Chapter 572 He Always Had The Light

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 572 He Always Had The Light

The grand hall of the Eye was bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the polished stone floor as the council members began to disperse.

In the aftermath of the intense discussion, Hiroto's voice resonated with authority yet carried a personal note as he addressed Derek, "Send over your daughter and Arthur here. I want to talk to them alone."

Derek, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected request, raised a brow but then nodded understandingly as he and the other council members exited the room, leaving the space feeling significantly larger and more imposing.

Arthur and Rachel, having been summoned unexpectedly, exchanged a look of surprise and mild apprehension.

Rachel's heart raced with a mix of nervous anticipation; the possibility that the Judge might unearth secrets she wished to keep buried was a real fear for her.

Despite this, they made their way to the center of the Eye, where Hiroto stood silhouetted against the vast windows that looked out over the sprawling WHA buildings.

As they approached, Arthur, ever respectful and composed, greeted the Judge, "Senior Hiroto, it is an honor to finally meet you in person," he said, his voice carrying a genuine warmth, though he could not completely mask his curiosity about the reason for this private audience.

Hiroto turned slowly from the window, his gaze sweeping over Arthur with a depth that seemed to reach into his very soul, "Arthur Evangelion... Your sister was one of the finest Hunters to grace our world. But your eyes..." His voice trailed off as his eyes glazed over.

"My eyes?..." Arthur echoed, confusion threading through his words as he pondered any possible significance his eyes could hold.

The Judge's attention then shifted to Rachel, his expression softening yet carrying an undeniable seriousness, "Your eyes seem as if they are being weighed down by your heart. I have known you since you were born, and your eyes were full of hope and light unlike now. Is there something you wish to tell me?" he asked, his tone gentle yet probing.

Rachel, feeling the weight of his gaze, lowered her head and responded with a quiet, "No..." Her voice was a mere whisper, betraying her inner turmoil.

Arthur glanced at Rachel, his concern piqued by Hiroto's observations, wondering what burdens she carried that might have dimmed the light once so vivid in her eyes. Is that why she always seemed serious and a bit troubled?

Hiroto hummed thoughtfully, acknowledging her response with a slow nod, and said, "I called you two here because I feel our world will need you two to lead it in the future."

Rachel and Arthur stood somewhat bewildered by Hiroto's profound assertion of their potential roles as leaders.

Arthur, his brows furrowed in confusion, murmured softly, "Lead the world? Like a leader? But... I am just a junior who recently officially became a Hunter. Even in the future, I am not sure if I would have the right qualities of a leader."

Rachel, equally taken aback, said with her head lowered and her expression heavy, "I am not worthy of such honorable responsibility, but I appreciate that you see me in such a good light." Her voice was steady, though her voice was thick with certain emotions.

With a fluid motion, she removed her hat, revealing her silky blue hair tied back neatly, a stark contrast to the arid, sandy tones of her surroundings.

Her bright blue eyes swept across the room, vigilant and searching for a certain elusive figure she was supposed to meet.

"Right on time."

The sudden, firm grip on her shoulder and his voice was both startling and expected.

Rachel spun around, her heart pounding, to see Asher in his human avatar, standing there with his eerily mesmerizing golden eyes, "You look pretty in this dress. Suits your complexion greatly," he greeted, his voice smooth, almost soothing in the quiet of the abandoned space.

Rachel averted her gaze, feeling her pulse beginning to race for no reason, and asked as she tucked away a strand of her hair, "Are you here to stay?"

"Do you want me to?" Asher asked as he slowly leaned closer, making Rachel unconsciously hold her breath.

"I-It doesn't matter what I think. What did you want to talk to me about?" Rachel asked, trying to change the topic.

Asher stepped closer, casually draping an arm around her shoulders in a familiar gesture that belied the tension underlying their meeting, "Why the hurry? Let's first sit down, and we can talk."

Heart racing, Rachel allowed herself to be guided to a dusty, soft seat, the fabric releasing a puff of aged air as she settled down. Asher took the seat beside her, his presence imposing yet strangely comforting.

"I heard your dad has come up with some absurd project called Project Guardian that involves setting up powerful teleportation portals across the entire world, all connected to each other using mana ley lines. But knowing how crafty that old bastard is, I know there is something more to this. What do you think? You must know something, right?" Asher probed, his eyes piercing as he searched her face for any sign of confirmation or denial.

Rachel's eyes darted as she hesitated, not knowing if she should reveal and compromise her dad's projects, which were supposed to protect this world from demons.

But then she remembered Hiroto's words about leadership and the importance of making the right decisions guided by one's own moral compass.

Taking a deep breath, steeling herself against the myriad possible consequences, Rachel chose to trust her instincts—

and perhaps Asher too, "About that..." she began to explain, her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart.

Asher's brows began to raise the more he listened to her while Rachel increasingly got anxious, feeling the subtle changes in the intensity of his aura, wondering what he was thinking.

When she was finally done, Asher coldly scoffed with a look of disbelief as he looked at her and said, "Let me get this straight. Your dad is planning to starve us demons of resources and power and finally eradicate us by moving most or all the hunters eventually to a whole different planet? He isn't someone who comes up with absurd shit, but if he's this serious, tell me how long he has been roaming around on Mars and what's he been exactly doing there to prepare for all this?"