Chapter 639 A Suspicious Move

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 639 A Suspicious Move

In the dark, echoing emptiness of an abandoned industrial building, the shadows gathered more densely, and the air carried a chill of foreboding. Derek stood alone on the topmost floor, his silhouette outlined against the sparse light filtering through the grimy windows. From the depths of the shadows, a figure materialized, moving with a quiet intent that belied her deadly nature. She was clad entirely in black, a mask concealing her features and a black cap pulled low over her eyes, making her almost a part of the darkness itself. Stopping a couple of feet behind Derek, she stood rigid, her hands tense behind her back.

"May I know what new orders you have for me?" Anna's voice, muffled slightly by her mask, broke the heavy silence with its cool, measured tone.

Derek turned slowly, his face coming into view—his expression dark and hardened, "It looks like the Coven of the Damned have shown their hands again to hinder my plans. They are the only ones who would dare and have the resources to blow up one of my towers, and they will try it again. But this time, I want you to be there, catch them, and bring whoever it is to me. Even if it's not a cult member of this cult, I still want you to bring them alive. You are free to cripple them, of course," he instructed in a low, cold voice.

Anna nodded slowly, her demeanor unchanging as she processed the orders, "But how do you know when they will try again? My cover might be put at risk if I dedicate all my time to—"

"Next Friday," Derek interjected firmly, "I want you to show up for the unveiling ceremony in disguise. I will get you in, and all you have to do is keep an eye on everything, make sure no bomb goes off, and keep an eye out for any suspicious movements. There will be other Hunters at the site, but kill them if they try to follow after the one who planted the bomb. You have to be the one to catch them first."

Anna could understand that one of the reasons he told her to kill any Hunters following the bomber was to avoid any suspicion that she was working for someone under the WHA...someone like him.

So even if she ends up fighting any cult member, it would only look like an internal feud between demons. This made her wonder how far he was willing to destroy his own people to accomplish his ambitions.

"But your wife will be there as well. What if she tries to follow them?" Anna inquired, her voice impassive yet filled with hidden meaning.

Derek's eyes narrowed briefly, a flicker of complication crossing his otherwise resolute face, "Obviously, my wife shouldn't be harmed. But I will give you something to knock her out, just in case. You have to catch them because we might not get another chance. They are the only thing standing between what you and I want, even if we want different things. Don't forget that," he stated, his tone laced with a hidden urgency.

Anna's nod was firm, her eyes narrowing in determination as she absorbed the weight of her orders.

Grace, under the guise of Senator Louise and an ID card around her neck, nodded compliantly. She placed her suitcase on the tray, maintaining her composed facade as other officers opened it to inspect its contents. Instead of the conventional way of going through them with their hands, they simply sent it through a scanner that emitted a slight shimmering field, scanning each item which continued to show green lights, indicating nothing amiss.

"Thank you, Senator Louise. Please go ahead," the female officer said, stepping aside respectfully as Grace collected her belongings with a polite smile and continued inward.

Once past the security perimeter, Grace's gaze shifted subtly to the imposing silhouette of the Junction Tower just 50 feet away.

She navigated through the crowd, her steps measured and inconspicuous, until she found a spot near some empty seats arranged close to the tower. There, she discreetly pressed a hidden button on her suitcase before setting it vertically on the floor, ensuring it had a clear line of sight towards the tower. After a careful scan of her surroundings to ensure no immediate attention was on her from the Hunter and the guards making their rounds, she seized her moment to walk away.

She knew it was tight but was confident she could make her escape.

Meanwhile, not far from the scene, Anna watched intently while using the huge camera as a cover to hide her gaze. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she observed a certain 'Senator' place the suitcase and then hastily start to leave. Something about the woman's brisk, almost frantic pace piqued her suspicion.

She wasn't even accompanied by anyone despite looking so important.

Just as Grace quickened her steps towards the exit, a Hunter nearby spotted the unattended suitcase, "Suspicious suitcase at my 10. I will go and investigate," he communicated through his comms.

Another Hunter, who had noticed the 'Senator's' previous proximity to the suitcase, quickly added, "That senator was sitting near it before. She is leaving. Quick, stop her!"

Anna, hearing the commotion and seeing the guards mobilize, frowned deeply and hurried toward the exit, intent on intercepting that mysterious woman.

Grace, sensing the tightening noose, allowed a sly smirk to cross her lips. She picked up her pace, weaving through the crowd with practiced ease and towards the exit. However, before the guards could close in,