Chapter 520 The Flame That Freezes

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 520 The Flame That Freezes

With a mighty roar, Borin struck the Orc Lord with his hatchet, a blow that sent the orc flying back with such force that he crashed against the entrance of the bank. The impact shook the entire structure, eliciting terrified cries from the hostages cowering inside.

For a fleeting moment, Borin allowed himself a smug scoff, standing tall and proud as he witnessed the apparent success of his attack. However, his satisfaction quickly dissolved into a frown of concern as the Orc Lord rose to his feet with unsettling ease. The orc seemed barely fazed by the attack that would have incapacitated a lesser creature, brushing off the dust as if he had merely taken a small punch. The wound inflicted by the hatchet was superficial at best.

"You...You have the 'Boss' title??" Borin mumbled under his breath, his eyes widening in realization. The Orc Lord's resilience and the minor nature of the injury confirmed Borin's worst fears—the orc was indeed empowered by a 'Boss' title for the duration of the quest, granting him an absurd boost to all his stats. This title would only disappear once the quest concluded.

Boss quests rarely happen but come with tempting rewards for the side who wins.

However, Borin had understood the risks when he rushed in—aware of the high difficulty and the recommendation for two S Rankers.

But his priority had been the hostages' safety, hoping to end the siege before the orcs executed them as the quest timer ran out. The orcs' strategy to keep the hostages alive hinged on the demands of the quest until the timer expired. Otherwise, they would rather rape or eat the hostages just for fun.

"Everyone mocks us orcs for being dumbo, but this lord smarter than you fat old human," the Orc Lord taunted with a contemptuous growl, mocking Borin's solitary charge.

"Shut your ugly trap! Yaaaar!!" Borin retorted, his voice a mix of anger and defiance. He gathered his strength and swung his hatchet with renewed vigor. The blade cut through the air, igniting a terrifying whirlwind of flames that extended from the hatchet—a fearsome spectacle that screamed of destruction.

But as Borin prepared to hurl this fiery tempest towards the Orc Lord, the orc demonstrated his enhanced speed and strength. With a feral snarl, the Orc Lord lunged forward, closing the distance in a heartbeat. He raised his massive, hooked machete and, in a brutal display of power, cleaved off Borin's arm that wielded the hatchet.


The sudden amputation made Borin lose his momentum, dissipating his flames.

The hatchet clattered to the ground, its flames extinguishing upon separation from its master, leaving Borin reeling from the shock and the abrupt loss, his battle cry turning into a pained grunt.

Even the staff he was holding was...

The Orc Lord's temples visibly bulged with veins, his rage reaching a boiling point upon witnessing this little human's disregard for his presence and focusing instead on healing the fat old Hunter.

"This lord be enjoy eating your flesh soon!" he bellowed, his voice echoing ominously through the area as he lunged forward, his machete aimed to cut down Arthur in a single, fatal swoop.

But Arthur, with an almost serene composure, stabbed the end of his staff into the ground, a brilliant, radiant white light pulsed outward in every direction, humming with potent energy.

Caught mid-lunge, the Orc Lord's eyes widened in shock as his movements began to slow dramatically, almost as if the very air around him had turned to molasses. A chilling cold enveloped him, paradoxically burning like fire against his skin, a torturous sensation that kept slowing him down mere inches from Arthur's neck.

"You should have heeded my warning," Arthur said calmly, shaking his head in mild rebuke as the Orc Lord struggled against the debilitating magic that ensnared him. Layers of frost began to form overhis, crackling and hissing as they spread across his gnarled skin.

"So now you will pay for the lives you have destroyed," Without hesitation, Arthur raised his staff, pointing it directly at the Orc Lord. A concentrated power of white mana began to swirl around the crystal tip, gathering into a devastating beam of pure energy. The air around the staff shimmered with the force of the gathering power.

"NOO!!" The Orc Lord roared in terror, a sound filled with the horror of impending doom. He could feel the magnitude of the power being channeled and knew the destruction it promised.


In the next moment, a deafening boom shattered the relative silence of the standoff as a radiant white beam erupted from Arthur's staff. The beam struck with unerring precision, boring straight into the Orc Lord's chest. The energy pierced through flesh and bone with effortless brutality, leaving a gaping, bloody hole where it exited his back before the beam dissipated into the air.

Borin had his jaw drop upon seeing the staggering display of power from this young man even though he seemed to have exhausted a lot of mana in that single move.

That was 1/5th of the power of a decently powerful nuke condensed into a single, concentrated beam which was so precise and calculated that it dissipated right after it did its job to prevent any collateral damage. Just what kind of sweet faced monster was he?

Staggering backward, the Orc Lord's expression shifted from fury to disbelief. His jaws slackened, blood spurting from his mouth in a gruesome fountain as his body and mind struggled to comprehend the fatal blow. With a final, shuddering gasp, he collapsed to the ground, his massive form creating a thud that resonated through the immediate area.T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)