Chapter 588 Her Absurd Plan

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 588 Her Absurd Plan

"Lori..." Asher began, his voice softer, infused with a rare humility, "I know it's shameless of me, but I need your help."

Asher stepped to the side so as not to look at her back and get cursed with despair.

Lori's triangular head didn't even shift, though Asher could see her dark purple eyes filled with tears from the side.

The fierceness that had once defined her was absent, replaced now by a vulnerability that echoed the deep well of her grief, "Go away... ssss..." She weakly hissed without even lifting her head.

But her voice, barely above a whisper, trembled with the weight of her sorrow as she kept gazing at the bones of her father, relics of her deepest loss.

Asher observed her, the mighty serpent reduced to a figure of despair, submerged in her pain.

The stark contrast between her once majestic and terrifying presence and her current broken state was jarring.

No longer did she radiate the intimidating aura of a predator or assume her true size; instead, she remained small in size and seemed utterly consumed by her emotional turmoil.

The Gaze of Agony must have unearthed memories she had fought hard to suppress, leaving her defenseless in their wake.

Though Asher felt no regret for using his power—necessary as it was to save himself and Lysandra—he couldn't ignore the pitiable state it had left Lori in.

But suddenly, an idea began to form, a possible solution that might serve both their needs.

"I will help you kill the present Moon Guardian. His father killed yours, right? Don't you want revenge? An eye for an eye?" he proposed, watching her carefully.

At his words, Lori's sobbing paused, and she finally shifted her neck to look at him, her eyes flickering with a mix of shock and renewed vigor, "I... I will tear him apart myself! I will make his father weep tears of blood from the Seven Hells," she declared, her voice gaining strength, resonant with deep-seated resentment and a sudden revival of her ferocity.

Asher's eyebrows lifted in mild surprise at her swift return to her previously frightening demeanor, triggered by the mere mention of the Moon Guardian.

He could see that the depth of her hatred for the Moon Guardian was palpable, a smoldering ember that flared at the slightest provocation.

"Can you? Can you really kill him on your own? If you could, you would have done it already instead of hiding in your cave all alone, right?" Asher challenged, his tone deliberately provocative.

"I am not afraid of that wretched wolf!" Lori hissed back, venom lacing her words.

Asher exhaled sharply, frustration lining his face as he shook his head, "Lori, please. You can't just—"

"I will do it..." The weak yet unexpectedly determined voice of Lysandra cut through the cavern's heavy air.

Asher spun around, his eyes widening in shock. He saw Lysandra struggling to sit up, her face pale and strained.

He rushed over, gently helping her lean against the cavern wall as he crouched beside her, "What did you just say?" he asked, as if he wanted to make sure he didn't hear it wrong.

Lysandra met his gaze, her fiery red eyes burning with a resolve that belied her frailty, "Let's do...whatever she wants...Then both of us will...get what we want as well. We could use...

someone like her as our ally."

"Lysandra...are you really willing? Do you also realize the risk it entails? Other than the risks of this whole thing, what if Drakar finds out? You will be in great danger," Asher's voice was laden with worry, each word heavy with the implications of her decision.

"I always am. that time we don't succeed...then we can consider ourselves dead already...I can't stand him any longer than that..." Lysandra managed to say between labored breaths. Her words hung in the air, as if she would rather face death than live as she did all these years.

Asher's brow furrowed deeply as he processed her words, understanding the gravity of the sacrifice she was considering.

He could only imagine the resentment and hatred she must have towards Drakar to be willing to do this with him.

But if she was willing to do so to save her kingdom and herself, then why can't he do the same?

He knew doing this will only complicate things to a great extent, especially since it will only get increasingly harder to keep Agonon's true fate a secret from her.

But there was no choice. He can't let his only ally from the Draconis Kingdom die and lose another potential ally whose strength was very well close to the Moon Guardian.

His wives might also feel this was not a good idea. But if Rowena knew what was at stake, she might also agree that there wasn't any other way.

He knew his wives said no more having a intimate relationship with married women which could also involve impregnating one such woman.

But they talked about one from within the Bloodburn Kingdom to avoid complications from within.

However, Lysandra wasn't a bloodburner. At least, this wouldn't affect his kingdom in a negative way even if things don't work out.

"Fine. Let's do it."