Chapter 550 Lake Of No Return

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 550 Lake Of No Return

Between the lands of the Dracyra and Inferna Continents lay the hidden Lake of No Return, a secluded haven-like place where time seemed to stand still. The dark purple waters were as reflective as glass, nestled deep within a hidden valley. The surrounding tranquility and undisturbed beauty contrasted sharply with the chaotic world outside. Yet, the valley was laced with poisonous violet flowers and vines, their deceptively sweet scent masking the toxic air that deterred all but the most resilient from venturing near. It was the main reason nobody dared to wander around here lest they die in seconds. Cheêck out latest novels at

This natural defense ensured that the Lake of No Return remained a forgotten sanctuary, untouched by those seeking power or resources.

Before the dark waters, a regal beauty stood unfazed by the lethal air. Her off-shoulder dark red gown, embroidered with dark golden dragons, flowed elegantly around her as her fiery red eyes flickered with hidden anticipation.

Her focus sharpened as she sensed a presence behind her. Turning around, she saw a tall, charming man with dove-gray skin and dark yellow eyes stepping forward, his long moon-white hair dancing in the toxic breeze.

"I never thought you would pick such a nice place for us to meet. It's a pity only people like us can survive long enough to enjoy this peaceful place," Asher commented with a subtle smile.

Lysandra's expression relaxed upon seeing him, her earlier doubts about his appearance dissipating, "I appreciate that you came. Is he ready to see me?" she asked with a look of expectation.

Asher nodded, sitting down and closing his eyes. "Urghh..." His expression contorted as if he was suppressing intense pain. Dark green veins began to pulse across his skin, and a moment later, a vibrant, otherworldly dark green light tore through the stillness. From this light emerged a hellish figure of a man with dragon-like wings.

"Agonon..." Lysandra mumbled, her fiery red eyes filled with pain. She stepped forward and took his hand gently, "Come... let's sit down for a while before you have to go," she said softly, guiding her son toward the edge of the lake.

Asher, possessing Agonon's body, glanced down at Lysandra's hand, gently holding his as she guided him towards the edge of the lake where the stillness of the lake reflected their forms perfectly.

As they sat down, Lysandra gazed at him with a softness that contrasted with the harsh surroundings, "Have you been well, son? Are you still in pain?"

Asher sighed, his voice resonating with a deep, grating quality, "It's nothing to feel worried about, Mother. At least I get to step out like this once in a while and see you. It's more than enough considering my situation."

Asher's eyes narrowed as he gripped her hand more firmly, "Mother, you have to help Asher protect his kingdom no matter what it takes. If anything happens to his kingdom, we might not be able to see each other anymore, let alone destroy Drakar," Asher was wondering when Drakar was going to make his move, and it seemed he got back on his feet sooner than expected.

Lysandra nodded slowly, her lips pressing tightly together as a renewed determination settled within her.

"It's time. I have to leave now," Agonon announced as he rose to his feet, prompting Lysandra to stand quickly, her heart heavy with reluctance as she released his hand, "I will see you soon, son."

Agonon gave a solemn nod before turning away. His figure shimmered into a dark green light and vanished, leaving Lysandra alone by the lake, her heart filled with both sorrow and resolve. Asher struggled to his feet, his complexion pale and his body visibly exhausted. He approached Lysandra, each step weighted with effort, "So...was that good enough? I tried to hold out as long as I could," he said, his breath heavy and his voice strained.

Lysandra observed him with a deep sense of gratitude shining in her eyes, "Thank you for giving up some of your time to do this. This means a lot more than I could express," she responded slowly, her voice thick with emotion.

Asher managed a weak smile, despite his fatigue, "Just don't give up. I will help you hold on until we take down Drakar. I am just saying in case you think it's hopeless and that you aren't alone in this, even if your son can't be with you like before," he said, his tone sincere, hoping to alleviate some of the despair he sensed in her aura—despair that resonated eerily with his own experiences.

Lysandra looked up at him, not expecting him to reassure her like that, yet feeling a subtle lift from the heaviness that had burdened her, "If it was anyone else, I wouldn't value their words. But since it's you, I know there is a chance. But you have to be more careful now. Drakar is planning to cripple your kingdom by crippling your trades with those outside. Now would be a good time for you to strengthen your alliances other than from within," she advised solemnly.

Asher's eyes narrowed, a cold smile forming on his lips, "He must be that desperate to not only take the key but my head as well. But thank you for the heads-up," he acknowledged, his mind already racing through strategies.

"Let me know when you are free next time, and I will be here," Lysandra said as she turned to leave, her majestic dark silver wings unfurling gracefully.

But just as she was about to take flight, Asher called out to her, concern lacing his voice, "Hey...If you ever face any trouble you can't handle on your own, let me know. Agonon wouldn't want you taking any huge risks on your own."

Lysandra paused, turning her head to offer him a silent nod, her expression one of quiet resolve, before she propelled herself into the skies with powerful strokes of her wings.

Watching her disappear into the distance, Asher felt a prickling sensation in his chest and couldn't understand why he was feeling so. But then he shook his head and cleared his thoughts as he walked away from the lake.