Will Turner left.

With endless longing for his wife and child, he boarded the Flying Dutchman and disappeared beneath the waves. Mason, with a disgruntled Lady Elizabeth, returned to the Black Pearl on his flying motorcycle.

Theft is never good, try looking at [ pawread dot com ].

Little Henry was carried across the ocean by the Kite Man.

Although the twelve or thirteen-year-old child was mature for his age, he was still a child. He showed great interest in this thrilling adventure, and the Kite Man, whose own son was the same age, took special care of little Henry.

Anyway, Mason was busy dealing with important matters. Selina had been irritated by her own ill-tempered "adopted son," and Mason didn't even dare to think about letting Shang Kang take care of the child.

Therefore, Charles took the initiative to take care of Henry Turner.

Lady Elizabeth did not object to this.

She had already received some important information from her husband, and after following the K Squad to another world, she and her daughter would have to rely on these guys to take care of them.

It wouldn't be a bad thing for little Henry and Charles, these "eccentric individuals," to develop a relationship. As for the former Pirate Emperor himself, he quickly found his "friends."

As Mason had expected, as soon as she boarded the ship, she caught the eye of Catwoman because of her unique and outstanding temperament.

However, when Lady Elizabeth appeared openly on the Black Pearl, it caused a great shock among the pirates and the navy.

Dai Ying's homeland was the source area of the "Black Death" outbreak on the European continent, and the entire island fell completely within a week.

Many pirates speculated that the former Pirate Emperor had already fallen into the clutches of the zombies.

But as a legendary figure, he wouldn't die so easily, even if they were to die, it wouldn't be so quiet.

"Hey, Elizabeth, you're here too?"

Captain Jack, the debauched pirate, held a dense account book in his hands as he boarded his beloved ship. At a glance, he saw the "old lover" sitting on a beach chair sunbathing with Catwoman, so he cheekily went over to greet them.

These two had a history of love and hate.

It was said that Captain Jack Sparrow had pursued Lady Elizabeth in the past, and it was said that he had almost succeeded.


Mason shouted to the promiscuous pirate who was showing affection to the two ladies while entering the captain's cabin.

"We have a Pirate King meeting tonight. Will you attend?"

"Not interested."

Captain Jack snorted and touched his dashing little beard, saying:

"My colleagues were almost scared to death by the apocalypse. But now that they have your miraculous medicine, they have become ambitious. I don't need to go to know what dirty things these guys are going to discuss.

They have low intelligence and rude behavior, Mason, you are not the same as them. But the revelry after the meeting is a bit interesting.

But you haven't grown up yet, so remember to restrain yourself."

"I heard Barbossa say that he has been acting as a 'spokesperson' for your father, so your mysterious and unpredictable father should also appear."

Mason pushed open the door of the captain's cabin and turned back to say:

"At this moment of departure, don't you want to see him and bid him a touching farewell?"

"My old man?"

Jack didn't think much of it.

This standard legendary pirate sneered and said:

"I suspect that even if I die, that old man will still be alive, and he will definitely live more freely than me. Or maybe he's already dead!

Only a ghost wandering on the sea he loved so much.

He warned me not to look for him, and I should follow his guidance. If you see him, remember to bid him farewell for me.

But remember not to shake hands with him or touch anything he has touched. It's just for fun to say that Blackbeard is the voodoo king of this sea. If you really want to see voodoo, you have to ask my old man, who was raised by a witch from Madagascar."

"Well, understood."

Mason nodded and noted Jack's advice. He then instructed the cold-faced Two-Barrels to prepare for their return to Gotham tomorrow morning.

The transaction was completed, and the reward was received.

Under the enjoyment of the host and guests, the K Squad should not continue to stay here, otherwise it would make many "partners" sleepless at night.

They continued to prepare until nightfall. Finally, Mason walked out of the captain's cabin, took a sip of the tonic out of habit, and glanced at the partially modified freeze gun in his hand.

He still lacked a few energy conversion components to ensure the perfect conduction of the cold air of the Ice Pearl, but it was already enough for now.

He inserted a round, fist-sized blue pearl into the ammunition chamber of the freeze gun and raised the sci-fi-like gun barrel to shoot at the nearby rope.

A blue frozen laser shot out and quickly froze the rope completely.The scene stunned the pirates on the Black Pearl who were drinking and playing cards. Captain Jack's most trusted first mate, Gibbs, even poured his drink down his throat.

Mason ignored these guys.

He whistled and put away the freeze gun, calculating that after finding a substitute for the freeze liquid, he might try to make some small freeze guns for his team members.

The weapons upgrade for Team K must be put on the agenda. Their upcoming challenges will only become more outrageous.

