… K is so earnest. Also uhhhhhhhh the author is into some… things… mine innocent eyes have left the chat. And I still can’t tell if Mensal is a dude, so it’s anybody’s guess- le Spicy Moop

Even after decelerating, Claudio was still close to the speed of sound, so the shockwaves from his sprint were just as fatal as the blazing flames that enveloped his entire body. Cloaked in this deadly storm, he swooped close to the ground, burning through all the oxygen, causing the priest with a weak constitution to suffocate to death. His flame resistance magic managed to block the high-temperature incineration. Both the Golden Dragon and Bronze Dragon didn’t dare to stop Claudius’s onslaught. He crashed into them, their drastic difference in weight enough to shred them completely. Mensal, the legendary warrior, was struggling to even chase after Claudius. He wasn’t able to break through the sound barrier, nor could he resist the high temperatures and high-pressure shockwaves, so he failed to keep up with the Crimson Dragon. As the Silver Dragon fell to the ground, she roared in pain, screaming because of her useless wing. Claudius rushed over to her.   

He decelerated again as he didn’t want to turn Elisa into a messy pile of meat. The mother dragon had hurt him twice. How could he be so cheap to let her die an easy death? Ignoring her screams, Claudius wrapped his own wings around her to protect her, suffering  various injuries from their impact. He then proceeded to speed away with the broken silver dragon. Mensal stopped his chase, staring after the Crimson Dragon who’d disappeared, then turned around to ask, “Do any of you know the Crimson Dragon’s lair?” 

The high-speed air flow filled Elisa’s mouth. She never knew that supersonic flight was such a horrible thing. Her skin and scales were in pain from the lethal air drag. In some places, her scales had been violently ripped out from the friction of their speed. On top of that, Claudius, was still bleeding. His blood burned her skin, causing her even greater pain– enough to pass out. When the Silver Dragon woke up again, she was lying on the ground, but she couldn’t see the sky. The hard stony floor was uneven, confirming her suspicions of them being in a cave. The light coming from the mouth of the cave streamed from behind her. Elisa whistled, her injuries were far from shallow, one of her wings was completely useless. It probably would take her several months to heal, not to mention the countless abrasions on her body. But this wasn’t what she was worried about– the important thing was that she fell into the hands of the damned Crimson Dragon, Claudius!  

Then, she saw him. The mighty Crimson Dragon was beside her, standing there, looking on as she was assessing her injuries. He stood more than twenty meters tall, the blood from his wounds forming a burning stream on the ground, causing the temperature of the cave to have risen rapidly. Claudius was severely damaged from his fight and escapade. He could tell that many of his muscles had suffered severe lacerations. Many of his scales had been shattered, but it was all worth it. Claudius looked at the silver dragon Ilya Lhasa hatefully, his face breaking into a smug smirk, “Now your damn chick is in my hands! Hahaha!” His rumbling laughter echoed around the cave, but the echoes gave way to her crisp voice, “I will never give in to evil!”   

“I don’t care if you yield or not! I just want to fuck over your mother!” the Crimson Dragon sneered while cleaning his wound with flames. He was relieved that the Silver Dragon’s injuries made it impossible for her to escape, not to mention she probably wouldn’t fly ever again. Even if she tried to run on her four feet, Elisa still wouldn’t be very fast. Plus, Claudius was faster, and he had an advantage in strength and size. At this distance, there was no hope of fleeing for the silver dragon. “Turn back into your humanoid form!” Crimson Dragon threatened, stepping stepped on her. “I refuse!” Ilya Lhasa may be afraid of death, but she didn’t want her demise to be worthless. She could tell the blade she’d hidden had moved slightly. It was her only contact with Mensal– the leShay was trying to find her. Furthermore, she was embarrassed by what the Crimson Dragon had ordered her to do, so for the time being, Elisa decided to disobey his order.   

The wound on Claudius was almost coagulating. He shook his head, scratching it with his paw, before pulling out a bone spur, “Ah that’s better, this thing is like a thorn in your nails, it’s better to get rid of it sooner than later.” This being a fragment of his own horn that Mensal had cut in battle. The fragment was still attached to the horn. As it had not fallen off, it made Claudius very uncomfortable. There was always high stakes whenever he did anything, so he didn’t think too much of it. He casually dropped the shards from his horn into a small lava pond that his blood his pooled into, causing flames to temporarily shoot up. Claudius looked at the silver dragon with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

Claudius was an adult dragon. Around this age, male dragons have already entered their breeding period and were beginning to mature—much later than female red dragons. Fortunately, when male dragons entered their Archaic period, they were also capable of reproduction, in other words: “male happiness”. So inevitably, the Crimson Dragon had started to change in some cases. Generally speaking, male dragons could go into ruts. However, as Claudius’s soul came from the earth, he was capable of going into rut anytime. It wasn’t surprising then, that Claudius’s resolve cracked from temptation.   

When women were captured, they often suffered a worse fate than their male counterparts. Elisa was about to experience this. She noticed Claudius’s gaze had changed slightly. Before she could completely process what was going on, he fell on top of her, pinning down her forelimbs. Elisa was forced to the ground, her body twisted into a precarious position. Dragons usually mated in the doggy position, limited to a small number of other positions because of their bodies. The idea that something terrible was about to happen, dawned upon Elisa, and her heart dropped. So when her tail was forced aside, she immediately understood what Claudius wanted to do. Elisa screamed and cursed, struggling hard, even tossing her fear of death aside to resist him. It was futile. 

Claudius was so strong that she couldn’t move at all, even so Elisa continued to strain against his hold. All in vain, as barely a moment had passed before she began to cry in agony because Claudius had succeeded…