The pirates' way of communication was indeed different from that of normal people.

In Mason's twitching eyes, this group of bastards actually completed this long and boring exchange of interests by making a lot of noise.

Almost all the participants got what they wanted.

The survivors from all over the world had come to the sea, divided into different factions, but they currently had a common powerful enemy, so they could unite.

Especially when Dai Ying took the initiative to make a "good start" and completed the contract with Captain Barbossa's fleet, the other alliances and advances went smoothly.

The pirate kings did not rashly attempt to return to their former territories.

They decided to unite first and try a large-scale expulsion of zombies on the North American continent with a cautious attitude that did not match their image.

After all, with Barbossa, Dai Ying's fleet, and the Thirteen Colonies pioneers as the vanguard, the other pirates could follow behind and accumulate experience while taking advantage of the situation.

But all of this had nothing to do with Mason.

He had wanted to sell some advanced weapons to arm these guys.

But considering that he could make enough profit by using the Hope God Medicine with a two-month expiration date, and Captain Turner and Old Tige said that there would be major changes in this world after one month, Mason didn't bother with it.

After the meeting, he declined the enthusiastic retention of the pirate kings.

He was not interested in the beautiful women who were carefully selected to serve him, and he used the excuse that there were follow-up potions of the Hope God Medicine to make his escape.

"The zombie vaccine..."

After leaving the town, the silent Er Tong suddenly spoke up:

"Did you guys steal them from Wayne Industries' warehouse during the chaos in Gotham that night?"


Mason hadn't answered yet, but Windrider was the first to refute dissatisfiedly:

"What do you mean steal? There were no guards in that warehouse, so it can only be called taking! And these vaccines can be made thanks to the boss's help. We just took our fair share. But we have to thank you and the Assassin's League for causing chaos in Gotham."

"We planned for several months and spent countless manpower and resources, but we didn't expect to make wedding clothes for you."

Er Tong turned around and looked at the lively town on Turtle Island behind him, feeling a little uncomfortable:

"To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't have imagined that these vaccines could bring you so much benefit in this world. Is this how the Star Alliance loots the world?"

"If the operation of the Assassin's League that night had been successful, you would have received profits that were hundreds of times more than this."

Mason shook his head and said:

"The people who cooperated with Lei Xiaogu are not like me, a 'novice.' The rewards they can give are far beyond what I can reach. But Jason, you spent a year and a half in the Assassin's League's base. Is there any special information you can tell us?"

"You see, whether you like it or not, we are already a team now, right?"

Jason fell silent.

After a few seconds, he finally spoke:

"After I was resurrected by the Lazarus Pit, I followed Talia for secret training and occasionally received special training from Lei Xiaogu. They used me as a weapon to attack Bruce and didn't let me participate too much in the affairs of the Assassin's League... But now looking back, Lei Xiaogu mysteriously disappeared for a period of time a year ago, and even Talia didn't know where he went. I guess he colluded with the Star Alliance at that time."

"A year ago..."

Mason remembered this time point and thought about it, but couldn't find any clues, so he asked again:

"Did Lei Xiaogu and Talia not reveal any unique information? Like 'doomsday' or something?"

"They did."

Mason's mention of this question caused a subtle change in Er Tong's expression.

He hesitated whether to say it or not, and under the gaze of Mason and Charles, Jason moved his fist and vaguely said:

"After Lei Xiaogu reappeared after disappearing for several months, one night when Talia, who was responsible for training me, lost control of her emotions, she accidentally said, 'The shadow of doomsday has descended.' And I can feel that the Assassin's League seems to be cooperating with the mysterious Mr. Sandstorm not just for profit. They should know something. Their desperate attitude is like a mouse fleeing when a ship is about to sink. Maybe it's because they see the Star Alliance as a chance to escape the end of the world."

Saying this, Jason looked at his current captain and asked:

"Will our world also experience the same thing as here?"

"Don't you know what was loaded in the missile that Lei Xiaogu was going to launch at Gotham that night?"

Mason glanced at Er Tong and said:

"If that missile had been launched that night, Gotham would already be like what you see in this world. Zombies everywhere, epidemics rampant, civilization collapsing, doomsday. Of course, the power in our world is much stronger than here, so the result shouldn't be as bad as this."

Hearing this, Jason fell silent again.

Before seeing the doomsday disaster in the Caribbean world with his own eyes, he really couldn't imagine the scene when a world fell into such despair.What the eyes see is more touching than light-hearted words.

