Chapter 622 The Doctor And The Master

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 622 The Doctor And The Master

The sharp, magical whirr of the elevator mingled with the low echo of the breathing of the guards as they escorted Anna towards her uncertain meeting. As one guard placed their hand against the scanner, Anna caught a glimpse of additional buttons on the panel lighting up, revealing floor numbers that seemingly didn't exist before.

They selected the 200th floor, and the elevator shot upwards, its speed nearly breathless. Her pulse quickened slightly, knowing nothing good ever happened whenever she went to this floor.

In mere moments, the doors slid open to a quiet, expansive corridor. The guards, their mission apparently at its end, remained inside as the elevator began its descent, leaving Anna to navigate the rest of the path alone. She stepped forward, her steps echoing softly in the vast, empty space, heading towards the large metal doors at the corridor's end.

As the doors hissed open, a sliver of reddish light spilled from the large horizontal windows, painting shadows across the floor. But before Anna could fully step into the room, a startling interruption met her: a large dark golden metallic claw snapped around her neck. "Hrrk!!"The grip was iron-tight, forcing a grimace of pain onto her face as she turned to confront her assailant.

The figure towering over her was imposing, nearly 3 meters tall, encased in dark-golden metallic armor shaped like a rhino, complete with a large horn protruding from the helmet. The eyes of the suit glowed an eerie dark red, and a low growl-like breathing sound emanated from within, filling the room with a foreboding presence. Anna's heart pounded against the vice-like grip, the figure's aura suffocatingly strong like his physical strength. Just what and who was this thing? It had a very unnatural dark aura, and she had never seen this thing before in her life.

"Relax a bit, hornbud. She wouldn't be useful to us dead," called an amused woman's voice from behind the armored giant. At her command, the grip on Anna's neck loosened ever so slightly, allowing her a small gasp of air.

The armored figure let out a rumbling growl in acknowledgment but did not release Anna completely.

Swallowing the pain, Anna's eyes darted around, landing on the woman who had spoken. The woman, appearing in her late fifties, had neatly tied black hair and brown skin, her large rectangular spectacles framing a pair of eyes brimming with dark amusement, "Doctor... What is the... meaning of this... hrk..." Anna managed, her voice strained under the pressure on her neck.

This woman who was infamously known as the 'Doctor' had given her and her friends years worth of nightmares despite her carefree and frivolous demeanor. She was the craziest of them all.

"You disobeyed orders is the meaning behind this," a gruff, aged voice chimed in.

Anna's gaze shifted to an old man approaching from the side. He was robust, with a military demeanor, piercing blue eyes, and a grey toothbrush mustache. His presence exuded authority and not a small amount of menace.

She immediately recognized him as Max Schmidt or 'Master' as she and her friends used to address him. F0lloww new chapters at nov/(e)l/bin/(.)com

He was the one who brutally tortured her and her friends ever since they could remember, to prepare for various 'tests' and in the name of 'training'.

Every time she saw his face, Anna felt a surge of anger heating her blood, but she forced her features to remain neutral, her will keeping her outwardly calm despite the turmoil within.

However, in the center of the hall, plush sofas were arranged in a semi-circle. At the head, sitting with an air of casual authority, was none other than Derek. The blue metal piece over his right eye caught the reddish light, reflecting it ominously. His expression was inscrutable, watching the scene unfold with a detached interest that chilled Anna to the bone.

Anna, still reeling from what happened, slowly met Derek's gaze. She controlled her swirling emotions, her expression hardened into a mask of determination, "I believed he would make it. As for those people, I saved them so he wouldn't feel guilty later. Since you told me to keep him happy, I thought this would count," she stated firmly, her voice steady despite the inner turmoil she felt.

Derek, sitting back in his chair, listened intently, his eyes studying her every move. After a moment, he slowly nodded, his expression still inscrutable, "Hmm, but next time, you will have to obey your orders no matter what you think or believe. Your friends would want you to do that," he said, his voice low and measured. He then added a calm yet stern warning, "This is the last time I will remind you like this. You can leave now."

Anna felt a tight knot form in her stomach as she absorbed his words, her fists clenching tightly behind her back.

She gave a stiff nod, acknowledging his command, then turned sharply on her heel and walked towards the exit.

She felt as if a heavy stone had been lifted off her chest since nothing bad had happened as she had feared. But she knew it was because Arthur was too important and they needed her. Still, she knew this didn't mean she should risk anything.

The heavy door swung shut behind Anna, sealing away the tension-filled hall as she made her rapid departure. As she exited, a side door hissed open, and an elderly figure emerged, his presence dignifying and calm.

The man, distinguished by his bald head and short white beard, was clad in a fine ash suit. He carried himself with an air of gravitas as he strolled into the room and settled into one of the plush sofas adjacent to Derek's. His hand, casually tucked in his pocket, removed itself as he seated himself.

"I suppose you wouldn't look this calm if your gamble hadn't paid off," he began, his voice steady and seasoned, "But I have to admit, you even had me nervous for a second when you made that decision. We could have lost almost everything we have been working for."

Derek leaned forward, his demeanor serious yet unfazed, "Don't I always say that even if you don't trust my decisions, you should trust my plans. Would I ever do anything to compromise my own plans?" He paused, allowing the rhetorical question to hang in the air, "But you are right... This was a gamble and one that was worth it. It was the only way to find out. You don't agree?"

Albert allowed a slight curve of his lips, "How can I not agree when you just showed us that our years of research and work weren't for nothing. Now we can confidently proceed with everything and never look back," his green eyes sparkling briefly with an intense light as he added, "We will be the gods of the new world and rule as long as the sun shines upon us."

Derek nodded slowly.

The conversation shifted as Albert's curiosity piqued, "But... how did you know that she wouldn't choose to save him?"

Derek's response was thoughtful, his head shaking slightly, "I never did. I would have just kept trying and testing. But after what happened, I now know what she would do, though it's not like we would need to do this again."

Albert nodded, his expression reflecting respect and understanding, "As expected, you seldom leave anything to chance."

Glancing at his watch, Derek remarked, "It's getting late. I should go meet my wife now. She wanted to have some dinner with me."

Albert responded with a subtle smile, rising from the sofa, "You go ahead and make your wife happy. I should also get back and make sure my son and granddaughter are keeping everything together back home."