Chapter 226: Why Did You Do It?

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Asher's gaze remained steady on her, his lips parting to speak in an uncharacteristically serious voice, "Close your eyes, Rowena," he said, his voice as calm as the night and his expression unreadable.

The hallway fell into silence once more, with only the echo of his words filling the space.

Rowena had a hint of surprise in her crimson eyes. She looked into his eyes, as if searching for an answer to what was going on in his mind.

But she decided to give up and closed her eyes as the hallway became hushed again.

After few moments,

"Okay, you can open them now."

Hearing his voice, Rowena cautiously fluttered open her eyes. What greeted her gaze made her heart leap.

In Asher's outstretched hands was an enormous, vivid painting on seasilk canvas. The depiction was of her and Asher, wrapped in a loving embrace, their gazes locked and radiating adoration.

The artistry was so remarkable that every detail mirrored their real appearances perfectly.

But it wasn't just the impeccable representation that held her in awe. The painting seemed to possess a life of its own. The figures in the artwork seemed to emerge from the canvas, pulling her into their world, into their emotions. The dimensionality was staggering, making her feel as though she could step right into the scene.

Unable to resist, Rowena advanced a step, her eyes wide with admiration.

The closer she got, the more the painting seemed to react. The expressions of the painted couple altered subtly as if alive, evolving in response to her proximity. It was truly a magical painting.

She reached out, her hand wavering slightly in the air as she touched the lifelike projection.

Asher, watching her every reaction, smiled warmly as he asked, "Do you like it, Rona?"

The disbelief in Rowena's crimson eyes gradually gave way to amazement as she took in the enchanting piece.

Finally, tearing her gaze from the art, she turned to Asher, her voice filled with awe, "Ash, how did you create something so... enchanting? I've never seen a painting quite so... alive, even from the famed artists I know."

Asher let out a soft chuckle, casting a loving glance at the painting before returning his gaze to Rowena, "When you reminded me of how deep your love for me runs, I remembered...." he began, his voice gentle and nostalgic, "I suddenly remembered how you were there for me the entire time. I was so overwhelmed as those memories flowed into me."

Rowena blinked her eyes in astonishment, not expecting that was what happened when she told him about how she had spent time with him in the past. But she felt her chest becoming warm, hearing that he remembered those memories even if some of it were silly.

"And at that moment, I felt an overwhelming urge to gift you something... something that would immortalize our love."

He paused briefly, his gaze locking with hers, "This is why I left abruptly. I needed to fetch a special material known as the Twilight Pearl Powder. It can only be obtained from a certain type of oyster that opens its shell just before sunset. So I had to rush to the northern seas, where Isola soon came after to help me procure it after I broke a deal with her where she could spend more time with her people. I wanted to get it and gift you this painting today itself."

Rowena blinked, processing his words. Asher continued, a slight grin on his face, "I wanted it to be a surprise for you. Isola once mentioned to me that this special powder can be used to create such magical masterpieces."

Rowena's lips curved into a thin, enigmatic smile as she gazed at the stunning gift, her mind grappling to piece together Asher's unexpected actions.

She felt like a weight had been lifted off her heart. Just like Ceti said, she had been worrying for nothing when Asher left to give her a memory she would never forget.

For a long moment, she remained silent, her eyes roving over the mesmerizing painting. It was as though her reserved demeanor served as a shield, protecting her from the unexpected surge of emotions.

Then, she slowly lifted her gaze to meet Asher's, her crimson eyes reflecting an uncharacteristic softness, "This..." she started, her voice unsteady as if she was still distracted by the beauty of the painting. Her fingers lightly traced the contours of their painted figures, the affection in their gazes mirroring her own feelings towards Asher.

"Thank you. I will forever cherish this," she finally managed, her voice quiet but laden with depth, each word carefully chosen, much like her every action. The reserved smile never left her face, but the unmistakable glimmer in her crimson eyes spoke volumes more than her words ever could.

Asher's hands gently lowered the painting, the image of their loving embrace shimmering with an ethereal glow in the dimly lit hallway.

His arm snaked around her soft waist, drawing her in closer, while his other hand tenderly cradled her cheek. Their eyes met in the silence, a silent understanding passing between them before he leaned in, pressing his lips onto hers.

The kiss was as captivating as the painting itself; a passionate dance between two souls entwined, the world outside their cocoon seemingly fading into insignificance. The intimate moment made the air around them glow with warmth.

