Chapter 111: 111th

Hives are rare, even on the front lines.

Rong Heng only saw the insect nest when he crossed the line of defense during a certain insect tide and looked for the base of the Zerg.

For thousands of years since the Empire and the Zerg have been at war, no one has ever known where the Zerg's earliest lair was, only that they were pouring into the Imperial Starfield from some unknown place. They were blocked by the front line of defense, so they looked for suitable planets outside the star field to build temporary nests, and then used the temporary nest as a base to attack the imperial defense line.


In the worm nest, there are countless worm eggs. Once these worm eggs are bred, the defense line of the empire will encounter the impact of the insect tide again.

In the past, worm nests would only appear in the star field outside the empire's defense line, but now, the habitable planets in the empire's administrative region have quietly become the nest of the zerg.

At this time, the spaceship was quite close to the port. Through the porthole, passengers could even see the gray rocks with high ground and the Zerg crawling on the rocks.

The cubs looked serious when they saw the Zerg on the ground. They looked at each other tacitly, and had consciously guarded the hatch, ready to go out to fight if necessary.

Garland followed behind the cubs to observe, and was a little surprised to see that they did not show fear in the face of the Zerg. Then I remembered the news I found when I searched for the B3024 star - this junk star once encountered a bug wave, but finally survived.

It seems that these little cubs are no strangers to the Zerg.

The little dragon cub looked back. I thought Garland was scared too. After all, Hector said that Garland's father was a scholar doing research. He thought about it, stretched out his claws and pushed Garland back, and said with a serious face, "Don't be afraid, we will protect you."

Say "protect you" in a serious tone.

Garland did not refute the situation of the cub, and with a "hmm", he retreated to the floor-to-ceiling porthole and continued to observe the situation on the ground.

At this time, Ruan Shiqing had already arrived at the cockpit with Rong Heng.

After getting close enough to the ground, the captain apparently also realized the abnormality, he reduced the landing speed, and was constantly trying to contact his superior.

But the communication signal here is very weak, and his request message has not been sent.

Seeing that the spaceship was approaching the port, Ruan Shiqing rushed forward to interrupt his continuous request for help, and said in an unacceptable tone: "Immediately terminate the landing and leave Driftwood at the fastest speed. ."

The captain still doesn't understand what's going on: "I haven't reached my superior yet."

"The ground is a worm's nest!" Ruan Shiqing said sternly: "I don't want a boatload of people to die, now, turn around and leave immediately."


The captain was shaken by the word, and subconsciously terminated the landing and turned the direction according to what he said.

Ruan Shiqing was already very familiar with large spaceships. He put Rong Heng on the console and tapped his fingers on the control panel quickly. First, he activated the protective shield, and then called up the weapon system to stand by. Meanwhile, the infrared scanners have sent back analysis data—a dense patch of bright red just beneath this lifeless gray land.

The captain looked at the image and was shocked: "How is this possible?"

The imaging map shows that under the ground, there are densely packed Zerg, or in other words, insect eggs.

These eggs are obviously about to hatch successfully. Once they hatch, the consequences will be disastrous.

Several thoughts ran through Ruan Shiqing's mind, and finally he thought of the passengers on the spaceship. If he took the initiative to bomb the worm nest on the ground, although it could prevent the eggs from hatching, it would inevitably cause The Zerg's crazy counterattack, when the time comes, these passengers are likely to be implicated... Five fingers clenched into a fist, he closed the image and urged the captain to speed up.

At the same time, he used his signal-enhanced intellectual brain to send coordinates and information to Hector and others far away from Barham and B3024, asking them to bring people here as soon as possible.

If the spacecraft can successfully leave Driftwood, then they can land on the next planet, and then ask the Imperial Army to come to the rescue. During the period when the imperial army arrived, they were the first to stabilize the situation and prevent these eggs from hatching in large numbers.

However, things did not go as smoothly as he expected.

Just as they approached the atmosphere, Drift Jupiter's defense system was opened. It was originally a protection system to protect this planet, but at this time, it blocked their way of life.

"What's the matter?" The ship tried to contact the space station, but there was no response.

Ruan Shiqing stared at the huge protective shield spread out above his head, his heartbeat suddenly slowed a beat, he confirmed with the captain: "Before the spacecraft lands, is it necessary to get the approval of Driftwood? This process is intelligent process, or does it have to be manually controlled?”

The captain looked stunned: "It needs manual confirmation."

The route of each spacecraft must be applied for in advance. Before landing on the planets along the way, the spacecraft needs to send its own information, and it will not be released until the staff of the space station confirms it. In this way, some interstellar pirates disguised as passenger spaceships can be prevented from infiltrating.

"But if I guess correctly, there are no living people on this planet." Ruan Shiqing's jaw tightened: "Who was confirming the release before?"

The captain opened his mouth in horror.

Ruan Shiqing didn't look at him again, his heartbeat was fast, and something was about to come out of his mind.

So his panicked eyes could only fall on Rong Heng.

Rong Heng has changed back to human form at this time, his face is calm, and even reveals a taste of gnashing his teeth: "It's the Zerg. They are trapping."

The tourism industry on Driftwood is very good, and many ships pass the red planet. But after they boarded the spaceship, they didn't hear any news that Drift Jupiter was captured by the Zerg.

This shows that the news of Drift Jupiter was deliberately withheld.

It is impossible for the Driftwood government and the local people to do this, so the only possibility left is the Zerg.

Ruan Shiqing immediately understood what he meant, and he used his brain to log on to Driftwood Star's official website, and saw that there was a notice on the official website that "suspended reception of tourists". The statement was issued a week ago, saying that Driftwood's environment needs to be renovated and tourists are temporarily suspended.

So many tourist ships have been suspended to Driftjupit recently. Only the passenger ships that have applied for the route early will still stop at Drift Jupiter.

He searched the news again and found that in the past week, two passenger spacecraft passing through Drift Jupiter had an accident. The passengers on these spaceships have all disappeared without exception. Only the wreckage of the spaceships full of holes was found in the star field that deviates from the route, and the culprit has not been identified so far...

"The IQ of these Zerg may be higher than we thought." Ruan Shiqing's face turned pale.

When he encountered the Zerg on the B3024 star, he had already realized that the Zerg had intelligence, but in the case of Drift Jupiter, the IQ of these Zerg may be much higher than they thought. It can even be said that it is no different from humans.

Not only do they know where to hide, but they also conceal and divert attention. Just the notice of closure on the official website is not something that low-IQ Zerg can do.

Without tourists visiting, the likelihood of Drift Jupiter being exposed is greatly reduced. And the passenger spacecraft passing by occasionally, in such an unprepared situation, once landed in the port, it is certain to die.

What is even more disturbing is that they even know to transport the wreckage of the spacecraft to a star field far away from the route, avoiding the possibility of Drift Jupiter being investigated to the greatest extent.

This is no longer ordinary wisdom, but more like a conspirator hiding in the dark.

It's no wonder that the Zerg disappeared since the news of Renka Star's capture broke out. Not that they have retreated or been eliminated, but that they have learned to hide.

Maybe there are countless "Drift Jupiters" within the Empire's territory. Once the eggs in the worm nest hatch, the entire empire may be involved in the war.