Chapter 607 Her Accusation

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 607 Her Accusation

In the aftermath of the Thundering Reaper's catastrophic emergence in Finland, the entire world seemed to pivot on a new axis of dread and uncertainty. The day after the attack, newspapers around the globe plastered their front pages with apocalyptic titles that screamed of the havoc unleashed in the otherwise peaceful Helsinki. The International Eye declared in stark bold letters, "Unseen Threat: Demon Breaches Human Defenses Yet Again But with Unmatched Speed," capturing the global sentiment of vulnerability. The Angel Express pondered the preparedness of urban centers against supernatural threats in their piece, "Call to Arms: WHA Urges Tighter Security as Demons Slip Through Cracks."

Social media, that digital barometer of public opinion, erupted into a frenzy of hashtags and viral videos. Clips of the demonic figure's blurring speed and the brutal way she slaughtered those S Rankers became the subject of every second tweet or post, each sharing increasing the collective pulse of global anxiety. Hashtags like #ThunderingReaper, #HelsinkiHorror, #WhiteKnightDead, and #DemonThreat dominated trends, with each post adding to the crescendo of collective unease.

Bloggers and influencers churned out content at a breakneck pace, speculating on the origins and potential weaknesses of this new demonic terror. Amidst this digital storm, two camps began to crystallize. One loudly voiced their support for the World Hunter Association, citing the attack as a grim validation of the agency's long-standing warnings about demonic threats. This group clung to the echo of stringent security measures and advanced technology as the weapon against the demons.

They couldn't stop expressing how President Derek was right about the increasing terror the demons were brought to their world, and that it was high time, they took the right measures to stop them before it was too late.

On the opposite end, skeptics of the WHA's motives and methods preached caution, arguing that the incident should not justify the unchecked expansion of a power that might infringe upon civil liberties. Some anonymous posts were already talking about how all this could be a devious move from the WHA to sow terror and make governments give into them.

However, such controversial theories seemed to immediately get removed, at least from all the popular social media apps. Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

As the dust settled on the streets of Helsinki and the initial shock gave way to a pervasive unease, the world held its breath. In coffee shops, living rooms, and boardrooms, people whispered fearful speculations. Was the Thundering Reaper a harbinger of more to come? Could any city or country be next? And hauntingly, as the sun set, they wondered if the night would ever be safe again.

Not long after,

Under the secretive light of the Culthold of the Coven of the Damned, tension crackled through the air like static electricity. The atmosphere was thick as five figures were gathered in one of the training halls in the presence of two coffins before them.

As Asher's coffin glass popped open with a pneumatic hiss, the crisp sound sliced through the silence, his form emerging from the slumber of his human avatar body.

Next to him, Rebecca stirred in her adjacent coffin, her body sliding out with cold grace. Her red eyes flicked open, trying to shake off the momentary dizziness caused due to this transfer.

But right before they could reel in their senses, the tension in the air was shattered with the cold shriek of a believably betrayed voice, "Did you do it??"

Asher spun around, startled at the abrupt accusation. Rachel stood pointedly, tablet in her hands, her usually composed features twisted into an accusing glare. "Rachel, calm down. He wouldn't do that," Behind her, Amelia's brown eyes shimmered with latent worry as she placed her hand on Rachel's arm to make her calm down.

Asher tapped on a video in the article that claimed to have been captured by one of the people in the street when this incident happened.

Rebecca also kept looking out of sheer curiosity, and both of them seemed surprised for different reasons.

Asher was surprised upon not only seeing her monstrous speed but because he was unable to recognize who this demoness was.

The only demons he knew were capable of displaying such insane speed were the werewolves of the Moonbinder Clan.

He saw the way she killed that Hunter named the White Knight by phasing through him multiple times until his body just exploded into a bloody explosion.

He knew speedsters, be they demons or Hunters, were difficult to deal with, just like those with Willbending powers. He understood it best.

But for 4 S Rankers to stand no chance and get slaughtered like this could only mean this was no ordinary speedster demon.

He also couldn't think of any demon race that had dark yellow mana but also had lightning speed. None came to his mind.

The room fell under a tense silence as the video finally flickered to an end, the screen now displaying only reflections of the anxious faces gathered around it. Rebecca let out a sharp gasp, the sound piercing the delicate quiet and earning curious glances from the others. Asher swiftly snapped his head in her direction, the air of urgency making the words tumble out hastily, "What is it? You know her?"

With their focus shifted towards her, Rebecca felt herself bask in the unexpected attention. Puffing her chest out, she couldn't help but dwell on the rare importance this lowly bunch seemed to finally bestow on her, "I don't know this bitch for sure, but I think I have an idea of who she could be," She finally let out, her lips curling into a knowing smirk.

Impatience tinged Asher's response as he coolly retorted, "Then spill it out already. I don't have time to waste with your antics," His usually calm demeanor was visibly ruffled, the sudden turn of events stirring a discomfort he didn't care for.

He had never seen this coming before, and he didn't have a good feeling about it.

Rebecca met his urgency with mild annoyance, clicking her tongue in response before delivering what was clearly a surprise for them all, "She must be a mindslayer or belonging to their kind."

A collective gasp echoed around the room, "Mindslayer?" Rachel echoed Rebecca's words in a mere whisper, her wide-eyed shock mirroring everyone else's surprise. Notable among them was Grace, whose forehead wrinkles grew deeper in contemplation.

Seeing their shocked expressions, Asher finally found his voice, shaking his head in disbelief, "How can she be a mindslayer? They are supposed to be physically weak, let alone possess the speed of lightning. Are you trying to bullshit us there something more we should know?"