
A bullet flew out, accurately piercing through the flying backpack behind the Riddler.

The explosion caused the high top hat of the Gotham villain to be blown into the sky by the gust of wind, and it was blown to Mason's feet in the anxious wind.

The unsuspecting Riddler screamed in horror as he fell towards the sea of fire below.

Of course, Mason gave face to the displeased master. This shot did not directly penetrate the head of the Gotham comedian, but falling into the sea of fire would probably cause him serious injuries, right?


The next second, when Mason picked up the Riddler's high top hat, he saw a vine like an octopus tentacle lifting the Riddler's leg and throwing him back onto the rooftop.

Then, under the support of the strange plant, Poison Ivy, who had changed into a black leather jacket, sunglasses, and green tights and high heels, also arrived on the rooftop.

This Gotham villain was on the side of the Bat Family tonight.

Of course, she didn't choose to help Batman for justice or any other reason.

The reason for her change of heart was quite simple. After regaining her sanity with Mason's potion, she urgently hoped to end her life of imprisonment immediately.

As for why she wanted to save the smart-mouthed troublemaker Riddler who was seeking death, it was purely because they had formed a "friendship" in Arkham and she decided to help him on a whim.

"You're finished!"

The Riddler, who narrowly escaped falling into the sea of fire and being burned to death, was thrown on the ground and rolled to extinguish the flames on his body while shouting loudly:

"You didn't follow the rules of the riddle game! I'll detonate those bombs to give you a good show! Fuck Batman! You bastard, you're not playing by the rules!"

The master didn't answer, just coldly watched the Riddler with his cape covering his body and Catwoman in his arms, while the Riddler took out a remote control with a grin.

The latter burst into laughter like a supervillain.

To punish Batman for being unreasonable, he decisively pressed the detonation button. However, after a few seconds, nothing happened in the distance of Gotham.

An indescribable awkwardness spread over this rooftop.

"No! What have you done?"

The Riddler shouted frantically:

"I personally planted those bombs! Although there were 17, I secretly added 19, just to give you a surprise. You've been here all along, you couldn't possibly have noticed my actions!

It shouldn't be like this!"

The master still stared at him coldly without answering.

But Mason, as if sensing something, turned his head and saw a red light shining towards Arkham Asylum in the distance under the night sky.

Then, a sudden storm wrapped around the burning building.

Just a few seconds later, the flames on this burning building, which could no longer be extinguished, mysteriously dissipated, as if blown out by the wind.


In Mason's wide-eyed gaze, a tall figure wearing a red bodysuit and yellow combat boots, with a golden lightning symbol on his chest and small lightning decorations on the sides of his half-covered helmet, appeared next to the master as if teleporting.

He casually threw.

The 19 disassembled bombs were neatly piled in front of the Riddler.

The latter looked skeptical.

"Help me out."

The master whispered to the newcomer:

"This asylum needs to be rebuilt, and the criminals here are very dangerous..."


Before he finished speaking, the cool-looking man disappeared again.

One second later, he reappeared, holding a blue syringe in his hand and handing it to Batman, saying:

"I sent the people below to Iron Mountain Prison. I also brought this from the laboratory to help you. You look terrible."

As he spoke, the red speedster looked at the Riddler lying on the ground and Poison Ivy, who was on guard, and shrugged, saying:

"There are still two left, wait a moment."


He disappeared again.

The Riddler and Poison Ivy didn't even have time to say a word before they disappeared from their original positions. And a second later, the cool man reappeared, clapping his hands and saying:

"Two more distinguished guests in Cell V of Iron Mountain Prison!"

"Hey, Poison Ivy is on our side."

Mason supported the unconscious Nightwing and said to the "new character" who appeared in front of him:

"She helped Batman tonight, and the Bat Family has promised not to send her to prison again. You have to bring her back, so she doesn't think Batman is unprincipled."

"Is that so?"

The red speedster looked at Batman.

The master injected the treatment drug brought by the newcomer into his arm, hesitated for a second, and nodded.


He disappeared again and reappeared.

The Poison Ivy, who had already changed into the uniform of an Iron Mountain Prison inmate, appeared on the rooftop in a daze. The two consecutive high-speed transfers made this big sister who controlled plants unable to bear it anymore.

She covered her mouth and rushed to the edge of the building, vomiting a rainbow.

"Whoosh, whoosh"

The red light danced, and a cup of hot water, a few motion sickness pills, and a hot towel were sent to Poison Ivy's side.

