Chapter 575 Blazing Slayers

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 575 Blazing Slayers

[ Our world, which has always been teetering on the edge of darkness, the Blazing Slayers Guild, stands as a bastion of hope and strength.

Commanding awe and respect across the globe, our legendary guild is synonymous with valor, discipline, and an unshakeable commitment to safeguard humanity.

Founded centuries ago by the Stan Family, the Blazing Slayers Guild was established in response to a surge of demonic incursions that threatened to overwhelm the world.

Their creation was built on the achievement of the then patriarch of the Stan Family, who killed the Demon King!

The founders, legendary figures in their own rights, imbued the guild with a fierce dedication to combating these dark forces, a legacy that has only strengthened with each passing generation.

Headquartered in a vast fortress that stands as a guardian colossus, our guild's presence alone will reassure and awe your soul.

The members of the Blazing Slayers Guild are a breed apart.

No soul in this world does not know that each hunter of our guild is a paragon of their craft, having passed grueling trials that tested the limits of human endurance and spirit.

We warriors wear our guild's emblem—a phoenix rising from flames—on our armor, a symbol of our resilience and our burning commitment to rise above the darkness that encroaches upon our world.

Led by the Supreme Commander of the WHA, our guild not only tackles the most dangerous missions but also serves as a training ground for the elite.

Beyond our battlefield exploits, our guild is reknowned for its humanitarian efforts.

We are often the first responders to crises that arise from dangerous demonic activities, rescuing civilians and restoring order.

Our charitable arm provides relief and reconstruction support to the areas devastated by supernatural conflicts and takes good care of the common folk.

We are not just fighters; we are protectors of the human spirit, warriors revered not only for their prowess but also for our integrity and our unwavering resolve to stand as a shield against the darkness.

Applications for our new intake start next week. Apply now, and you might get a chance to bring about a better future for our world. We hold no discrimination. Anyone is free to apply, and we will pick the ones who are worthy to be a Blazing Slayer! ]

"Ffffthu!" Amelia, who heard all this from an advertisement of the guild playing on the huge screens of the buildings in the city, spat out in contempt before walking away.

"Ah, yes, of course," Lenny responded, clicking his tongue as though the information had just clicked into place. He furrowed his brows, adding, "But I found it a bit surprising because you obviously have your family's guild. Won't your guild feel disappointed to see you leave them?"

Rachel offered a subtle smile, her demeanor composed yet firm, "You know that they will understand because I am doing this not for me but to help secure the future of humanity. I don't want to join your guild as just another ordinary member but to be part of something Project Mars."

Lenny chuckled uncomfortably, scratching his chin, "Are you sure your dad wants you to? Because you know...this project isn't uh...meant for everyone. Some of them even resigned after briefly joining it."

"Are you saying that I, Rachel Sterling, am not capable enough to join this project?" Rachel's tone turned cold, her displeasure evident.

Lenny quickly shook his hands in a placating gesture, "Of course not. Please don't misunderstand me like that, my dear. You know me, right. I am only trying to look out for you. But you have to know that if you ever choose to resign, then there will be a mandatory memory wipe to remove anything you might have learned during your time in the project. It is due to confidentiality clauses."

"I am fine with that. Anything else?" Rachel asked, leaning back with an air of resolve.

Lenny cleared his throat, continuing, "There is also a weekly mind-scanning session for every member of the project. It's to make sure that none of them ever talk about, you know—"

Rachel leaned forward, frowning, "Hold on a second. Are you telling me that I should let someone poke into my head so that I can continue contributing to the project that concerns our future?"

Lenny offered a wry smile, slightly uneasy. "It's just protocol. I don't really make the rules. Everybody has to do it and—"

"Do you do it then? Even if you are managing the project, you are also technically part of it, right? So, do you follow the protocol as well?" Rachel pressed, her gaze sharp and probing.

Lenny looked away, wincing, "Rachel, come on. You know it's not the same. It's not like I would ever—"

"Then the same goes for me. Or do you think that I am not trustworthy?" Rachel retorted, her disappointment palpable.

Lenny sighed, resigned, "Okay, okay. Let me just ask your dad about this."

Rachel's frustration was palpable as she confronted Lenny, her brows knitting together in disapproval, "I had no idea that you needed my dad's permission to do everything, even something as simple as this. I thought you were the one handling this project, and yet it seems like you don't have much power over decisions," she stated sharply, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Lenny's face tightened, the affable mask slipping as his features contorted. Did it really seem like that?

"Maybe I should have just talked to my dad instead of coming all the way here. Whatever, I will go and do just that," Rachel said, her tone decisive as she began to rise from her seat, signaling her readiness to leave the uncomfortable situation behind.

"Wait, wait," Lenny blurted out, standing abruptly. He extended an arm in front of her, a physical barrier to her departure, "It's not like that at all, Rachel. I only wanted to ask your dad because I thought he was very protective of you. But since he already seemed okay with you joining the project, I suppose I should apologize for overthinking this and not considering what you want. So it's fine if we just skip over a silly protocol. You are Rachel Sterling, after all, and that's more than enough. But please don't tell your dad about this. He is very strict about protocols, not that I would let anybody else skip it, hehe."

Rachel paused, her posture relaxing slightly as she assessed Lenny's hurried concession. A brief smile curved her lips, a sign of her acceptance of his apology, "Thank you, Lenny. Now... why don't you tell me where I should begin?"