Chapter 635 An Explosive Disaster

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 635 An Explosive Disaster

"You said... close to impossible. That means there must still be a way, right?" Rhygar asked, his voice eager, clinging to the sliver of hope her words had inadvertently offered.

Lysandra's eyes, usually so stoic and unreadable, narrowed as she weighed the gravity of their discussion, "There is but also a high chance that we won't come out of it alive. That is why I never risked it."

Rhygar swallowed hard, the stark image of his demise at his father's unforgiving hands flashing through his mind—an image as harsh and nightmarish as the landscape around them. But as he gazed at his mother, her presence both regal and replete with a quiet vulnerability, a fierce determination welled up within him, "I will take the risk for you, Mother!" he declared, his voice resonant with resolve.

Lysandra's eyebrows lifted slightly, a flicker of emotion crossing her usually impassive face, "You would do that for me?" she asked, her tone laced with a mixture of hope and incredulity.

Rhygar nodded vigorously, his commitment unwavering, "Of course, I will. I am your only son. If I won't, who will?" Geett the latest novels at

The corners of Lysandra's mouth softened, a rare smile threatening to break through her stern facade as she reached out, placing her hand gently on Rhygar's shoulder again, "I never knew you cared for me this much. I always thought you were your father's right hand. That is why I tried to distance myself from you. But now I feel regret that I didn't look after you better. Forgive me, son."

Tears welled up in Rhygar's eyes, hearing words he had yearned to hear but only could hear in his dreams.

Never before had he felt so close to her majestic presence. Even her warmth and pleasing fragrance gave him a liberating sensation, making her look even more of a divine beauty in his eyes.

He wanted to hug her with all his heart but he couldn't must the courage...not when he has yet to prove himself. For her to accept him, he has to show her that he was the only man she would need to protect her.

His voice was thick with emotion as he responded, "Don't apologize to me, Mother. You never did anything wrong; my father is to blame for everything. I should apologize for not proving my loyalty to you earlier. But now, I will let you see for yourself. What do you want me to do?"

Lysandra's gaze sharpened, a strategic glint appearing in her eyes, "It will be very difficult because there isn't also much time, but I want you to round up everyone who holds strong grudges against your father, including the ones among our allies. I want you to be the medium between me and them. If you can manage to do that, we will proceed from there."

Taking a deep breath, Rhygar's face set into a mask of cold determination, "I will do it, Mother. You can trust me with this. I personally know each and every one who would pounce at him given the right chance. I will start right away!" With these final words, he gave a deep bow and hurried away, his steps quick and purposeful.

Rhygar couldn't help but already dream of the day where he could free his mother from his father's clutches and live and rule this kingdom with her by his side forever. And then on, nobody can nor will he let anybody come between him and his mother. She will finally be his.


The world seemed to pause for a heartbeat before chaos erupted. The Junction Tower, once a symbol of security, exploded in a catastrophic burst of energy, the sound deafening, the force knocking the breath out of those nearby. The powerful and seemingly impenetrable barriers around it shattered like glass under a hammer, sending shockwaves hurtling through the air.

Chen instinctively raised his arms to shield himself, his face contorted in terror. Cecilia, reacting with honed instinct, conjured a radiant blue barrier that shimmered into existence, enveloping her and those close by, shielding them from the shockwaves of the blast. The barrier hummed with energy, its light a stark contrast against the darkening sky.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the explosion died down, groans of pain and confusion filled the air. Cecilia slowly lowered her hand, her barrier dissipating as she took in the scene with wide, shocked eyes. What remained of the Junction Tower was nothing but debris, smoldering and twisted metal strewn across what was once a site of triumph.

With cautious steps, she approached the wreckage, her senses assaulted by a heavy, oppressive wave of dark purple demonic mana.

It hung in the air like a thick fog, choking and vile. Cecilia paused, her instinct screaming at her to retreat, but her duty only let her take one step back.

Her guards rushed to her side, coughing as they said in a urgent tone, "Ma'am, *cough!*....we shouldn't stick around here. It might not be safe."

Cecilia shook her head, her voice steady despite the turmoil around her, "No...I have to find out what and who did this. Quickly inform our forensics department and get them here!"

"Yes, ma'am," they responded, moving to execute her orders with efficiency.

As Cecilia surveyed the scene, she noted with a grim relief that while many were coughing and showing signs of distress from the lingering demonic mana, there were no fatalities, "Quickly get these people out of here. This site needs to be quarantined," she instructed, turning back to the guards.

Chen, supported by his bodyguards, looked around with a mixture of horror and confusion, "Mrs. Sterling, wait... Was it a demon?... Who did this?" His voice was shaky, the fear palpable.

Cecilia's expression hardened, her lips pressed into a thin line as she turned to address him, her tone commanding yet calm, "Please get to a hospital first, Prime Minister Chen. I will investigate things here and let you know."

However, despite her calm expression, inwardly, she couldn't help but feel anxious that some demon managed to detonate a bomb in such a high-security area under everyone's eyes.

She sighed, wondering how her husband would react to this disaster.