Chapter 10 – Yandere and Dogs Part 2

After the fourth period, I went straight to the courtyard of the Literature Faculty and found Tsubaki sitting on a bench with a pale face. She’s already pale to begin with, but her grudge-like appearance has increased it many times over, making her extremely eerie. Passersby also seem to be keeping their distance from Tsubaki.

“Oi, Tsubaki, let’s get going now.”

“Senpai… Why don’t we not go after all?”

“What’s the matter now?”

“Actually… I’m allergic to dogs…”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“If I come in contact with any dogs for more than an hour, I die.”

“Then let’s go. Let’s definitely go.” (T/N: Damn MC…)

“Terrible… Is this how you treat your lifelong companion…? I’m suing you for domestic violence…”

It seems that she can afford to make silly jokes. When I turned on my heel to walk away, Tsubaki also stood up. It seems that she’s made up her mind.

“So where is the damn cafe?”

“Don’t say that. It’s in Sannomiya, so we’ll take the train.”

“I can’t believe I have to pay train fare to go all the way to the torture chamber…”

“Why do you hate dogs so much?”

“When they see me, they come up to me and bark at me. They bare their fangs at me. Even when I’m this weak and pitiful.”

I guess that’s their animal instinct. Dogs can smell Tsubaki’s danger level. Even human beings don’t want to get close to Tsubaki’s ghostly atmosphere. It’s a natural thing for any living creature.

“So you’re not good with all living things? Most creatures would be wary of you if they saw you.”

“I like cats. If I approach them, they run away from me, but from a distance, they’re adorable.”

“Even dogs look cute from a distance, right?”

“Hah… You don’t understand, do you, senpai? You don’t understand at all.”

Tsubaki shrugged her shoulders deliberately. Normally Tsubaki would act condescending towards me, but today she’s simply rude. I wonder if she’s not comfortable with me.

We walked down the hill for a while from the university, and by the time we reached the station, Tsubaki was still mumbling and complaining, but I decided to pretend not to hear her and let it pass.

We boarded the regular train that rushed to the station and looked out the window. The streets of Kobe are somewhat retro and soothing.

“Onabiraunkensowaka, onabiraunkensowaka, I am the one who speaks the truth, and nothing impure can come near me, onabiraunkenso…” (T/N: Some kind of praying, do look it up if you’re interested.)

If it had been an ordinary pretty girl next to me, I would have felt quite emotional. The stares from the passengers around me are painful, but just for today, I’ll put up with it…

> < > < > < > < > <

The dog cafe is on the third floor of a small building, and Tsubaki and I have to ride in the cramped elevator. While shaking off Tsubaki, who was deliberately grabbing my clothes and saying things like, “I’m scared…” we reached our destination floor.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, the woof-woofs and the energetic sound of puppies could be heard from the back of the elevator. Tsubaki screamed, “Hiie,” but I didn’t care, took off my shoes and went up to the entrance. I rang the bell and a friendly-looking female waitress appeared.

“Welcome, is it for two people? We have a 120 minute service…”

As the waitress was explaining the system, Tsubaki shrank behind me, shivering. Is she a shy toddler?

“You can both come in now. …Um, is your companion not feeling well?”

“Ah, no. She’s an unparalleled dog lover, but this is her first time at a place like this, so she’s a little nervous.”

It was a painful lie on my part, but they let me through easily. Well, if Tsubaki tries to make a strange move, I’ll just kick her out, so I’m sure she won’t cause any trouble for the store…

The waitress quietly opened the entrance to prevent the dogs from jumping out. I stepped out first, and a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian darted out from a short distance away. Tsubaki let out another little “Hiie” scream.

“Come on, Tsubaki, pet them too. They’re cute.”

“They don’t bite, do they? Are you sure they won’t? If they bite me, I won’t forgive you, okay?”

“Try stroking them from the back of the neck all the way down to their back. It’s not as scary as stroking their chins.”

When Tsubaki fearfully reached out her hand, the Pomeranian barked, “Woof!” Startled, Tsubaki immediately withdrew her hand and glared at it with reproachful eyes.

“The dog is angry, right? It’s definitely angry.”

“No, they’re not angry. They just want to play with you.”

“I want to go home…”

Tsubaki then withdrew to a corner where there were no dogs or people and sat there motionless. After that, I was content to take turns playing with the various dogs, but I began to feel more and more sorry for Tsubaki.

I was the one who brought Tsubaki here in the first place, and I want her to enjoy this place at least a little bit. It’s not much of an apology, but I’m sure I’ll be punished if I don’t at least help her have some fun.

“Ahh, I want to be a dog… If I were a dog, I could legally interact with senpai. Can I become a dog?”

“What the h**l are you talking about…? Let’s go.”

I took Tsubaki’s hand and forced her to stand up. It was easy enough to do since Tsubaki was skinny.

“What is it, senpai? Is it pity for me because people and dogs hate me?”

“Just come.”

I’ve touched all the dogs in this cafe, but the pug that sits farthest from the entrance seems to have the most generous personality. This one wouldn’t get out of control or bark when touched by Tsubaki…

“What is it with this ugly dog?”

“Don’t call it ugly. It has a charming face.”

“Don’t tell me you think an ugly dog like this is suitable for an ugly girl like me…?”

“You’re so paranoid! Look at it, it’s got kind eyes. I’m sure it’ll be okay if you touch its back.”

Tsubaki patted the pug’s back with a shaky hand, and the pug sniffed. Apparently, he’s not in a bad mood.

“How is it, Tsubaki?”

“It somehow feels…fuzzy.”

Tsubaki looked at me curiously, but still continued to pet the pug. The combination of Tsubaki petting the dog with an expressionless face and the pug sniffing from time to time was surreal, and one person and one dog spent the entire time doing so until it was time to leave.

> < > < > < > < > <

On our train ride home, Tsubaki was limp as if she had used up all her energy.

“Today… I’m sorry I pushed you to do this. It made me reflect a little.”

“Good grief… Please take responsibility and marry me.”

“That responsibility is too high! …But you, surprisingly, weren’t hated by that dog, right?”

“Fufu… I was on my phone all through today’s lecture today because I was looking up how to treat dogs. Like how not to stare into their eyes or how not to startle them…”

“Eh, I thought you didn’t like dogs? Why did you go that far…?”

“Because if I marry senpai, I’ll have to learn to take care of dogs anyway. I’m serious, much more so than senpai imagines.”

Tsubaki turned her head and grinned at me with a nod. Normally, I would have slapped her on the head and told her she was being creepy, but I can’t bear the feeling of tormenting someone who’s exhausted.

But “feeling”, huh? I wonder what kind of “feeling” I have for Tsubaki. Regardless of the direction, my heart isn’t strong enough to neglect someone who’s been so earnestly devoted to me.

No, no, no! Keep it together! If I get entangled here, then Tsubaki will get what she wants!



“Let’s go on a date again.”

“Whenever I feel like it.”

Perhaps satisfied with my response, Tsubaki once again returned to her original forward leaning posture. The train’s rocking sound was the only sound inside the train as the sunset shone through.

(T/N: Damn, the chapters are really getting longer now > < )