Chapter 641 Playtime Is Over

Name:The Damned Demon Author:
Chapter 641 Playtime Is Over

"Well, isn't that cute? Last I checked, death wasn't on the agenda today. You should worry less about my wellbeing and focus on not losing to someone who's 'already dying'. Playtime is over," Grace taunted, her voice dripping with deadly intent as dark vermillion veins spread across her face.

With a fierce determination, Grace summoned a surge of her Willforce, mixed with her affinity for darkness. She conjured a massive wave of dark energy, superheated by her dark vermillion fire, and hurled it toward the Thundering Reaper. The ground beneath the wave scorched and cracked under its devastating power.

Anna, ever vigilant, reacted with lightning speed. She transformed into a bolt of lightning, maneuvering through the onslaught with precise, zipping movements that blurred her form. However, the magnitude of the attack took its toll since it surrounded her from every side, and she absorbed some of the fiery dark energy, which singed her metallic suit and left marks of soot on her skin.

Anna's eyes flashed with a dark yellow intensity as she counterattacked, channeling her lightning into a concentrated beam straight at Huntress. The bolt was pure and focused, its crackling energy seeking to pierce through the darkness and hit its target with unrelenting force.

Grace raised a barrier of dark energy, reinforced by her Willforce, which absorbed the lightning strike but vibrated under the sheer force of the impact. The duel became a dance of attack and counterattack, each trying to outmaneuver and overpower the other.

Anna was beginning to realize this Huntress was no ordinary cult member but must have been a seasoned expert in the past. Not only was she greatly experienced but her powers were on a different level, especially her Willforce which was preventing her from getting close.

Even if she was fast enough to dodge the Huntress' attacks without suffering much injury, her Willforce was always surrounding her, making her speed useless unless she could conjure enough strength to break through it.

Unfortunately, the Huntress seemed to have a higher STR, so the only option was to tire her out until she could no longer use her strength.

As the battle waged on, Grace felt the strain of using so many life crystals on her corrupted mana circuit. Each powerful move was not only eating through Asher's life crystals like a black hole but also wrecking her mana circuit, which was originally supposed to only channel radiant mana instead of demonic one.

The Thundering Reaper was so fast that she had to constantly use her Willforce to protect herself and keep this demoness at bay.

But utilizing so many life crystals without a second's rest to keep her mana circuit afloat was taking a toll on her body.

She also remembered Asher's strained resources, especially after building those bombs.

Unwilling to cause a significant loss over personal survival, Grace unconsciously began to hold back, her attacks losing some of their earlier ferocity.

Noticing the slight hesitation in Huntress' maneuvers, Anna seized the opportunity. With a strategic pivot, she enhanced her speed with a burst of lightning, circling around Huntress to disorient her. Gathering all her energy, Anna unleashed a fusion of lightning and darkness. She summoned a swirling vortex of dark yellow energy, which spiraled into a focused point and exploded outward in a radial burst of lightning-charged darkness.


But despite the icy grip of the Bloodice Mistress' dark mana, her body pulsed with a fierce urgency. With a concentrated burst of lightning power, she heated the ice encasing her feet until the bloody ice shattered in a loud crack. Freed from her bonds, she surged forward with renewed vigor, her body blurring into a streak of dark yellow lightning aimed directly at the Bloodice Mistress.

Rebecca, anticipating the attack, scoffed and prepared her defense. She conjured a large icy field to slow down this Unseen's speed while erecting a shield of blood-darkened ice, thick and layered with spells of protection.

Anna's lightning crashed against it, sending spider-web fractures across its surface but failing to penetrate. With a smirk of triumph, Rebecca retaliated, sending a barrage of icy blood spikes towards the Thundering Reaper, confident in her upper hand.

However, Anna wasn't deterred. As the spikes neared, she accelerated, her movements becoming a blur as she dodged with barely a hair's breadth to spare, realizing the chilly atmosphere around her was slowing her down.

The temperature kept dropping, and Anna could feel the cold biting through her armor.

Gathering her strength, she channeled her dark yellow lightning into a focused beam, intensifying its power with her speed. "Urhk!"

The beam struck Rebecca directly, the impact causing her to stagger back as her shield flickered and dimmed. Her mana reserves, already strained by the limitations of her human avatar, depleted rapidly, leaving her vulnerable as she panted while glaring at the Thundering Reaper with gritted teeth, knowing she didn't have enough mana left to defend against another attack.

Anna's eyes flickered with lightning as she prepared herself to strike down the Bloodice Mistress, seeing how she was in a weakened state. She could guess it was probably due to whatever method she had employed to walk in this world without dying.

But just as she was about to charge towards her, a powerful wave of dark vermillion blasted her away and pinned her against the ground.

"Ahgh!" Anna felt her organs shifting ever so slightly under the sheer impact and looked up to see the Huntress looking down at her.

The dark vermillion lines on Grace's face glowed intensely as she grimaced, focusing all her Willforce to keep the Thundering Reaper subdued.

"Quick...knock her out...I can't hold her for long!" Grace yelled, her voice strained under the effort as Emiko and Yui continued to channel healing energies into her, trying to keep her mana circuit functioning long enough to not knock her out.

Anna, trapped under the Huntress' Willforce, struggled fiercely. Her body vibrated with the buildup of lightning energy, dark yellow lightning streaking wildly around her as she tried to break free. The ground beneath her cracked under the intense power she was harnessing and increasing with each second.

Rebecca, gathering her remaining strength and picking up her staff, conjured a mass of dark blue energy as it floated above her staff's shimmering dark blue crystal.

It swirled with deadly intent, growing denser and more volatile by the second. "Yah!" With a grunt of effort, she launched the projectile towards the Thundering Reaper.

The energy mass hurtled through the air, its trajectory unerring as it aimed for the immobilized Thundering Reaper.

Grace and the other three held their breath, for they knew if this failed to incapacitate this reaper...they were all good as dead!