Chapter 626 A Love That Was Stolen

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 626 A Love That Was Stolen

The mist was deceiving, hiding everything beneath its protective blanket.

Rhygar felt it cling to his cloak as he walked carefully, his steps moderated with calculative precision. Any sign of hurried movement or a stray use of mana could alert a lurking presence - notably, his mother.

He also felt it unbearable to endure the smell of this toxic air. Even if this toxicity wasn't deadly to someone as strong as him, it was still nauseating.

He almost felt tempted to just turn back and leave. But he was even more determined to not return without finding out what his mother was finding. He had to find out for her sake as well.

However, right then, from the distance, the tune of faint voices mingled with the gentle murmur of a nearby water body. Straining his senses, Rhygar gravitated towards the sound, nerves on edge as he moved.

The sound was like a whispered secret, hidden behind the veil of the lake's murmur.

As he rounded a bend in the path, the sight came into view that instantly froze him to his root—the silhouettes of two figures locked in an intimate exchange—an indistinguishable sight of a passionate kiss in the fading light. The sight plunged an icy knife straight into his heart, his body stiffening as realization kicked in.

'M-Mother...?' he murmured in his mind, his gaze locked onto the pair. His own mother, surrendering her lips to their mortal enemy, the Bloodburn King!

Her lips were locked with his, their lips moving in a slow, sensual dance, tasting and sucking each other's warmth.

The hand of that swine was caressing his mother's elegant face and neck, sullying her unblemished skin and lips with his mouth.

A tidal wave of rage surged through Rhygar. His mind reeled as he struggled to comprehend the scene before him. A storm of emotions churned within his chest, threatening to consume him. Anger, betrayal, and a deep sense of hurt wrestled for dominance, each one fueling the burning heaviness that settled in the pit of his stomach.

He felt a pang of possessiveness, as if his mother's affection was being stolen from him.

He was her son and yet she was showering such passionate love on their mortal enemy? How could she when she never even showed an ounce of it towards him all these years, and how dare that alien swine covet his mother?!

The thought of another man, especially this bloodburn dog, touching her, kissing her, was like a red-hot blade twisting in his gut.

His fists clenched so tightly that his fingers bit into his skin. Every muscle itched to rush forward, to tear that alien dog from his mother. But a stray movement from his mother snapped him back to reality.

It was her glance, alert and scanning their surroundings that jolted him to the danger of his presence. He winced as he realized he almost fucked up by letting a wisp of his mana leak out unconsciously.

He wanted to stay and find out more about what his traitorous mother was doing with that alien dog. But what if she senses him as the source of the leak? That was a risk he couldn't afford to take. With a pounding and heavy heart, Rhygar turned swiftly, his retreat masked by the enveloping mist.

Lysandra's face briefly warmed up, and she unconsciously placed a hand over her belly, knowing what Asher meant.

It still felt surreal that she might bear the seed of someone who was supposed to be her enemy.

"There is something else important I need to tell you," she said suddenly, her voice taking on a grave tone.

Asher's eyes narrowed with concern, his attention fully on her now, "What is it?" he prompted.

Lysandra's gaze was intense, her voice low and steady, "I think I finally know who Drakar is talking and planning with to destroy your kingdom."

Asher's eyes narrowed as he took a step back, a mix of surprise and suspicion etching his features, "Someone like him is working with someone else?" he asked, disbelief evident in his tone.

Lysandra nodded solemnly, "He's that desperate to destroy you and your kingdom. Otherwise, his pride wouldn't have let him. But that only makes him more dangerous since this means he won't even let himself hold back from getting to you."

A dark light flashed in Asher's eyes as he pressed for more information, "Who is he working with?"

"The last living Caelumbra, Kira. It seems she is the one pulling the strings and even told Drakar the idea of trying to suffocate your kingdom by depriving it of resources. She must have some strong influence to pull off her plans on her own. You have to be very careful about her. She seems more of a threat than Drakar since we don't know what she has been planning," Lysandra revealed, her tone laced with urgency.

Asher's jaw tightened, a mix of frustration and understanding coloring his response, "That damn fox woman...Does she really have to take things that far..." he muttered, his mind racing with the implications of this alliance against his kingdom.

Lysandra continued, the concern in her voice palpable, "There are too many people hellbent on destroying your kingdom, including the werewolves I presume. They wouldn't hold back if the right opportunity presents itself."

Asher's fists clenched at his sides, "I won't stand anyone who dares to touch my kingdom..." he muttered, his determination flaring. The memories came rushing back - the life he experienced as Raziel, tainted with both pain and sorrow, was as vivid as though it was yesterday.

He still could remember the feelings he had experienced as Raziel who built the Bloodburn Kingdom over the blood and bones of his loved ones. It still felt so fresh and real to him that it felt like the Bloodburn Kingdom was his own to protect as well.

"How did you find out?" Asher asked with his brows furrowed.

Lysandra briefly closed her eyes and said, "Whenever he lashed out at me in the past few months. When he gets drunk, he vents his anger and frustration on me, but at the same time, he slips bits and pieces of whatever made him so angry in the first place. I managed to put two and two together and found out it was that caleumbra."

Asher felt a stinging sensation that she had to go through that, yet respected that she managed to retrieve information amidst getting tortured.

His expression turned resolute as he said, "I think it's time you started planning to overthrow Drakar. In a way, it's a good thing he's still alive since the moment you overthrow him then no one will be able to challenge you."

Lysandra's eyebrows shot up in surprise at his suggestion, "Overthrow him? Are you serious?"