Chapter 605 A Hunter? A Cosplayer? Or A...

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 605 A Hunter? A Cosplayer? Or A...

In the bustling heart of one of the city's train stations in Finland, the evening rush was in full swing. Commuters streamed through the gates, their faces set in the familiar expressions of weariness after a long day's work and other activities.


Amidst the flow of people, a solitary figure on a bench caught the eye—a woman in a full-body suit, its dark sheen and intricate design a stark contrast to the casual city wear around her. The chest region bore a subtle yet distinct outline, adhering to her breasts, serving to accentuate her fierce female form.

Curious glances turned into cautious approaches as a group of excited children tugged at their parents' sleeves, pointing at the enigmatic figure, "Mom, look! Is she a Hunter?! Can we take a picture with her?" one child chirped, his voice bubbling with excitement.

"Can't be dear. Hunters don't wait around for trains in stations like this. Not on duty, of course. She must be a cosplayer or something."

Reluctantly, a few parents approached the woman under the constant begging of their kids, politely asking, "Excuse us, would you mind taking a photo with the kids? They think you're trying to represent one of our heroes."

The woman in the suit responded with a silent nod, subtly tilting her head to strike a normal pose. The kids gathered around her, beaming as their parents snapped photos. After a moment, the children skipped away, their laughter echoing through the busy station.

The mysterious presence of the woman in the suit became the center of whispers and speculative chatter, "Do you think she's promoting a new movie or cosplaying a Hunter? But I've never seen any Hunter wear something like that," one commuter speculated to another, their brows furrowed in curiosity.

"I bet she looks hot underneath all that."

"Sssh, you horny little fella. What if she hears you? I might get labeled as a pervert by her just for standing with you."

All the while, the woman's gaze occasionally flicked to the digital clock overhead. As seconds ticked by, her demeanor shifted subtly. The ambient noises of chatter and footsteps seemed to fade against the growing intensity emanating from her.

As the distant rumble of an approaching speeding train grew louder, the woman stood up, her stature eerily imposing. *Krakk...*

Suddenly, her eyes ignited with a dark yellow glow, and lightning streaks of the same ominous color began to dance violently across her suit. The air around her thickened, her aura darkening, casting a shadow that felt both menacing and foreboding.

A nearby commuter, who had been watching her intently, whispered in awe and fear, "What's happening to her?"

Just as people tried to make sense of the scene unfolding before them, the woman bolted into a sudden movement with lightning-fast agility, launching herself onto the tracks. It was as if one moment, she was standing on the platform, and the next moment, she was standing on the tracks.

The train, speeding towards the station with no plans of stopping, bore down on her, its black form growing rapidly in size.

Onlookers cried out in alarm, their screams echoing eerily in the cold air, "Move away! Get out of the tracks!"

The shower of sparks intensified the afterimage of the dark yellow lightning that streaked across her body.


Then, to the mounting horror, she evaporated into thin air followed by a thunderous crackle.

Her form reappeared behind the officers, their faces a mirror of bewilderment. The same guns once pointed at her, were now in her hands, their cold barrels pressed against the back of their heads.

The officers froze, a cold dread settling over them as a cruel realization settled down on them.

In a horrific crescendo, she pulled the triggers. *BANG! BANG!*

The sound of the guns firing was almost mundane, but the result was anything but—the policemen's heads snapped forward under the impact, gaping holes suddenly appearing where their skulls had been intact seconds before. The two bodies fell, faces frozen in shock, splatters of their blood desecrating her metal suit. "AAHHHHH!!!"


"That can't be possible!!!"

The crowd screamed and scattered, tripping over each other in their frantic attempts to escape the platform. The echoes of their terror filled the station as everyone tried to run in different directions, screaming for help and calling anyone they could.

In the heart of the city, it was but another ordinary day until a sudden tide of human fear swept the crowded streets, turning the mundane into a scene of dystopian horror. People poured out from the station, their faces white as death, running helter-skelter as though hellhounds were at their heels. The air rippled with terror and confusion starting to bleed onto the faces of unsuspecting pedestrians.

Before the onlookers could comprehend the cause, a chilling silhouette emerged from the station, casting an icy shadow of dread onto the scene. A woman shrouded in black, so dark that she seemed to absorb the light around her. Her tight full-bodied metallic suit gleamed deadly in the evening sun as a deadly silence filled the air.

Her suit, dark as a moonless night, hugged her form, accentuating a deadly elegance that was both beautiful and terrifying. Her suit crackled with dark yellow strikes, a harsh, demonic storm beneath her skin. The energy undulated like streaks of lightning. Encased within this storm was a body that seemed terrifyingly sleek and menacingly strong. On her hips, attached to her legs, were mechanized discs glowing eerily. They radiated the same sinister energy, spinning ceaselessly, as if they fueled her horrifying presence. Further intensifying her demonic aura were the sharp horn-like fins on her suit's helmet, the blood splatters across her suit only adding to her nightmarish countenance.

What drew the most terror-filled gasps, however, were her eyes—blazing orbs of dark-yellow, as ominous as two moons in a cursed night sky.

As she walked, a chilling silence fell over the crowd. Her eyes scanned the panicked faces around her. People recoiled at her very sight, screams clawing at their throats. Women clutched their children closer, and men prepared to shield their families. "Stop right there, demon!"

Suddenly, as if the heavens heard their silent prayers, a figure in a striking white and blue suit descended onto the scene, his cape billowing heroically behind him.

His bold voice resonated with a heroism that seemed out of place against the backdrop of dread. The crowd's fear momentarily turned to hope. Murmurs of relief and whispered prayers filled the air, "It's the White Knight!" someone shouted, a note of gratitude in his voice.

"We are saved, thank the angels!" another echoed, her hands clasped together as she watched the standoff.

The White Knight stood tall, his presence a stark contrast to the dark figure before him. His suit, a symbol of purity and valor, shone under the sun, his masked face set in a determined frown as he looked at the demoness before him and said in a cutting voice, "I don't recognize you but you won't live long enough for me to care," Saying so, his eyes began to glow with a radiant blue light.