That guy kindly reminded her:

"People affected by super speed will experience this kind of gastrointestinal discomfort for the first time. For the next few days, you will feel dizzy. Try to rest and avoid excessive exercise.""There are still people in the city who need help, maybe you can..."

Just as Batman was about to speak, that guy made an OK gesture and disappeared in a red streak of light that was invisible to the naked eye.

As Mason looked out over Gotham City, several burning flames were rapidly extinguished.

"Is that... the Flash?"

The young man raised an eyebrow and asked the master:

"When did you contact him?"

"When the Riddler appeared."

The master said in a low voice:

"The Flash is the last resort that can be activated at any time, and he has proven himself worthy of our trust. As for you, Harley."

He looked at Harley Quinn, who was wiping her mouth with a hot towel, and said:

"Thank you for your help tonight. If you can maintain such a stable mental state and pass Dr. Leslie's psychological evaluation, perhaps you don't have to spend the rest of your sentence in Arkham."

"I need that special medication to maintain a stable mental state."

Harley pointed at Mason and said to Batman in a hoarse voice:

"This alchemist knows how to extract the essence from plants to make harmless drugs, but his drugs don't always work.

I have to take it once a day to suppress my manic disorder. I don't mind wearing handcuffs and shackles. They're useless to me anyway.

But I have to stay by his side.

I'm interested in his efficient use of natural powers.

And in this process, Dr. Harley Quinzel can take care of me. I'm even willing to accept your surveillance, annoying Batman."

The master nodded and looked at Mason.

The young man also nodded and looked at Harley Quinn up and down, saying:

"I do need a proficient alchemy assistant, and Miss Ivy meets all my requirements."

"Don't call me that!"

Harley Quinn stared at Mason and said unhappily:

"Our relationship hasn't gotten that close yet! Harley and I will be waiting for you at the Iceberg Lounge, Mason. I'm not used to being so close to the Bat Brat."

After speaking, Harley Quinn looked at Catwoman with a regretful and affectionate look, then left the rooftop under the protection of several vines.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Watching Harley Quinn leave,

Catwoman, who opened her mouth but ultimately chose to remain silent, noticed Mason's peculiar gaze and immediately frowned and rebuked:

"What? Can't I, as a female villain, have a personal social circle? There are only a few female villains in Gotham! Isn't it normal for me and Ivy to maintain a good personal friendship?"

"I didn't say much."

Mason said in a low voice:

"Why are you speaking so loudly? Are you trying to conceal some secrets that can only be known by us ladies and not by gentlemen like us?"

"Say that again!"

Catwoman flicked her cat claws out of her gauntlet and glared at Mason, finally silencing him.

"You two go back first."

Thanks to the healing potion brought by the Flash, the master quickly regained his energy. He said to Catwoman and Mason:

"Take Grayson back and let him rest. I'm going to the city. After everything is settled, I will meet you. Mason, about that missile..."

"It's dangerous!"

The young man replied:

"When you are ready, I will hand it over to you. But I must remind you to be extremely careful even when the Justice League is handling it.

My alchemical knowledge tells me that once it leaks, even Superman may not be able to escape unscathed."

This reminder made Batman nod.

He didn't say much anymore, he said goodbye to Catwoman in a low voice, and then shot his grappling hook gun down below the floor where the flames had already been extinguished. A few seconds later, the engine of the Batmobile started in the dark night.

Thanks to the Flash's timely appearance, the members of the Assassin Alliance nearby had all been knocked out and tied up, and they were placed in the burned garden below Arkham Asylum.

"Are you sure everything is okay?"

Selina walked up to Mason and asked in a low voice:

"We won't be discovered, right?"

"It depends on which side you're talking about."

Mason glanced at the still unconscious Nightwing, sighed, and said:

"There is less chance of the Justice League discovering the secret, but it's hard to say with the Star Society. But we have done our best.

The rest is up to Lady Luck to decide."


On the road from the outskirts to the city, inside the bullet-riddled Batmobile.

The master drove his own Batmobile while opening the Justice League communication network, which had been reset with the technical support of Steelbones.

He spoke to one of the beacons:

"The situation in Gotham has been resolved. How is it on your side?"

"It's fine."

A pleasant but somewhat lazy female voice came from the communicator, saying:

"I stopped the Assassin Alliance's metahuman warriors from delivering that dangerous thing to Buckingham Palace. They put up a fierce resistance, and their skills were indeed as warned by Constantine.