Breaking away after a few seconds, Asher gazed at her, his eyes softening with an adoration that masked his cold determination, "I hope you can gaze at this painting to remember us whenever we are not at each other's side," he whispered, his voice echoing the same warmth his eyes portrayed as Rowena nodded with a soft smile and took the rolled canvas from his hand before melting into his embrace.

As they rested in each other's embrace, the smile that graced his lips was tender and genuine, yet hidden beneath the veneer of love was a chilling resolve and a heavy heart.

Internally, his thoughts churned in a whirlpool of thoughts.

He would continue this dance of love, ensnaring her heart in his carefully woven web. She would be none the wiser, for he would ensure each step, each word, each touch would be masked by an undying love. A task daunting, yet a challenge he was willing to endure.

He can never forget the moments he begged his mother to stop when at that moment, he was indirectly begging Rowena to stop, but she never did.

And so, maybe the best way to take revenge for what her father did to him and what she did to him was to make her feel what he felt after he was done with her.

If her father was the one who awakened him in the demon realm to use him, then he would make sure to take advantage of everything that crafty old asshole built and possessed to make sure he would roll in whatever purgatory he was in now.

As these thoughts blazed in his mind, his face briefly glowed with the dark green outline of his skull.

Rowena gently extricated herself from Asher's tender embrace, her crimson eyes shimmering with an unspoken intensity, "Ash," she began, her voice echoing a firm determination, "there's something important I've been waiting to discuss with you."

Asher's brows furrowed at her sudden solemnity, the light-hearted moment evaporating into thin air, "What happened?" he inquired, concern tingeing his words.

She pursed her lips before speaking, "It's about Rebecca. She has been conducting her own investigation... into who put Oberon into a coma."

His response was a dismissive chuckle, "Rona, I wouldn't worry about her delusional theories."

Rowena looked deep into his eyes as she said, "I wouldn't be worrying if she was really delusional."

Hearing her words laced with hints, his expression froze momentarily.

Rowena watched him intently, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "I know Oberon didn't lapse into a coma because his injuries worsened," she stated, her voice barely a whisper.

Asher silently stared at Rowena as he realized even if Rowena didn't outright say it, she knew he put Oberon in a coma.

He inwardly once again shook his head in disbelief, thinking he shouldn't have underestimated her.

On that day, he took a time when she was busy to make the arrangements for the incense to be carried to Oberon's room.

Who knew Rowena still managed to figure out it was him.

He definitely wasn't as careful as he thought.

Rowena took a step closer, her concern evident in her glowing crimson eyes. "Why, Asher?" she asked, her voice low yet filled with an odd mixture of disbelief and hurt. "Why would you take such a massive risk? I know there was hostility between the two of you, but I can't fathom why you would go to such lengths."

Asher stared back at her, the depth of her gaze making him feel as though she could see right through him.

"Do you understand how wrong this could have easily gone, Asher?"

Rowena's voice was soft, yet filled with an authority that commanded attention, "If people found out you were behind Oberon's condition, it wouldn't merely be a crime. It would be a blow to the foundation of this kingdom. Rebecca could rally everyone, accuse you of treason, and I... I would struggle to shield you."

Her crimson eyes glistened under the dim light as she took a deep breath, "Our kingdom... it has survived, thrived, for all these centuries because our ancestors built a system. A system that offers stability, that establishes law and order in our society. It allows the people to have faith, to believe that their safety and their very lives are valued by the crown. That is the only reason why our people put their hearts and souls into making our kingdom prosperous and stronger. But if their faith in the crown gets shaken, the entire kingdom will suffer."

Pausing, she stared out of the window at the moonlit kingdom, "Perhaps you know, but most or all societies outside our kingdom don't enjoy the stability and comfort we have here. Even the ones that have been around for thousands of years."

Turning back to him, her gaze was sincere, earnest. "This peace, this order... I am working tirelessly to preserve what my ancestors, my father entrusted me with. Even when it meant holding back my own personal grudges. So, you can understand why I worry. I had decided to not talk about this earlier because I didn't want to put you in a difficult position. But now that Rebecca might be onto you…I had to talk to you about this."

Her slender fingers gently gripped his hand, a silent plea for understanding as her expression softened, "So…why? I know you would never do anything to compromise this kingdom unless…Oberon did something to you that I don't know of, something that would drive you to this extent?" she asked, her eyes never leaving his.