Mason also fell into silence.

Although Jason didn't say much useful information, just these details mentioned by Er Tong were enough for the young man to judge that their world should also be facing some future changes.

"One month..."

He remembered the deadline mentioned by Old Tige and Captain Turner, and then associated it with some secret actions secretly promoted by the Justice League. A bad idea arose in Mason's mind.

Perhaps after one month, he would not only be able to see the end of the Caribbean Pirates World?

We are "pawread dot com", find us on google.

"Boss! Where is our ship?"

While Mason was lost in thought, the exclamation of Kite Man woke him up. Mason looked up and saw that the Black Pearl, which had been moored at the pier, had disappeared.

There was nothing on the empty dock.

Er Tong behind him rubbed his eyes. It was really strange. He could still see the shadow of the black ship on the road just now, but now he couldn't see anything at all.

What kind of ghostly supernatural event is this?

"Where is the ship? Where did our big ship go? It was just here!"

Charles flew to the edge of the dock and searched around, but he couldn't find any trace of the Black Pearl. Even Selina, Zatanna, Barbara, and the two pirate crew members had disappeared without a trace...

This incident immediately plunged Kite Man into a state of "persecution delusion", and he immediately felt that something must have happened!

But Mason carefully observed the sea and the surroundings, and then bent down to pick up a burnt cigarette butt from under his feet.

He sneered and left the pier with Charles and Jason, who picked up their weapons, and walked on the beach. Soon, they saw a bonfire in a sheltered beach.

The other members of Team K were drinking around the bonfire, having a great time.

"Zatanna! Are you still in the mood to drink? The ship is gone!"

Kite Man saw that his companions were still there and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He rushed over and shouted at Constantine a few times.

Charles picked up the drunken Black Magician, who was as confused as a boneless person, as the others whistled.

With an unlit cigarette in his mouth, he hiccuped and said, "What's the rush! The ship is right there!"

Mason followed Constantine's direction and saw a narrow-bellied wine bottle half-buried in the sand near the bonfire.

Kite Man took the bottle out of the sand and looked at it under the bonfire. He found that the bottle was half-filled with water, and a miniature Black Pearl was swaying in the water.

It looked like a craft model.

But the ship in the bottle was too real, not like a toy at all.

Constantine, holding half a bottle of wine, got up unsteadily and opened his arms towards Mason amidst the whistling of others. He shouted, "This is the magical magic! Yeah!"

"You did a great job of restoring Blackbeard's most famous black magic!"

Mason took the magic bottle from Kite Man's hand and looked at the Black Pearl floating up and down with the water flow in the bottle.

He had seen this scene in a movie.

He glanced at the triumphant Constantine and said, "Can it only be used on inanimate objects?"

Mason threw the magic bottle in his hand to Captain Jack, who was beside him. Jack put his beloved ship in his arms and started drinking and reveling with his passionate lover.

This was their last night in their hometown.

He wanted to celebrate leaving this doomsday in a pirate way.

In response to Mason's question, Constantine hiccuped and drunkenly explained, "No! Theoretically, this improved black magic can also affect living creatures, but I don't recommend you to do so. Rapid changes in life form will bring terrible pressure to the spirit. The best result is madness. Of course, if the other party has a grudge against you, feel free to use it. It's also great to torture people with this thing. Do you want to learn, Mason? This master can teach you. Although you can't cast spells, you can use it with enough advanced enchanted bottles and knowledge of inscriptions. But you know, I can't teach for free."

Constantine looked in a good mood and rubbed his fingers together, making a universal gesture...

Mason was indeed interested in this magic, so he called Constantine to follow him to the edge of the beach and threw out the box filled with magic items he got from the Flying Dutchman.

When the box, covered in seaweed and rust, was opened, the drunken Black Magician suddenly became energetic.

Like a groundhog, he rummaged through it and found a ring that could summon seawater for himself and a cloak with a magic shield. He also marked the remaining items separately.

Although they were all low-level magic items, according to Constantine's evaluation, it was really good to be able to get these in this weak magic world.

"Don't give these things to your own people."

Constantine put aside the seven or eight items he picked out and reminded Mason."These are all cursed items with great effects, but let's use them to trick others at the trading meeting of the Star Alliance. They can be exchanged for treasures."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. I have absolute confidence in your ability to deceive and trick."

