Chapter 323 Episode 266: The Crumbling Chiba and the Cannibal Running Dog

Goldi's treasure sword ... Though it is called, only the sheath is decorated, and the sword itself has no features other than the jewels embedded in the handle.

It is said that it is a necessary symbol for use in the ceremony to seal the evil gods, and at the same time it represents a knight offering a sword to the duke.

A priest who keeps a seal in peacetime. But once you get out of your sword, you fight as a knight.

However, the treasure sword is now aimed at Valdilia, one of the Five Knights who serve the same Duke of Al Krem.

She held a hatchet in her hands, holding her stunned Gordy buddy on the floor. This isn't what she's supposed to get, but in a small secret room, this is the limit.

"... Are you not bringing in other knights, Bravaille or Sergio. Are you sure you can take control of me alone?"

Goldi realizes that nobody is behind Valdilia, and makes a wrinkle in her eyebrows, wondering at her.

"No, did you give priority to evacuating the Duke?-In that situation, Lalmea was an inevitable decision-" Tra n sl at ed by jp m t l.c o m

"No, I haven't reported to them or the Duke yet, but my subordinates will report if I don't return."

"……What did you say?"

Gordi hears Baldilia's words unintelligibly and listens to them. To that, Valdilia turned his alert, but sad eyes.

"I will confess myself and be tied up in bondage, and the Duke will take generous measures. At least I will take care of your wife and children. I swear by the pride of the knight."

Valdilia, with the help of her colleagues, had the opportunity to compassionate and be self-governing. He understood that and opened his eyes, and inadvertently lowered the point of the sword.

"What a ...!"

Certainly, if you do, you will receive some extra consideration. Tr ansl a te d by jpmt l.c o m

Originally, Gordi himself is a public execution. The house is stripped of title and property, and wives and children are about to get lost. However, given that Goldi self-defeated and given his past achievements, he himself would fuel the poisoned wine, in a manner of execution that would not leave the public with death, and You may just need to surrender.

"From when did you suspect me? I knew you were investigating with a different policy than Bravaille, but I and my buddy did not leave any evidence and the alibi should have been perfect. For my partner, there should have been no trace of existence. ''

However, Goldi has lowered the sword's cutting edge but will not let go. Valdilia replied to him.

"As you said, there was no reason to doubt. Action, the movement of money, relationships, past careers, contacts with victims ... I found nothing suspicious. In the end, there was no record of any guild ... even a criminal organization, to be honest, I still don't even know the name.

Nevertheless, he has a good arm as an assassin. Where did you find such a buddy ...? "

He sighed, sighing in memory of the difficulties of finding him and catching him alive.

Gordy's friend who had no trace of working as an ordinary person, such as a craftsman, as well as an adventurer in the town of Al Krem. Where exactly did he improve his skills as an assassin and spy, and where did he live?

You will have to find out from him and Goldi and investigate. The background of this incident may be that they hide a larger shadow than they had imagined.

But that's only if Gordy could be self-sustained. Valdilia kept talking to encourage him to give up his resistance.

"Similar to the Guard, our investigations were deadlocked. So, like Bravaille, I decided to change my mind. He had a fresh hand in hiring a medium to find the victim's spirit, I decided to doubt those who hadn't previously doubted for no reason. ''

With a change in mind, Valdilia investigated, assuming that his master, Duke of Takkad Al-Krem, his son, the duke's family, and his colleagues were "if they were face-stripping."

Then I noticed that Goldi's recent behavior was strange.

It's not as definitive as suspicious. However, the dwarf Valdilia looks like a teenage girl, but is older than Bravaille and Tuckard, who have begun to mix gray hair in her hair. I also know about Gordi because his predecessor, Knights of Kuzuyama, was alive.

He said that his experience was strange.

T ra n s la t ed by Jpmt A close look at Goldi's body revealed that a low-priced item box had been brought to his house, and that somebody was hanging around.

"The ultimate is that some criminal slaves have been transported from slave traders to the sacred land of the wilderness where you are guarding the seal because it is necessary to maintain the seal.

I had a slave merchant draw a caricature of the criminal slaves ... one of the caricatures resembled the facial skin found last night. "

"I thought he was credible, but he was not only a good memory but a light-hearted slaver."

