Chapter 584 We Were Meant To Be

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 584 We Were Meant To Be

"Excuse me but...What the fuck?" Asher's expression contorted into one of complete bewilderment, his previous intent to battle fading into the background as he tried to grasp the absurdity of the situation.

His hand instinctively tightened around his weapon, not out of aggression, but more as a reflex to ground himself in reality.

Lori's eyes twinkled with amusement and perhaps a hint of malicious pride as she observed Asher's reaction.

Her coils shifted slightly, a gesture that seemed almost like a shrug, "Yes, you heard me correctly. It's not every day that one finds a worthy vessel. You should consider it an honor."

Asher shook his head, trying to clear the confusion, "Honor or not, I'm here to kill you, not join your... your family tree." His voice regained some of its earlier firmness, though his gaze still held a flicker of uncertainty as he tried to decide whether he was in a battle or some bizarre negotiation.

"Ohuhuhuhuhu," Lori's laugh, a sinister, melodious sound, echoed off the walls as she tilted her head, considering Asher's defiance before the vertical slits of her dark purple eyes narrowed into thin slits, "You killed all my breeding vessels, invaded my home to kill me and plunder my things, and you dare have the audacity to refuse my offer while I am being kind? Do you not love your own life, you spunky brat?" She asked in a chilling, low voice, her eyes briefly glowing with killing intent yet with a hint of fascination.

Asher blinked, processing Lori's revelations with a mix of incredulity and confusion, "Killed your breeding vessels? You mean your minions outside who attacked me first?" His voice carried a hint of defensiveness, the absurdity of the situation momentarily overshadowing the danger.

Lori's response was a low, spiteful hiss that reverberated through the cavern, chilling in its intensity, "Sssss..Some of them were the finest vessels I could find, and I was grooming them to become my breeder vessels. Do you have any idea how many years it took to find them? 350 years! That is the number of years you made me waste in a matter of a few minutes."

"Grooming? Wha-...How old are you? You must be at least 400 years are really old..." Asher's eyes widened, his tone a mix of surprise and unintended disrespect.

"Who are you trying to call old?!" Lori snapped, her maw dangerously close to Asher, who hastily raised his hands in a placating gesture, "Hey! It's not my fault that you sent your precious men to fight me. Since you are such a wise 'beauty', you should have known there was a good chance of them dying. You should have just kept them safe here. I would have done the same."

Asher inwardly shook his head, his thoughts tinged with disbelief. Was a creature over 400 years old really this temperamental?

Lori seemed to simmer down a bit upon hearing him call her a 'beauty,' though her tone still carried a venomous edge, "If they were too weak to survive, then they aren't worthy of becoming my breeding vessels. But survived at least a couple minutes against me, and that is more than enough to be worthy in my eyes. With our bloodlines merged, I will be the only descendant of my great ancestor, Hydra, to make him proud and usher in a new era where our Dreadhearth bloodline will dominate the entire world and restore our kingdom. I will be known as the Mother Queen for generations to come, Ohuhuhuhu."

Asher's expression shifted from bafflement to outright astonishment as he listened to her delusions of grandeur. World domination, a restored kingdom, a new era—all hinged on him?

But Hydra? She was the descendant of that three-headed mythical beast, one of the First Demons?

Wasn't it the symbol of House Valentine?

The last time he heard of it, Hydra was vanquished by the 5 Elder Hunters when mankind saw the dawn of Hunters and Demons. Those 5 were the first and the strongest Hunters mankind came to know before others began popping up.

Yet, House Valentine never stopped using it as their symbol, as if to pay respect or to still use it as a symbol of strength.

But did it have some kind of branch family for Lori to claim herself as its descendant? Why doesn't she have three heads though?

Clearing his throat, Asher managed a brief, incredulous smile, "You are forgetting something important. I am not a snake or a beast. I am an alien. It's impossible for me to... I mean for us to merge our bloodlines. Besides, it's not like a majestic beauty like you can't find more men. I bet lots of them must be ready to wait in a queue for you."

Asher, his chest heaving with exertion and stress, glanced back to gauge the distance between them, "I can't care less about your virginity or how long you were waiting. But I'm not your fucking vessel, Lori! This ends now!" he shouted, throwing a look of defiance over his shoulder.

His path twisted and turned, the twisted layout of the cavern working against him, each turn seeming to lead further into the depths rather than offering a way out. Didn't he come this way earlier?

In a swift maneuver born of desperation, Asher hurled his ring blade behind him, hoping to slow her advance.

The explosions as the blazing ring blade struck the wall illuminated the cavern with brief flashes of dark green light.


Lori hissed in irritation as the ring blade hit her in multiple places before bouncing away, momentarily hindering her pursuit, but her massive size and strength quickly brushed off the assault.

"You think your weak attacks will stop me?" Lori taunted, her voice growing louder as she regained her momentum.

With a powerful flick of her tail, she launched a boulder towards Asher after roughly guessing his position.

He barely dodged, feeling the rush of air as the rock passed inches from his face and smashed into the cavern wall ahead, blocking his intended path.

Cornered and realizing that the path was blocked, in a split-

second decision, he changed direction, diving into a narrower passage that should lead him back to the exit based on how it seemed to extend.

As he rounded a sharp bend, the floor beneath him trembled.

Lori, anticipating his move, had taken a shortcut through the cavern's complex network of tunnels.

After a couple of minutes of getting chased, Asher skidded to a halt, his breath catching in his throat as his eyes widened, and he found himself back in the central chamber—the heart of Lori's lair.

Asher was panting; his mana reserves had almost depleted again after using the cloak and all those attacks to slow her down for the entire duration of the chase.

He realized that the cavern was designed in such a way to trick intruders like him and she slyly must have blocked off the only path of escape earlier there.

The massive serpent loomed over him, her dark purple eyes glinting with triumph and malice.

"Sssss..You see, brat? There's no escaping me. This is our destiny. We are meant to be here...together...alone..." Lori seductively hissed, though her voice only sent chills down Asher's spine.

He wiped the sweat off his brow as he slowly turned around to see her menacing smile and her razor-sharp teeth showing, "Now, obediently become mine, and I might treat you well. Either aren't leaving without me sucking all of that vitality brimming in your immortal bloodline. We have a good chance to finally make a little Hydra and make my ancestor proud," She said with a frenzied yet carnal gleam as the vertical slits in her eyes narrowed with anticipation.