing with me? A wave of skeletons, a wave of skeleton soldiers, a wave of ghosts, a wave of zombies… The next wave has gotta be skeletal warriors or a wight? What do you think you’re doing?!” Claudius looked into the distance and said that with a slight smile. The Everburning Torches were already limited, but Claudius could see that whatever was approaching basically melded with the shadows. As it approached, the temperature kept dropping. The adventurers’s breaths condensed into little ice crystals that fell onto the ground or onto their clothing. “Frost Protection!” The priests had already begun using protection divine arts. The temperature right now was absolutely not suitable for human activity. If they were normal people, they would have gotten frostbite or would have been completely frozen by now. The figure in the darkness had a pair of blue eyes, or maybe it was two blue flames in its eye sockets. “Retreat, everyone, our adventure is over”, Claudius yelled.

TN: Literally, “In a single breath, you gave me all this for what?” 

Tasman was full of youthful vigor and was being controlled by his sense of justice for a while. “Hey, Hank. Why are we retreating?” The mages began to quickly retreat. The priests and paladins didn’t say anything, but they also didn’t retreat. However, the halfling and mage in Claudius’s group also began to retreat. “Obviously, it’s because of this! This isn’t something you- I mean something we can deal with” Claudius almost misspoke, but fortunately he quickly corrected himself. “The legendary necromancer, maybe it’s even more powerful than the average lich”, Claudius said to himself with a smirk. 

At this point in time, the quickly approaching enemies were finally in range of the Everburning Torches. The cold had also reached a point where almost all metal weapons could not be held in their hands, unless they wanted to tear off their skin while putting away the weapon. The frost protection was also becoming weaker. Some of the mages and thieves with weaker physiques began to tremble and back away, but when they saw the enemy clearly, they screamed in terror and turned around and ran. Some mages began casting dimension door out of desperation, while those with money, used their dimension door scrolls. Those without money simply ran as fast as they could, or at least used retreat scrolls. The paladins and priests collectively breathed in a deep breath of cold air and began to pray. They figured today was the day they will return to God’s side.

The monster had a humanoid form, and it looked as though there were black flames condensed around it. It was more than 3 meters tall. All five of Claudius’s senses were unclear as to what this thing was, but the only thing that was certain was that it’s blue eyes could see through a person’s heart. “The Shadow of the Void… I’m so lucky!” Claudius muttered. At this time, the remaining adventurers also quickly turned and ran. Even if the monster in front of them could have been equally fast and that it might have been impossible to run away, it was better to run, rather than stay and wonder…

PS: One hundred chapters! Although I’m not sure if I’ll continue

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