On the other side, Kite Man was already prepared to depart. The venue was in the tavern on Turtle Island, which was very close and did not require flying. Mason even brought two barrels of intimidating presence as "bodyguards".

Since his battle suit was not ready yet, this guy dressed in a clean pirate outfit, borrowing Jack's tricorn hat to wear on his head. He looked quite imposing in full armor.

The tavern, which used to be very lively and a gathering place for reveling alcoholics under the apocalypse, was now "under martial law" by the henchmen of the pirate kings.

Only those invited big shots were qualified to enter and participate in the Pirate King Conference.

But other alcoholics and islanders did not want to miss this grand day. They gathered around the tavern, waiting for one piece of news after another to come out.

Because the news of the appearance of the miraculous medicine had spread, some clever guys also guessed the choices the pirate kings would make after not fearing the Black Death and zombies. Therefore, the recruitment offices of the major fleets were also crowded tonight...

In the past, they had no way to fight against the resurrected monsters, but now that they were not afraid of the terrible disease, these men who fought the waves on the sea naturally seized this last opportunity to fight for the future.

Especially those who had lost everything in the disaster of the Black Death.

Regardless of gender, they actively joined various fleets, even if they could only be cannon fodder. They hoped to take back everything they had lost with their own hands.

This was human nature.

Although it was chaotic, compared to when Mason first came here, this place was indeed filled with "vitality" again, all thanks to Team K.

Mason was quite satisfied with this. He was not someone who liked to stay with a group of walking dead.

"The wizard who brings hope has arrived!"

As Mason arrived at the tavern with Kite Man and the two barrels, it immediately caused a sensation.

No matter how unruly the pirates or the violent islanders were, at this moment, they respectfully made way for Mason. Some emotionally rich guys even knelt on the ground and called Mason's name, and some were already teary-eyed.

They referred to Mason and his team members as the "wizard who brings hope," praising their feat of bringing hope to those who had already been crushed by the apocalypse.

Although those magical medicines were not distributed for free, the members of the rapidly rising "Cult of the Cat" still regarded it as some kind of "miracle".

As for the background of this sect full of flaws, just hearing the name was enough to know. It was a force voluntarily formed by those who had been rescued by Selena.

Lady Cat was probably addicted to playing.

Not only did she have her own fleet, but she also had a group of followers. She even asked Mason for tens of thousands of vaccines to distribute to these fanatical followers.

What was even more worthy of criticism was that Lady Cat didn't need her followers to offer any sacrifices or offerings, except for jewelry...

Her love for jewelry had truly become ingrained in her bones and couldn't be removed.


The door of the tavern was pushed open by two tall and strong pirates. Mason walked in with his two bodyguards and found that the meeting had already begun.

In addition to the Caribbean Pirate King, Jack Sparrow, eight other pirate kings were gathered around a large table, talking loudly, with bottles and broken glass flying around.

Everyone was talking without listening to others, making this place as noisy as thousands of ducks having a meeting.

In addition to the pirate kings, there were also observers at this special Pirate King Conference. The Dai Ying Fleet unexpectedly sent envoys, and some ministers from certain East Asian royal families were also present.

It seemed that they were preparing to discuss the division of power in the old world after the pirate kings reached an agreement.

"Stop fucking making noise! You bunch of trash!"

Barbossa, the host of the meeting, was really annoyed by the noise. He swung his voodoo war knife and slammed it on the table.

But it had no deterrent effect at all, and the other pirate kings didn't give a damn about him. An angry old pirate took out a flintlock pistol from his follower's arms and fired a shot into the sky, finally quieting the noisy tavern.

"Don't waste time!"

Barbossa cursed:

"The miraculous medicine can only maintain its effectiveness for two months. If you waste an hour here, we will lose an hour of time to expand our territory...

I'm already old, and I might fart and die tonight, but I still want to see my pirate kingdom established before I die.

So now, fucking listen up and stop talking nonsense!

Whoever has a suggestion, bring it out quickly!"

"Great Sea Goddess!"Captain Cheval, a Mediterranean pirate king with a face painted white to resemble a zombie, shrieked:

"Are you deaf, Barbosa? We're discussing whether or not to summon the sea goddess Colibso. We originally planned to use the power of the capricious sea goddess to keep the Black Death at bay.

But now we have the divine medicine.

Perhaps we can regain our lost power and wealth on our own, and even expand our territories in the New World.

Under these circumstances, it seems a bit of a loss to offer precious sacrifices to summon that mad sea goddess."

"She hates us!"

