Chapter 599 Nightmares Of The Future

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 599 Nightmares Of The Future

Ceti pressed her lips together, a visible tension seizing her features as she gathered her thoughts under the curious eyes of both Rowena and Asher.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she stepped forward, her expression fraught with concern.

"Because nothing good has ever come out of using such dangerous things. We can learn from history how so many powerful people and kingdoms had fallen because they took advantage of the wrong thing," she explained, her voice laced with a sincere worry that made Asher frown slightly in contemplation.

Asher, feeling Ceti was worrying too much, began to shake his head dismissively, "Ceti, you don't have to worry—"

"I am seeing nightmares again," Ceti abruptly cut him off, her admission hanging heavily in the air. The sudden seriousness of her tone made Asher and Rowena exchange a glance, a silent communication of concern.

"Is it Luna? Is she making you see visions of the future again?" Rowena's voice was calm yet sharp, her brow furrowed in worry for Ceti and for what it might mean for their kingdom.

Ceti's heart tightened under the gaze of their anxious eyes. She hesitated, torn between revealing the full extent of her visions and sparing them from undue worry. How can she tell Rowena that she saw their kingdom getting reduced to ashes? What if she believes it and does something drastic?

How can she tell Asher that he might have caused the destruction of their kingdom inadvertently? What if he does something extreme out of guilt and fear of the future?

She had never felt so troubled and wished she was free of the burden of the future.

She wished that this woman named 'Luna' within her would just leave her alone instead of tormenting her with the future.

Finally, she sighed, her gaze dropping to the floor as she admitted, "I can't remember everything. But what I know is I didn't see good things surrounding us. But we now have the choice to make sure nothing bad won't happen and it starts with not meddling with things we shouldn't. I think that is what Luna wanted to convey to me..." She raised her eyes to meet Asher's, " you."

She felt that if she could prevent Asher from doing or using anything that could potentially destroy their kingdom, even if he would never intend to, then things may not turn out bad.

Asher's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with thoughts of power, risk, and responsibility, "So...if it's that bad, why would your...the Moon Guardian want the key so badly? I am sure it's not because he wants to destroy himself or his people. Even if he is the strongest now, he is a mortal like us, and if he is planning to take advantage of such a powerful weapon, why can't I once I learn how to? Should we really sit still if the worst comes to worst?"

Asher, who had been casually patting Callisa's pincer, froze. His warm demeanor faltered as he followed Ceti's gaze to Lori, who was now aggressively slithering towards Ceti, her hiss loud and threatening, her mouth agape to reveal terrifying, dagger-like teeth.

Onlookers from afar held their breath in terror, fearing that the Dreadspine Serpent had gone rogue and was about to attack their king.

"Lori, stop!" Asher's sharp command cut through the tension, his voice a beacon of authority as he physically positioned himself between the advancing Lori and a visibly shaken Ceti. "That's enough," he bellowed, raising his hands to make sure Lori snaps out of it.

Lori, halting her charge abruptly, didn't conceal her venomous disdain, "Ssssbrat, move! She is from the Moonbinder Clan...isn't she? Why are you keeping a moonfiend like her beside you??" Her hiss was low and threatening, the anger in her eyes unmistakable as she glared past Asher at Ceti.

Ceti was feeling confused by why such a powerful serpent wanted to kill her this badly when she had never met it before in her life.

Asher didn't know if he should be surprised that Lori seemed to know Ceti's background, but he was relieved that she didn't know Ceti was the Moon Guardian's granddaughter. For obvious reasons, she can never know that.

"Her background might be connected to the Moonbinder Clan, but she isn't part of that clan anymore. She is now a Bloodburner like me and any other people in this kingdom. So stand down. I can't let you attack one of my own," Asher declared firmly with a serious face.

Callisa, sensing the gravity of the situation, moved her colossal form to further barricade Lori's path. Her massive pincers and imposing stance echoed Asher's command, her beady eyes shining with a fierce loyalty.

"You twossssss...." Lori spat out, clearly frustrated at being thwarted by both Asher and Callisa. Her tail flicked angrily in the sand, sending large clouds of dust into the air.

She had forgotten that this moonfiend had taken refuge in the Bloodburn Kingdom. How could she forget that until now? But what irked her even more was how this brat and everyone seemed to tolerate or worse, accept her presence here.

From the sea, Isola emerged, her expression fraught with concern over the unfolding scene.

She exhaled a quiet sigh of relief upon seeing Asher taking control, yet her eyes remained cautious and watchful to understand what was going on.

Lori, feeling hurt and perhaps recognizing the futility of her aggression, let out a final, disgruntled hiss, "You have no idea who or what you are breeding beside you. You will regret it one day, sssss...." With those parting words, she turned and slithered away, her departure marked by the smooth, powerful undulations of her body across the sand.

Ceti, still reeling from the shock and the harsh glare of hostility, looked to Asher for explanations, "Asher, what is—" she began, her voice tremulous.

"Don't worry about it. It's not really because of you but your bloodline," Asher reassured her with a gentle smile, trying to alleviate the sudden strain, "I will go and talk to her," he promised, then turned to Callisa and patted her large pincer affectionately, "Callisa, come on. Let's talk some sense into your senior."