But, how should I put it?""I'm still more powerful."

"Have you captured the prisoner?"

Master asked.

The lady on the other side snorted and said:

"Do you think I'm someone like you and Clark who likes to trouble themselves? I can live so easily and happily because I never show mercy to enemies in such intense battles, Bruce. That guy who controls plants and animals even forced me to use the power of the divine bracelet. You can imagine his fate, completely obliterated. But I found some remnants of weapons and armor. It seems that they are not from our world. We'll talk about the rest during the meeting at the lookout tower. I will bring those things over."

"Don't touch the items they carry, Diana."

Master reminded:

We are bit.ly/3iBfjkV, find us on google.

"My alchemist friend told me that the toxins contained in those things are so evil that even Clark cannot be exempted from them! I will instruct Barry to retrieve them. Don't use your sword that can cut through everything to open them recklessly."

"An alchemist?"

Wonder Woman asked in surprise:

"When did you start dealing with these supernatural powers? Weren't you the most resistant to them?"

"People change."

Master ended the communication with this sentence.

At this moment, the lady on the other end of the communication also smiled and said:

"Yes, people change, Bruce. I just doubt whether you will."

This sarcastic remark made Batman feel awkward. He opened another communication beacon, but before he could speak, he heard the frustrated voice from the other side:

"Bruce, I might need your help."


Master made a surprised sound, and then heard Superman say:

"The assassins' metahuman summoned a super sea serpent-like creature with a body length of 130 meters. I have killed it, but its blood seems to have contaminated some waters on the East Coast. Can you use your connections in high places to temporarily seal off this area until Steel can purify it?"

"I will help."

Master said:

"But Clark, have you captured the prisoner on your side?"

"Sorry, no."

Superman said regretfully:

"I caught a woman who controls storms. But after she confirmed that she couldn't escape, she detonated the biological bomb inside her decisively. They are obviously a group of dangerous criminals. In addition, Hal failed to capture any prisoners in his operation in Southeast Asia. He reported that the power of the Green Lantern couldn't even affect the self-destruction of those strange guys. However, Arthur found some remnants left by them underwater. We will send those items to the lunar base and the lookout tower. Now I have to find a way to calm things down here. The storm caused by that dangerous woman almost destroyed half of Metropolis... What's worse, my son saw me transform in the barn. I have to go back and explain it to him. It's a mess!"


While Master was talking to Superman, another signal was sent from another beacon in the Justice League communication network.

"Superhuman traces captured in Gotham City! I have marked it, Bruce and Barry! Come and help! He's about to escape!"

It was Green Arrow's voice.

Listening to the hoarseness in his words, it seemed that this sharpshooting superhero had also been injured.

Master narrowed his eyes, and in the next moment, the Batmobile entered overload mode. The thrusters for the aircraft were activated at the rear, allowing the car to instantly enter supersonic mode.

Hmm, Mason hadn't discovered this function before.

It seems that the Batmobile still has many secrets hidden, but it doesn't matter. Considering that Mason already has a Batmobile and he is eager to dismantle that thing, he will definitely discover these secrets. It's just a matter of time.

At the same time, in the headquarters of the Starry Sky Castle outside several parallel worlds.

In a quaint office at the highest point of the Starry Sky Castle, the piercing distress signal kept echoing, but the hunter "Mr." lying in the white marble bathtub ignored it.

She seemed deaf and didn't hear the sound, as if blind and didn't see the constantly flashing red light on her arm.

After about fifteen minutes, she finished bathing and changed to a more comfortable position in the bathtub filled with red rose petals. She gently pinched her hand stained with petals, and her crystal-clear "employee card" appeared in front of her.

"Hmm, four advanced exploration teams were attacked at the same time, and twenty-seven level personnel lost their lives... Which world did this happen in that it's so exciting?"

Silver hair swayed in the water.

She followed the disabled distress signals and finally found the place where this "disaster" occurred. Then, the hunter lady blinked in surprise.

"Isn't this the base world of Team K? The large-scale operation there should have been suspended! Who gave them the authority to act on their own?

But no matter who gave the order, with such terrible losses, someone is going to be unlucky.

Tsk tsk, poor people died so far away from home. Well, may this unexpected sacrifice please the Dark Stars. I won't bother to read the rest."Ha, what a wonderful day.