Mason patted Jack's shoulder and took out a pair of black iron fist spikes with voodoo enhancement effects from the sorted magic items. He threw them to Jack, who was watching eagerly, and said:

"This is yours. The rules of the pirates are quite interesting, especially the 'what you see is what you get' rule. It's worth learning from."

"Do I get a share too?"

Jack looked at the fist spikes in his hand, which were surrounded by a cold aura. He thought that newcomers wouldn't get anything.

But Mason didn't bother to answer him. He picked out a few more items and handed them to Jack to distribute to others. Even Elizabeth and little Henry got some. It was indeed a 'what you see is what you get' situation.

As promised, Constance immediately took out his spellbook and began to teach Mason this dark magic.

As he said, with his genius simplification of magic combinations, enchantments, and rune knowledge, there was no need for spells or casting processes to achieve the same shrinking and restraining effects.

In the end, while smoking and enjoying the night view of the sea, Constance asked:

"Why did you suddenly want to learn these forbidden techniques? I thought the things you usually practice were enough to consume your energy."

"It's nothing."

Mason tried to make an enchantment bottle according to Constance's teachings while casually saying:

"I just have a lot of new questions but can't find the answers. I feel frustrated. Suddenly, I realized that maybe I also need some hobbies and entertainment to adjust my mood.

Besides, I can't just put all the large items I obtained through various means in my suitcase. It would be more convenient to have a way to use them.

Well, according to your simplified casting method, if I want to shrink two Batmobiles to toy size and put them in a cigarette case, I would need to engrave over a hundred voodoo runes on them.

It's not that difficult. It would be great if we had Pym Particles."

"Pym Particles? What are those?"

Drunk Constance casually asked, and Mason shrugged and said:

"They are really good things, but it's hard for us to obtain them with our current strength. Have you chosen the candidates to bring to Hogwarts? How is the operation of the magic potion field over there?"...

"The seeds and everything are ready. As for manpower..."

Constance sneered and glanced at Captain Jack, who was hugging a female pirate in the distance and nibbling on her, and said:

"That guy gave me all his crew members. They are a bunch of clumsy and mischievous pirates who like to steal from women. But fortunately, they are clever and experienced enough not to be afraid of trouble.

I plan to take them to the Forbidden Forest and build a small town around my magic tower.

Those annoying zombie centaurs and zombie monsters in the Forbidden Forest always attack, which annoys me. Mason, remember to get me a batch of weapons for those guys."

"Instead of bullets, I have something better for them."

Mason took out a triangular small vial from his bag. Inside it was some green turbid liquid. He shook it in his hand, and the information label immediately popped up:

"Unnamed" Enhanced Potion Concentrate

Quality: Excellent Alchemical Creation · Outstanding Craftsmanship

Item Effect: A basic version of an enhanced potion made by deducing and refining the commander's standard enhancer from the "Cleaner Corps" by a young alchemist.

It has a certain permanent physical enhancement effect, but the side effects of long-term consumption are unknown.

Within 30 minutes after consumption, it grants the drinker effects such as "Brute Strength," "Protective Scales," "Body Enlargement," and "Weak Flesh Regeneration."

The current genetic blueprint of the enhanced potion comes from the "Killer Crocodile."

Creator: Mason Cooper

Item Description: Evil alchemist is recruiting a large number of brave and fearless test subjects who do not fear death and do not require compensation.

"This is a new potion!"

Mason handed the potion to Constance and said:

"I call it 'Warrior No. 43.' Mix it with pure magic water in a ratio of 1:20 and distribute it to those pirates as a combat potion. Remember to record their adverse reactions after use and give me feedback in time.

But don't drink it yourself and mistake it for alcohol."

The captain of Team K reminded in a low voice:

"This is my first time making this. I don't know the specific side effects, but I can assure you that it's not poisonous... Well, basically."

"I knew you suddenly had a conscience and wanted to give the servants an enhancement potion. It turns out you were looking for test subjects."

Constance sneered:

"There are crazy people everywhere in this world who don't care about their lives. Why not find them? Instead, you're just fooling around with our own people."

"What are you talking about?"

Mason patted the now empty potion bag that was full when he set off, looked back at Annie's Revenge, which was setting sail on Turtle Island in the night, and said with a smile:

"What I give to our own people is always the safest. The less safe ones have already been distributed to our partners. They should be grateful to us."