"Because the authority of the Five Knights forced me to open my mouth, slavers should not blame me.

However, it was natural if you think about it. Not only criminal organizations, but guards, knights, and even the nobles of higher ranks can find out the wrongdoings of the Dukes, who command the spy organizations, and we, the Alchemic Five Knights. ''

"Certainly ...? Wait, Valdilia. What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you many times, Gordy. It's the same knight's compassion. Before you get caught as a" facelifter, "gently tie him as a" Knight in the Fallen Mountains. "

I can understand your feelings that you cannot forgive evil. But it is a line that must not be crossed as a knight! You must also be judged! "

Valdilia's denunciation is very legitimate. Even though his motives were rooted in justice, Gordy was a knight who sworded the duke and ate the rouge and ruled the people not only by power but also by law and authority.

As a knight, even if it was impossible now, he had to keep fighting to judge publicly. There is no other way to assassinate them by eccentric means, make them known to the world and incite social unrest.

"And your justice is already broken! A number of those whose faces have been stripped off are not punishable by criminal offenses. Peeling and exposing the face of a criminal slave who was killed ... you are not trying to make a judgment, but the purpose is to continue the crime of "The Face Stripper!"

And, as she pointed out, the recent crime of "The Face Stripping Devil" has broken down. In this case, The Face Stripper is not just an assassin of justice, but just a serial killer.


Goldi was accused of it, moaning briefly and distorting his face-

T r a ns l a t e d by Jp m "Kuhhahahahaha!"

I started laughing.

"What's wrong?"

To Baldilia, who was puzzled by the unexpected Gordi's reaction, he turned to a smile he had never seen before.

"It's strange! I guess I've imitated the crimes with the intention of convicting the true culprit, but the sins of the true culprit are also becoming a burden I suffer!

How long have you been sleeping? Increase, buddy! "

In response to Goldi's words as "The False Face Stripper," two arms appear, making a sound like a rawhide tearing from the back of a stunned partner.

"What !?"

With two moments piercing Valdilia, her two arms release her. The movement was quick and could not be dislodged with a hatchet.

However, I was injured with a nail that chewed my cheek. Valdilia breaks down the backbone of Gordy's buddy, who shows extraordinary movements, and retreats using the recoil.

He gives up on Goldi's persuasion, and tries to release his martial arts, also serving as an alert to alert Brabatille and Sergio, who should be on the premises.

"Uh !?"

However, at that moment, power was released from the whole body. She falls down from her knees, and her hatchet makes a noise on the floor and rolls.

"Well ... I was in danger. If you had not a hatchet but a halberd, you would have been stripped of your arms."

"Oh, our poison ..."

"It doesn't make sense if you don't enter the body. T r ansl a ted by jp mt m

After Baldilia fell, Gordi and his buddies relieved. He is not a Knight in the Fallen Mountains, not a Gordy, but a defeated opponent if he can use his own strengths. But now I can't be aware of the other five knights and ... Vandaloo.

"Poison ... idiot, I have [poison resistance] skill ..."

From the back of Goldi's buddy who should have broken down his spine, not only his arms but also a new head and upper body are growing ... I am surprised that humans are dividing and increasing like slime , Valdilia spun with a numb tongue.

She tries to get a detoxifying potion that she has stashed in her pockets, but her arm is not asking and listening as if her bones have melted.

"I know you have the [poison resistance] skill, but it seems that the poison that we have been given cannot withstand the poison of God to the degree of [poison resistance]."

"God ?? No, you're late ..."

"Don't be with the growing number of divinely blessed hero candidates. We've been serving a pillar of gods for more than 100,000 years. We are--"

"My buddy, the previous buddy seems to be the limit. I will die if I keep it."

"That's right, it wasn't when I told you a secret."

Goldi turned his gaze to his broken buddy and found that anyone with a broken back in Valdilia was lying on the floor and could not stand up.

"[Fast Play] You don't even need to pass your skills. Go back to me, buddy."

"I see. Fuse."

Goldi grabbed his extended hand and heard a dirty sound, saying "Purururu." In proportion to the sound, the body of the fellow fellow withered, eventually disappearing, leaving only the black costume.

The newly added buddy grabs wildly Valdilia, who can not speak with the effect of poison while being surprised by the incredibility, and drags it into the hidden room.

