Chapter 610 To Fight Speed With Speed

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 610 To Fight Speed With Speed

As the sun rose on another tense day, the world lingered in an uneasy silence, its collective breath held in anticipation of the unknown. A week had passed since the name Thundering Reaper had seared itself into the global consciousness, yet the ghost of the demon and others of its ilk—like Hellbringer—loomed large, their potential for chaos a constant, unspoken threat. Cities that once bustled with the lively rhythms of daily life now thrummed with a palpable tension, every shadow and unexplained noise a potential harbinger of doom.

In this climate of fear, the smaller nations found themselves at a crossroads. Initially resistant, their citizens protested the presence of the WHA, viewing it as an overreach of foreign power into sovereign affairs. However, as days turned into a week with no sign of safety on the horizon, the protests dwindled in certain few countries, replaced by a desperate acquiescence, especially Finland and surrounding countries.

Gates were opened, borders were relaxed, and the WHA forces were welcomed with a mixture of relief and resignation, a stark symbol of the shifting tides of public opinion driven by the primal need for security.

Meanwhile, still, a large majority had not succumbed to the lure of WHA protection. A surprising alliance formed as Russia stepped forward, extending a hand of aid to those still resistant to WHA's dominion. This gesture of solidarity offered not just military support but a semblance of hope, a mirror to the enduring spirit of national sovereignty in the face of global threats.

In contrast, developed nations like South Korea took a markedly different approach. Eschewing external assistance, they turned inward, mobilizing massive military units and arming them with the latest in mana technology. Within just a week, they had pivoted their considerable resources towards advancing mana tech—a cutting-edge amalgamation of ancient mysticism and modern mana-science designed specifically to counter the increasing threats posed by demons.

The centerpiece of this initiative was the creation of the Mana Disruption Towers (MDTs). These sleek, towering structures, erected at strategic points throughout the city, were engineered to create a protective mana barrier around populated areas. The towers operated by drawing in ambient mana from the environment, amplifying it through a core of enchanted crystals, and then emitting a calibrated frequency that disrupted demonic mana signatures, effectively detecting and weakening demons within their range. Điscover new chapters at novelhall.coment the stationary defenses, the Korean military rolled out the Anti-Demon Combat Suits (ADCS). These suits, worn by specially trained anti-demon squads, were outfitted with mana-infused fibers that could adapt to the wearer's mana circuit, enhancing their physical abilities and providing resistance against demonic powers. The suits also featured HUD visors that could detect subtle fluctuations in mana, allowing soldiers to spot hidden or disguised demons.

The South Koreans were awed and relieved at the sheer efficiency and responsiveness of their government.

They knew that even if mana-born or specifically Hunters were considered to be the strongest shield against the demons, the manaless people shouldn't be ignored.

If equipped with the right tech like the ADCS, they too can join or support the Hunters in neutralizing local threats that were not part of any quest. Even if they didn't have a mana circuit, they could use the suit to guard places without enough manpower to keep watch.

Overnight, military bases and police stations were transformed into hubs of readiness. Training programs were overhauled to include mandatory courses on mana manipulation and demonology, which had been optional or included only the basics.

The public, too, was involved; educational campaigns explained the necessity of the MDTs and how to react during a demon attack, fostering a sense of communal resilience.

Drills became a routine part of life, with civilians and troops alike practicing evacuation and defense procedures under the protective hum of the MDTs.

In bustling markets and quiet neighborhoods, people learned to live with the radiant glow of mana crystals within a week, a constant reminder of the shield that stood between them and evil.

Yet, Mr. Volt's reaction was equally rapid, his reflexes and senses honed by dozens of years.

He caught her wrist just in time, his face contorting with shock and the beginnings of pain as her fingertips went past his suit, stabbed into his skin, but fortunately stopped them before they could cut deeper.

Was she seriously faster than him to the point he was only able to stop her after her hand punctured his skin?

"AAAH!" a scream erupted from the crowd.

"It's the demoness!" someone yelled.

"Is she? She us!" another voice added, disbelief mingling with fear.

"She must be in disguise!"

Panic spread like wildfire, the crowd recoiling as the guards swiftly aimed their weapons at the would-be demoness.

"You... How did you get here?" Mr. Volt demanded, his voice strained, radiant orange mana sparking around his arm as he held her wrist in a vice-like grip.

Silent, the woman's other hand shot forward, a crackling echo filling the air, her grip tightening around his neck. Beneath her mundane clothes, a black metallic suit emerged, contours of dark yellow lightning revealing itself as her outfit burned away, the material disintegrating into ashes.

Her entire being, including her face, was now encased in a sleek, aerodynamic suit, her eyes glowing ominously with the same dark yellow as the rotating discs of raw demonic mana attached to her legs.

Mr. Volt's face twisted in a grimace, his other hand grappling with hers on his neck, muscles bulging under the strain of their deadlock.

"What are you guys doing? Shoot her and trap her!" Mr. Volt bellowed to his guards, his voice a mix of command and urgency.

He then turned his steely gaze back to the demoness, defiance, and anger etching his features, "You...made a grave mistake by trying to kill a speedster like me and met your match, you evil thing. So obediently surrender...unless you want to get put down like a dog," he declared, his voice thick with confidence and determination.