Chapter 554 I Can't Help You

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 554 I Can't Help You

As the black royal carriage rolled smoothly along the dimly lit path leading to the Nightshade Kingdom, the sounds of the ashen forest were muffled by the thick, plush interior. On the way, Silvia couldn't stop herself from putting her head outside and enjoying the sight of the beautiful forests despite knowing that they were toxic and poisonous.

The gardens in her House were beautiful too, but they all were grown under artificial conditions, while the scene before her was as natural as it could get.

Full of curiosity and an undiminished spirit despite the long journey, she put her head back in and looked at Asher with sparkling eyes,

"Why are we so desperate to ally with the Nightshade Kingdom? Mother told me that they cut off ties with us a few decades ago. Won't we lose face if we beg them to be friends with us again?" Silvia asked with a pout, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern as she leaned forward slightly.

Asher, looking out of the window at the passing shadows of the dense forest, turned towards Silvia, his expression one of seriousness, "Because despite existing in a world like ours, the Nightshade Kingdom is the second most thriving kingdom in our continent, located in the southernmost region. This region is very rich in resources compared to the rest of our continent," he began, his voice steady, laying the groundwork for his explanation.

"It's not just their location or their prosperity; it's what lies beneath them and around them that makes them invaluable," Asher continued, capturing Silvia's full attention, "They sit atop resources that are more abundant than what our kingdom possesses as a whole. Otherwise, why do you think we needed so many allies to do trade with for all these years?"

Silvia's eyes widened in surprise, her interest piqued, "More resources? Then why did nobody ever try to steal from them?" she prodded, eager to understand the full scope.

Asher shook his head with a chuckle, "Because they control various key passes and routes that are vital for trade and military movements, protecting them from various invasions in the past. Their strategic location is a bulwark in itself."

"Silvia finds that hard to believe. They couldn't have been that strong centuries ago," Silvia said with a look of doubt.

"Of course not. That is why they chose to ally with us in the past and trade their resources in exchange for our protection. Our dragons could easily ward off any local threat, and so this alliance continued for centuries until a few decades ago when something bad happened to not only their kingdom but ours. You already know that," Asher explained.

Silvia hummed with her lips pursed as she felt it made sense.

"But there's more," Asher added, leaning back as he folded his arms, "Despite their offensive power being nowhere near that of our kingdom, the nightshaders possess the rare Veilstone mines. These mines produce Veilstone, a unique mineral used to forge weapons that remain invisible until they strike their target. Imagine the advantage in warfare and defense that such a capability would bring. Since we are looking at a war in the near future, we could definitely use such weapons."

Silvia listened intently, her gaze now reflective as she absorbed his words, "So, securing this alliance could not only strengthen us with resources and strategic advantages but also arm us with weapons to fight back against those big bully draconians," she murmured, more to herself, finally connecting the dots.

"Yes, exactly," Asher affirmed with a slight smile, pleased with her quick grasp of the situation despite appearing like an airhead, "It's about strengthening our position on all fronts—economic, strategic, and military. That's why this alliance is crucial. Even if we failed to gather other allies, this alliance alone could make up for everything. At least until we can stand on our own legs."

Silvia's face fell, and she puffed her cheeks out in frustration, reluctantly releasing his arm, "Silvia will stay if that is what the king wants," She mumbled with pursed lips while taking a secretive glance at him, hoping for one last time that he would feel guilty for leaving her behind.

Asher didn't know why he was feeling a bit bad when she could be putting up a pitiful act for all he knew. Still, he nodded and followed the royal servants who led him inside the castle, much to Silvia's disappointment.

As he disappeared into the darkened entryway, Silvia continued to standd there, her gaze lingering on the spot where he had vanished and then looking around with a determined gaze.

She had already shaken off her disappointment and regained her determination to do something.

The royal guards, noticing her lingering presence, gave her another set of stern looks, prompting her to step back towards the carriage. "Hmph. This young lady wants to check out the castle gardens. You people can do that for a noble guest, right?"She demanded firmly with the air of a princess as the guards looked at each other with confused looks, wondering what they should do with her.

They thought she was a pampered noblelady after seeing how she acted with the Bloodburn King. But now...

Meanwhile, the grand halls of the Nightshade Castle bore a solemn silence as if nobody dared to make any unnecessary sounds. Asher walked through the dark corridors, led by servants who offered him a respectful yet distinctly lukewarm welcome. He didn't let the cool reception deter him; his mind was focused on the task at hand, though he couldn't help but sense the gloomy aura that seemed to permeate every stone of this ancient stronghold.

As they approached the guest hall, the ambiance shifted subtly to a more elegant setting, though the somber atmosphere persisted. The guest hall looked refined, with intricate decorations lining the walls and antique furnishings that spoke of centuries-old heritage.

Eradicator paused at the entrance and stood guard outside while Asher stepped into the room alone, his eyes immediately drawn to the figure standing by the window.

It was the imposing figure of an old man despite his advanced age. Clad in dark gray noble robes, his long white beard nearly touched his waist, and his dark gray skin was lined with wrinkles. Four majestic horns extended from his head, adding to his regal yet somewhat daunting appearance.

"King Lakhur, thank you for agreeing to meet me," Asher greeted, bowing slightly in a gesture of respect.

The old king turned slowly, his movements measured and deliberate. His dark blue eyes, sharp and penetrating, landed on Asher, scanning him thoroughly, "Hmm... King Asher, you shouldn't have troubled yourself to come all the way here. I know why you are here, but I don't think I can help you," Lakhur stated, his voice deep and resonant, carrying a finality that seemed resolute.

Asher, not one to retreat easily, pressed on, his brow furrowed, "If you were planning to refuse me before we could even discuss anything, why did you agree to meet me?" he asked, seeking to understand the old king's motives.

Lakhur leaned against the wall, supporting himself with one hand. He replied with a stoic look, "Because I didn't want to be rude and out of respect for who you are. Despite the grievances I share with your kingdom, our ancestors respected each other. It is the only reason why we didn't even accept the draconians' offers, no matter how generous they were. It is the only and last goodwill we can show towards your kingdom."

Asher narrowed his eyes upon seeing how immovable this old king was and wondered what he should do.