Chapter 17 – Yandere and Typhoon

Morning. I opened the balcony window. Instantly, I felt a strong wind that stretched my face. I had heard that typhoon No. 7 would make landfall in western Japan this afternoon, and it looks like it will be blowing quite strong by noon. The rain is also getting heavier.

I’ve already taken in the hangers and other things on the balcony, but I’m not feeling very comfortable. I have enough food for a few days, and it seems like it’s no use being anxious, but I can’t help it.

I guess it’s an instinctive feeling that I get nervous when a typhoon is approaching. It’s better to be prepared than to be absent-minded for when the time comes.

And yesterday, the principal contacted me and said that the part-time job for today was off. However, I can’t go out now that I have free time, and today is going to be a boring day.

As I was idly fiddling with my phone with nothing in particular to do, I heard the intercom ring. Did I order a delivery or something? Still, they shouldn’t have come on a day like this…

“Good morning, senpai, I’m here to deliver your bride.”

When I opened the front door to find a soaking wet Tsubaki, I closed the door without a second thought. The intercom immediately rang again.

“Shut up, you soaking wet youkai!”

When I opened the door again, Tsubaki was pretending to cry.

“You’re terrible, senpai. How could you shut me out without saying anything?”

“Why did you come all the way here on a typhoon day like this! You should have stayed home and stayed quiet!”

“Eh, senpai… Could it be that you’re worried about me? I’m so happy…”

“I’m saying you’re a nuisance! Hurry up and go home!”

“I understand, I’ll go home. But if I go home in this strong wind, there might be an accident.”

I thought that Tsubaki was strangely honest today… But then she looked into my face with a smile and a grin. The eyes peeking out from her long wet hair had an almost out-of-this-world sparkle.

“Ahh, I’m going to die today. And it’s because of senpai.”

“I don’t care what happens to you.”

“That again… If I never come back, senpai would surely regret that for the rest of his life. You will continue to think about me for the rest of your life, even until the day you die. How wonderful that I can be senpai’s life-long companion.”

“I-I’m sure they’ll forget all about you in no time…”

“If I were to die and be reborn, it would be nice to be senpai’s daughter. Do you know ‘Ten Nights of Dreams’ by Soseki Natsume? It’s a story about a young man who carries a child on his back, then the child starts talking strangely, and in the end, the child turns out to be the reincarnation of the person the young man killed…”

Bad imagination crossed my mind. She’s really going to die if I refuse… No, I’m sure she won’t go that far, but…

I guess I’ve already lost when I started worrying like this. Even if I got rid of Tsubaki, I would have to worry about her for the rest of the day. And if Tsubaki were to disappear for a couple of days, I would be even more disturbed. Tsubaki would be happy to see that, wouldn’t she?

I’m starting to get pissed off. But I’m not going to let her get her way.

“All right… Come on in.”

“Eh, are you sure? I’ll just go ahead and settle in?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll kick you out after the typhoon passes. You didn’t bring a towel or something?”

Before I even replied, Tsubaki had already slipped past me and walked up to the front door.

“I’ll borrow one of senpai’s towels, so that’s all right.”

“You… Could it be that you were trying to force your way in from the beginning…?”

“It could have gone either way. I could have died out there exposed to the wind, or I could have gone up to senpai’s house.”

“You… Don’t you have any human feelings, like a fear of dying?”

“If I can’t be with senpai, it’s no different than being dead.”

Tsubaki went to the bathroom soaking wet and pulled out a towel from a nearby cupboard. I’ve already lost the energy to ask, “How do you know where the towels are?”

“Ah, I’m going to take a shower too. Would you like to join me?”

“Go in alone. And don’t come out until nightfall.”

“I can’t believe senpai likes confinement play. Senpai is perverted as well, isn’t he?”

“Sorry, but I’m kicking you out after all.”


There was no point in arguing, so I went back to the living room for now. I turned on the TV to check the forecast and found that the typhoon would have passed by nightfall. I’ll definitely kick her out when it gets dark outside.

I can hear Tsubaki humming in the bathroom. She must be in a good mood, because she’s come into my house just as she planned. Am I just going to keep letting her have her way with me? If there’s any way I can get back at her like I did at the dog cafe… Ah, that’s right!

“Senpai, what are you thinking?”

“Whoa! When did you get out here!?”

“I thought I’d come out in style… Ah, I’ll be borrowing the hair dryer as well, okay?”

Tsubaki makes herself comfortable as if she were in her own home. She even changed the TV channel before I knew it… Watch it, you b*****d…

“Ah, cockroach!”

“Eh, there are cockroaches here, senpai~?”

“No! Maybe it’s a centipede!”

“How could you mistake centipedes as cockroaches~? Centipedes are bigger.”

“Over here is a rat!”

“I wonder where it came from~”

Tsubaki nonchalantly dried her hair with the hair dryer, not even looking at me as I screamed behind her. Of course, there are no insects or rats here, but I thought she would have been at least a little surprised… Did she see through my lie to begin with?

“Are you…okay with bugs and the like?”

“Eh? There’s no reason to be afraid of them. They can all be killed with a slipper, can’t they?”

“But you’re scared of dogs.”

“I’m not scared of dogs. I just don’t like them.”

I wonder if I need to bring in a bear to really shake Tsubaki up. But I’m afraid I’ll be eaten when I bring the bear to her. It might be enough to startle her with a big dog, but if she fights back recklessly, it would be bad for me…

“The trick to scaring people is to be prepared. You have to be prepared to do whatever it takes to scare them. Senpai is gentle, so he’s not suited for that kind of thing.”

Tsubaki talked as if she knew what she was talking about. She’s making fun of others again… And when I glared at Tsubaki’s face, she surprisingly had a soft smile on her face, not her usual grin. That’s so creepy…

“What’s with that expression?”

“It’s the expression that means ‘I love you, senpai.'”

“It’s creepy, don’t ever do that again.”

“So senpai prefers the usual me, I understand.”

“I don’t know what the h**l you’re talking about.”

I sighed as I pulled Tsubaki down, who was trying to climb up on the bed on her own while spouting nonsense.

In fact, I’m probably the one who doesn’t know anything. I wonder if the day will ever come when I will be able to gauge the true nature of this woman, Tsubaki Honjo.