Chapter 557 Making A Friend

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 557 Making A Friend

Kayla tilted her head, her confusion mingling with a naive intrigue.

She blinked slowly, processing the unexpected visitor and her unusual offer, "Who are you?" she asked, her voice imbued with both wariness and a childlike wonder, yet feeling curious about this mysterious figure and her offer.

"This young lady is Silvia, a friend of yours from a neighboring kingdom," Silvia answered, her voice a conspiratorial whisper.

Kayla's brow furrowed, her mind churning through what she knew, "Silvia?...Ohhh..." Suddenly, recognition sparked in her eyes, brightening like stars, "Silvia Valentine?? Is that really you? The pretty young lady of House Valentine?"

With a playful yet low giggle, Silvia puffed up her chest and nodded, "This young lady is indeed Silvia."

Kayla's eyes widened with childlike wonder and disbelief, "You really want to play with me?"

"Why not? You don't want to play with Silvia?" Silvia replied, her tone dipping into feigned disappointment.

"No, no," Kayla hastened to correct, shaking her head vigorously as she slid off the bed and tiptoed towards the window.

A shadow of doubt crossed her face as she murmured, "Mother told me that the Bloodburn Kingdom is very powerful and that even if we are friends with them, they don't mingle with a weaker kingdom like ours more than necessary."

"That isn't true. Silvia wants to mingle with you. Come out quick, or those scary guards might stop us, Silvia whispered urgently, casting a wary glance at the royal guards who, oblivious to the unfolding drama, smiled idly at the sky.

She had put them all under a spell, and it wasn't that difficult since they were Soul Purgers, but that didn't mean she could keep them under that spell forever. She only wanted to buy enough time to meet the Nightshade Princess, who hadn't revealed herself in decades and wanted to have fun with her.

Kayla, spurred by Silvia's urgency, leaned out the window, her gaze flicking to the guards.

Yet seeing them only made her feel more nervous and uneasy about going out.

"Here...I will give this pretty flower to you once we are done playing," Silvia said as she offered a rose in one last attempt to lure her out.

" pretty..." Kayla murmured with a look of awe and wonder, making her feel the desire to hold and possess such a pretty thing forever.

In a sudden, impulsive move, she tried to jump through the window, only to clumsily bump her head on the frame, "Ow..." she muttered, more in surprise than pain, realizing and shocked to see that she was so big and tall compared to how she should be.

Silvia couldn't help but puff her cheeks in exasperation as she watched the awkward attempt of this grown lady to squeeze out through this not-so-big window.

Grabbing Kayla's wrists, she declared, "Silvia will help you," With a mix of determination and amusement, she helped squeeze the confused Kayla through the window, the scene unfolding in a comedic yet innocent way.

Kayla, her feet unsteady on the leaf-strewn earth, stared down at herself with a growing sense of dread. Her body seemed unfamiliar, overly large, and daunting, sending a shiver of fear through her heart.

"Hey, where should we go? If these pesky guards catch us, both of us will be done for," Silvia whispered urgently, her voice a contrast to the quiet rustling of the leaves. She tugged at Kayla's hand, trying to get the attention of the disoriented princess.

Jolted from her fearful inspection, Kayla blinked away tears and pointed towards a set of descending steps that led deeper into the shadowy forest. Her breath came in short, erratic gasps, her mind racing with confusion over her altered appearance.

Before she could spiral further into panic, Silvia seized her hand and pulled her toward the stairs, her determination lending them both a desperate speed. They darted and ducked behind the natural cover, finally breaking free into the deeper solitude of the forest.

A chilling voice of a woman sliced through her grief, "You should have listened to your family..." It was cold, unfeeling, and seemed to come from all around her.

Kayla's tear-streakedface lifted, and her eyes met two glowing, ominous red orbs piercing through the mist.

Her heart raced, panic seizing her as a shadowy handreached towardsher, "NOOOOO!!!" Her screamechoed,a desperate sound that filled the misty and cold expanse.


The fading light of the evening cast long shadows across the ornate walls of the dining hall, where Asher had just partaken in what Lakhur modestly termed a 'small feast.'

Despite the sumptuous spread, the atmosphere was tinged with the unresolved tensions of their earlier conversation.

As they stepped from thegrandeur of the dining hall, the air cooled, and the first lights ofshattered stars of the nightbegan to peek through the twilight.

Asher sighed, a mixture of resignation and fatigue clouding his features. He glanced at Lakhur, his voice low, "So...I can't change your mind, can I?"

Lakhur, matching his pace, responded with a slow nod, his expression somber, "I am sorry. I know you are greatly disappointed, but—"

"It's fine," Asher interjected, offering asmall, understanding nod, "At least I got to have some rest and filled my belly with delicious food. Thank you for making me feel welcome here," he said, preparing to move forward when,

"Your Majesty!" The urgent call echoed through the corridor as several royal guards hastened toward them, their armor clanking with each hurried step. They halted before Lakhur, bows of urgency rather than courtesy.

Lakhur's brows furrowed deeply, his voice a sharp command, "What is it?"

One of the guards, his voice trembling with urgency,managed to speak, "It's the princess...She is missing!"

"What?! What do you mean 'missing'? Explain it!" Lakhur's voice boomed through the hall, his demand sending a palpable shiver through the guards.

"We believe..." the guard hesitated, casting a wary glance at the Bloodburn King, "...Y-Young Lady Silvia might have taken her somewhere. She is missing as well and... tricked us into losing sight of her,"Theguard admitted as he and the others bowed in shame and fear.

Asher's hand went to his forehead as he closed his eyes, exhaling a frustrated breath, "Oh devils..." he muttered, his worst fears of bringing Silvia along actually coming true.

"Then what are you fools doing here? Go and find them! Now!" Lakhur's roar was fierce, spurring the guards into immediate action as they scattered to obey.

Lakhur then looked at Asher with a heavy look, but before either king could discuss further, the heavy doors of the castle burst open.

Another guard appeared, his voice booming across the now silent hall, "Your Majesty! We found them!"

Both Asher and Lakhur's expressions shifted from alarm to acute anticipationin an instant.

The guards who were about to leave also froze in their tracks, their expressions shocked.

Without a word, they hurried toward the entrance, their previous thoughts forgotten in the rush of urgent hope and looming fears.