Chapter 570 The Backup Plan

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 570 The Backup Plan

Arthur's expression was one of shock and curiosity as he absorbed Rachel's revelations about the Judge, a figure cloaked in both reverence and mystery, "The Judge was once the Corrupted Prince's Master? How come nobody seems to be talking about it?" he asked, his voice a mix of disbelief and intrigue.

Rachel responded with a thoughtful shake of her head, her voice low, "Because out of respect for the Judge. It would be disrespectful to associate the Judge with a corrupted thing. The judge is revered not only for being very powerful but also for being fair and just in any matter. He wouldn't let rank, background, or personal matters unfairly influence any of his decisions."

Arthur furrowed his brows, digesting the complexity of the situation, "I understand, but... the Judge can see through a person's mind and know what's true or not. I even heard that he can discern truth and lie by just looking at someone's eyes. How come he did not notice anything wrong with the Corrupted Prince if he was that corrupt? I suppose everyone has the same question in their mind," he murmured, his voice tinged with a blend of skepticism and wonder.

Rachel's eyes briefly flickered with certain heavy emotions, "I have always thought that too..." she mumbled before shifting her gaze towards Arthur's, "But maybe he got corrupted after his time as the Judge's disciple. Who knows..."

"That does make sense," Arthur conceded, nodding slowly, his mind still wrestling with the layers of complexity surrounding the legendary figures of the WHA.

Their conversation, however, was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the main doors opening.

Both Arthur and Rachel turned their heads towards the entrance, where Derek made his presence known. His gaze swept across the room, eventually landing on the pair. He offered them a light, reassuring smile, which they returned in kind.

The council members, sensing the arrival of their president, redirected their attention towards him.

Derek walked with a purposeful stride, his steps echoing slightly in the grand hall. He stopped a few feet away from the large, circular table, standing firm and composed as he saluted at them.

All five members also raised their hands to salute Derek, though Lila saluted with both her hands, making the Judge briefly glance at her.

Lilia gave a mock fright look as she quickly lowered one hand before everyone lowered their hands.

Her chuckle then broke the initial tension as she eyed Derek with a mixture of amusement and skepticism, "You have been quite busy, Derek, without letting us in on it. Just what have you been cooking in secret?" she asked, her tone light but probing.

On the sidelines, Arthur whispered to Rachel, clearly impressed by the strategic foresight displayed, "Looks like your dad came prepared. He had already consulted two of them."

Rachel silently nodded in agreement, though to her, Albert and Max were very familiar faces. She had seen the two a lot of times in her home in the past and knew they had strong connections to her dad. It wasn't a surprise to see these two talking in support of her dad.

But to take her dad's side like this before the council...was their belief in her dad's project that strong? Or did they stand to gain something from it?

After experiencing everything, especially during the quest for the worthy, she felt like she had to suspect everyone of making every decision with at least an ulterior motive. There just weren't that many good people in this world.

The council chamber fell into a deeper hush as Hiroto, the eldest and most revered member of the Guardian Council, directed a penetrating gaze at Derek.

His voice, deep and resonant with age, carried an unexpected question that hung in the air like a shadow, "Derek, does this project have anything to do with the one on Mars?"

Albert's reaction was subtle, his gaze tightening, though his expression remained an unreadable mask of calmness.

Rachel, unable to contain her astonishment, murmured, "Mars? Did I hear him right?" Her words, though whispered, echoed the confusion that Arthur shared, his expression equally baffled, "I am wondering the same as well," he confessed, his thoughts racing to connect the terrestrial defense project with unexpected interplanetary ambitions.

Derek's response was measured, his eyes narrowing slightly as he acknowledged the connection with a simple, "It does."

Hiroto, unfazed by the murmurings around him, continued in his steady, calm manner, "How? So far you have told us that Project Mars starts with finding a way to fill that planet with life. We have granted so many resources because we believe it is a good idea for humanity based on your end goal. But it's been years, and we haven't seen much promising results so far. So would it be wrong for us to wonder if your new project would also not deliver as you want it to? Tell us one good reason why your projects will benefit our world."

Derek took a moment to gather his thoughts, his gaze locked on Hiroto's pale gray eyes, "Project Mars is supposed to be like a backup for us. Project Guardian is our defense. If that defense breaks, Project Mars will be the only thing that can save humanity. I mean that...truly."

The declaration hung heavily in the air, its implications staggering. Hiroto's eyes narrowed, peering into Derek's bright blue eye, his silence urging Derek to continue.

With a newfound intensity, Derek took a step forward, his resolve crystallizing, "But if you find it hard to believe I can deliver, please give me a year. If I can't make Mars breathable for us humans within a year, then I will give up both of these projects and compensate for the losses endured through my own pocket, even if it means I have to give up the Sterling Radem."