Chapter 633 Feelings For An Enemy?

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 633 Feelings For An Enemy?

The wind whispered secrets as Asher approached the imposing silhouette of Demonstone Castle, a fortress shrouded in darkness yet also his home.

The unexpected message from Rowena had stirred a current of surprise within him, given her recent distance, designed to keep him undistracted from his multitude of pressing tasks. Yet, the urgency of her summons suggested something of significant importance, and his steps quickened with a mix of concern and curiosity as he crossed the threshold into the heart of her domain.

He navigated the familiar yet always awe-inspiring corridors to find Rowena in her study hall, her silhouette framed against the expansive window, her posture rigid with contemplation.

The soft light of the blood moon sun spilled across the room, casting dark light that seemed to echo the gravity of her thoughts.

With a gentle smile, Asher approached and wrapped his arms around her from behind, his lips finding the curve of her shoulder in a tender kiss, "I missed you. Maybe we should spend this night together and save our troubles for tomorrow," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm in the quiet of the study.

Rowena turned slowly within his embrace, her eyes meeting his. There was a trace of hesitation, a flicker of something unresolved in her cold features. Asher's smile faltered as he caught the subtle shadows of concern in her gaze, "Is something wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Rowena parted her lips, the words emerging with a deliberation that underscored their weight, "You told me you have a few Hunters as your soulservants to do your bidding, never told me that the Hunter named Rachel Sterling, the daughter of Derek Sterling, is working with you. She isn't your she?" Nêww chapters will be fully updated at

The question caught Asher off-guard, his eyes flickering with a hint of surprise, not expecting her to keep tabs on him.

Her keen awareness of his dealings, especially those on Earth, made him realize she must have done some investigation out of concern since she had occasionally kept asking if everything was going well.

But he was relieved that she only seemed to know about this, and it was not like he had done anything suspicious with Rachel or Amelia in public.

But he felt guilty to once again suppress this urge to tell her. He knew he should tell her about his past and he wanted to but at a time like this where they were at war with not only the demons in this world but also those on Earth...he didn't want to take any risks that might end in the destruction of this world or their kingdom.

Asher's hands found her shoulders, his touch reassuring as he looked into her eyes, trying to bridge the gap of distrust with his sincerity, "I want you to trust me in this even if you find it hard to. Drakar is too proud and possessive to use her like that. I also learned about her past, especially regarding her sons, Agonon and Rhygar, from a reliable source. Trust me...she had already done things in secret that would warrant her a death sentence from Drakar, and she knows I know all these things. She wouldn't betray me, but to make you not worry, I promise not to tell her any important details about what we do in our kingdom. I will only tell her what you want me to tell her. Okay?"

Rowena, reassured by Asher's words and his promise, nodded slowly before suddenly enveloping him in a tight embrace.

She did feel his words and the circumstances surrounding him and Lysandra made a lot of sense and that maybe she might have misunderstood Lysandra.

Her eyes held a hint of apology as she spoke, "I am sorry if all this seemed as if I don't trust your decisions. But as your wife, I have to look out for you and protect you from those who are wishing for your and our fall even if you think it isn't necessary."

Asher's chuckle was soft, filled with warmth as he hugged her back, "That is why I love you. You know how to look out for me. The only reason I tell you not to is because I don't want you to waste your time in tough times like these. We already have a lot on our plates, and I don't want to burden you with my problems."

Rowena shook her head firmly, stepping back to meet his gaze squarely, "Don't say that. Your problems are my problems, just like how you take care of mine. I would never feel burdened by your concerns and troubles. I would only feel happy if you chose to trust me with them. You would...right?" Rowena couldn't help but think of what the royal seer had told her and also that black letter she received recently.

A part of her wanted to tell Asher about the letters. However, the other part advised her against it to not only burden him more but also to allow whoever the perpetrator was to do it again so that she can catch them.

If she tells Asher about them, they might never reveal their hand against because of his vigilance.

Asher's face mirrored the complexity of his emotions, his nod soft but resolute, "I will...." He thought silently, 'I am sorry, Rowena. But soon, I will tell you everything, no matter what awaits me. So please wait until then.' He silently vowed within.

Meanwhile, just a few hours ago,

Lysandra was being accompanied by her entourage to the palace after returning from her duties when suddenly a maid from the palace rushed towards her with a letter and bowed deeply as she handed it over to her, "Your Majesty, this is for you. I was ordered by Prince Rhygar to deliver this to you personally."

Lysandra frowned slightly, not expecting a letter from him as she opened it. But the contents within only made her frown deeper.