Chapter 518 Entombed In Silence

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 518 Entombed In Silence

Yui nervously approached the scary demoness whose name struck terror for the older generation of Hunters.

This demoness was so tall, and her aura was intimidating enough to make Yui feel as if she might die if she got too close. If her Master managed to enslave a demoness like this, just how terrifyingly strong must he be?

With a cautious yet determined demeanor, Yui gently touched the metal buttons adorning the wall and began her explanation, "These buttons," she said, her soft voice steady despite her nerves, "each has a specific purpose. They're labeled so that anyone can understand their function."

Rebecca, her patience already thin, flicked her wet silver locks back with a scoff, "The last time I visited this world was more than 60 years ago. But you humans seem to have devolved to make things harder than they need to be," she remarked, her voice dripping with scorn.

Yui had her lips parted in disbelief, still finding it hard to believe that she was standing before someone who had lived for so long. She now understood why this demoness seemed to be out of touch with everything around here. However, unfazed by her condescension, Yui offered a gentle smile, her expression holding a hint of awkwardness, "You don't need to worry about these buttons," she assured, "They are intended for manaless people who might use this facility. It's a convenience for them."

The notion seemed to perplex Rebecca, her eyebrows arching in disbelief, "Huh? How stupid are the humans in the 'great' WHA to put up these useless buttons for cripples? I thought they would only let the best geniuses stay here. How pathetic of them to cater to such trash. They are better off dead."

Yui's smile faded, feeling hurt to see this demoness passing such cruel remarks to innocent people.

With a tinge of reprimand now coloring her tone, she said as she gathered all her courage, "I-It's not nice to call them trash. Manaless people are no different than us except for having mana. They have feelings and purpose too. Some of them even hold powerful positions around the world. Would you still say the same if any of your loved ones was manaless?"

"You!" Rebecca's eyes widened at this weak human's audacity, and for a moment, she considered striking down this brazen thing for her insolence.

But then, a fleeting image of her son, once a powerful figure now half-crippled, flashed through her mind. Even if she was able to punish this brazen human, wouldn't it mean she would indirectly accept the fact that Oberon was half-trash?

With a frustrated click of her tongue, she lowered her hand, her expression softening ever so slightly, "Fine," she reluctantly conceded, "not all cripples are trash, I suppose."

Yui's smile brightened up at Rebecca's reluctant agreement, and she nodded in acknowledgment.

"What's your name, human?" Rebecca asked with crossed arms and a hint of curiosity in her eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she looked down at a weakling and saw such strength behind their eyes despite the fear they had.

Yui briefly bowed her head as she said, "I am Yui, and my best friend is Emiko, whom you already met. C-Can I uhm...address you by your name?" Yui nervously asked as she blinked her big, round eyes.

Rebecca puffed up her chest and was about to command her to use 'Your Highness' to address her but once again, to her shock and frustration, she lost her voice abruptly.

'What in the name of the Seven Hells? I can't even pass a simple command??' Rebecca gritted her teeth, feeling vexed that the alien bastard was so petty to not even allow her such small freedom to do things her way.

Yui blinked her eyes in confusion and was worried that she had offended her. She was about to apologize when Rebecca waved her hand and said with her arms still crossed, "You can call me that. But nothing else...You better—Ugh...can you promise me that?" Rebecca's left eye was continuously twitching, realizing how she was forced to stoop to a demeaning level for even such basic things.

However, if one got close enough to a certain small patch on the desolate planet, they would feel an invisible barrier stopping them. Those who manage to breach this barrier find themselves confronted by a peculiar sight—a handful of structures bearing the unmistakable marks of human civilization, yet devoid of any human presence.

But it was bustling with activity and was a sight of technological marvel powered by mana with lightning-fast rails moving to and fro and small jets taking off and entering various buildings.

The thin mana levels on Mars posed a challenge even to the most powerful S-Rank Hunters, making prolonged survival an impossible task. Yet, amidst this harsh environment, among the other structures, a solitary black pyramid-shaped building stood, its metal-like surface gleaming in the faint Martian light.

Its imposing height of over 400 meters above the surface belied the true extent of its depths and towered the other structures around it.

For beneath its foundation lie hundreds of meters of underground floors that only a handful of people from Earth had access to!

In the heart of this subterranean complex, on the deepest floor, a single teleportation chamber stood fixed.

Suddenly, Derek's figure reappeared within this chamber, materializing from nothingness.

As he stepped out into the dark hall, illuminated by the soft glow of the lights above, his expression was serious as he looked at the only door in the hall.

Nobody could access this floor except for him, making certain people wonder what he was hiding on this floor, though none dared to find out. No guards or even his most trusted advisors or secretaries were allowed here.

He made his way toward the solitary black door at the hall's center, his steps echoing in the silence.

[ Authorizing...]

A holographic message popped out of the huge, heavy black doors followed by a robotic female voice as Derek stood before it and a blue ray of light began to scan his entire body.

[ Authorization successful. Welcome back, President. ]

The massive black doors began to rapidly shift and morph until they slid sideways smoothly without the slightest sound.

Derek stepped into a room swallowed by shadows, save for the heart of this chamber where a stark contrast awaited—a large glass chamber bathed in an almost holy white light, yet ensnared by a network of ominous yet almost invisible red lasers that danced like the eyes of predators in the night.

Within this illuminated prison sat a figure that seemed more a ghost than flesh—a disheveled and frail woman, her form barely distinguishable under the cascade of white hair that flowed over and around her, a spectral waterfall in this cavern of darkness. Her skin was wrinkled, and she had an aura that resembled an ordinary old woman.

As Derek entered, the woman did not stir at his approach and remained lifeless as a corpse.

"I never thought I would be visiting you this soon," Derek announced into the charged silence, as the doors sealed shut behind him.