Ahmed, the Black Sea pirate king with a red Arabian headscarf, said in a gloomy tone, tapping the table:

"Although we released her, we also sealed her once. You should remember what happened the last time we dealt with her.

I have no doubt that Colibso would tear us apart.

Perhaps it's best to have no further contact with her. I agree with Cheval's view. We can regain our power and status on our own!"

"There are plenty of cannon fodder willing to risk their lives on the Old Continent!"

The Pacific Pirate Queen, who once controlled the Sea of Japan and the Pacific region, now blind and aging, said weakly but pointedly:

"As long as the wizard continues to provide the divine medicine, we won't lack fighters. I also think we should not have any more dealings with Colibso.

She is a mad and untrustworthy god."

The other pirate kings who hadn't spoken also nodded in agreement.

Clearly, the appearance of the divine medicine gave them enough confidence not to entrust their lives to a mad sea goddess.

Even the pirates, who are not particular about their diet, are wary of supernatural powers.

Barbosa looked around, his colleagues' opinions made the old pirate nod.

This was also his thought, but just as Barbosa was about to finalize the decision, Mason, sitting in the back, suddenly stood up and coughed.

This cough drew everyone's attention to him.

The wizard who brought hope was about to speak, and the pirate kings, in recognition of Mason's contribution, were willing to give him a chance to speak.

"Gentlemen, I think you should prepare for both possibilities."

Mason didn't give a lengthy speech, but simply said:

"Although with the help of the divine medicine you no longer have to worry about the Black Death and ghouls, don't forget, the cause of this apocalyptic disaster is still a mystery.

To put it more bluntly.

Perhaps this is a conspiracy from hell or some other place against humanity... What if those behind the scenes plan to bring about another apocalypse?

A being capable of destroying the world with a plague is certainly not something mortals can resist.

Therefore, I think the sea goddess Colibso may be your backup option, it never hurts to be prepared."….

The young man looked around at the pirate kings, paused, recalled some of the things Zha Kang had told him about the gods, and then spoke again:

"The power of the sea goddess comes from the sea, but her faith was formed because of the sailors and pirates who spread her name. So that mad sea goddess was actually created by you and your ancestors.

You are the source of her power.

Once even you stop mentioning Colibso's name and divine power, she will 'die' in time.

This is a little secret of the gods.

You can use this to negotiate with her for some support, after all, there's a saying in my hometown, better safe than sorry."

Whispers filled the tavern.

Mason's words were not long but they hit the most vulnerable part of these ambitious pirate kings' hearts. The cause of the Black Death is still unknown.

This is indeed a question worth considering.

But Barbosa frowned and said:

"We can't balance her, Mason, Colibso's power at sea is infinite, we don't intend to bring a master back to ourselves."

"You mean you can't balance her?"

Mason shook his head and said:

"No, my friend, do you remember what Jack was going to do when you caught him?"

Barbosa was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

"Right! The legendary Trident of the Sea God! It's said to lift all sea curses and allow the holder to control the sea. If we find it, we might be able to balance Colibso.

Hmm, Mason, you are indeed a wise wizard.


What do you think of the wizard's proposal?

Perhaps as we return to the Old World, we can also form a joint fleet to search for that legendary artifact.

Even if we don't have to use it against Colibso or the mastermind behind the great disaster, having it could better help us clear those damn ghouls.

I think this deal is worth it!"

The tavern was noisy again, as Mason's suggestion had the pirate kings arguing once more.

However, the reason they were arguing this time was about who should wield the Trident that had not yet been obtained, and which unlucky guy should go to the depths of the sea to contact the crazy Sea Goddess.

It was not difficult to convince these pirates.

As long as the benefits were explained clearly, they were far more open-minded than the nobles and kings.

Mason sat back in his chair, hiding his talents and fame. Of course, he was not doing a good deed, but rather preparing for the possible waves that may be related to the Star Alliance in the future.

Even if the Star Alliance did not notice this world, once the Trident was retrieved, Mason would still benefit from it.

Such a legendary artifact that spread throughout the world, it should be a legendary item no matter what.

And just as Mason was lost in his thoughts, a black guy suddenly squeezed next to him and tremblingly handed him a note while being intimidated by the guns of Edward and Charles.

The young man looked at the content of the note in surprise. There was only one sentence written on it:

"Look back!"

Mason immediately turned around and saw, behind the noisy crowd, in the dark corner of the tavern, an old pirate who looked seven parts similar to Jack Sparrow was raising his glass to him.

Edward Teach!

Jack Sparrow's father, the guardian of the Pirate Code, captain of the Bard's Song, the legendary pirate.

He had indeed arrived.

And this guy was inviting Mason to come over and have a chat...

Handsome dog Frank