"If your co-worker is a monster that mimics a human being, will you be shocked even as much as you? I think you and I were just working relationships and conversations were kept to a minimum, but ... difficult What.

Even if you imitate your figure, words, jobs and skills, can you become a human? ''

Gordi is not a human. It was a race that mimicked humans and resembled a mimic lime created by an evil god.

Unlike just mimic lime, it is possible to get a job like a human, and furthermore, by parasitic on the human body and eating from the inside, it is possible to take over the human status and take away skills, etc. It had a higher mimicry ability.

If Bardilia had been so explained, you might have noticed the identity of Gordi and the god behind him.

The Devil King, led by Gudranis, stands in front of the brave army led by the hero Bellwood. Among them was Zesoleggin, a god of "cannibalism", who produced an unusual monster.

The demon that "Evil God of Cannibalism" produced was a monster specialized in mimicry, especially in transforming into humans and animals.

Many of the demons created by the Demon King and other evil gods were simply strong monsters with features such as monstrous power and toughness emitted from the giant, powerful fire and ice breath, and poisoning etc. The monster that Zezolegin created was quite heterogeneous.

Moreover, the spawned monsters, who could be called mimics, were able to self-produce their own copies in the same way that certain plants would extend their rhizomes and increase their own copies.

The mimicry humans attacked the humans and took their form, successfully confusing the brave army.

But that's only the beginning of the battle. When the brave army became inferior and the number of humans decreased and concentrated in one base, the gaps in society where mimic humans infiltrated disappeared, and individual humans themselves also strengthened using the status system Mimics were soon discovered and defeated.

Perhaps it was a blind eye, and Forzajibal, a "grabber goddess" who did not like Zesolegin to raise his credit, attacked to take his power.

Farmaun abandoned the cannibal gods of cannibalism and the evil gods of robbery, which began to fight among allies, and slammed them into the mountains that existed in the northern part of Bang Gaia continent at the time. It is reported that the god of the mountain, Volgadon, who had been shattering his soul by the devil King Gudulanis, sacrificed himself and the mountains and sealed it, leaving only the wilderness of the collapsed rocky mountain.

This is the legend of the seals that Goldi's successive Knights of the Fall have been protecting long before the duke of Al Krem was in the Al Krem kingdom.

(The Gordy has become a higher-ranking species that has the power to fight as a member of the Five Knights, not just mimicry, but also the survival of a legendary mimic human. Did you rank up?

No, but what are the gods and gods he says? "God of the Mountain" Volgadon? )

Borgadon, the mountain god, is said to be in deep sleep and is now only worshiped in sacred places in the wilderness, guarded by a family of Gordi, who are sealed by evil gods.

(Why does it give and manipulate the oracles and revelations to the Goldi? Why are descendants of mimic humans?)

Though he is swift thinking instead of a poisoned body, Valdilia's consciousness has begun to cloud. Goldi grabbed her hair and looked into her eyes and muttered, "Hum."

"What do you mean? When you came out with your buddy, I thought you were just a distraction, but now I want to talk about secrets and future operations."

"Human seems to be a creature who wants to tell a secret to someone other than himself, buddy. I guess the habit of human beings has been transmitted over a long time."

"I see. Sure ... more than thirty years since I became a Goldi. Did the humans move while changing their predecessors and appearing to be growing and aging like humans? It's not an impossible story. "

Goldi did not kill and take over Goldi in the human Knight of the Fallen Mountains. "Knight of the Fallen Mountain" Gordi was the figure and name of this mimic human from the beginning.

To put it another way, the heads of the clan who have kept the seal of the evil gods here 100,000 years ago, and several others around them are all mimics.

Valdilia also wondered why, why the mimicry created by Zesolegin, the cannibal god, keeps the seal of the cannibal god? The question was obvious, but the truth was very simple.

The "Cannibal Evil God" Zesoleggin is not sealed.

More than 100,000 years ago, Zesolegin was devastated by a blow from Farmaun and slammed into the mountains during a battle with the Forbidden God, Forzajivar. It is true that Volgadon, the mountain god, attempted to seal off his sacrifice.

However, at the moment Borgadon attempted to seal, Zesolegin ate the brutal goddess of stealing, which was deeper than himself.

After regaining some strength, Zesolegin broke through the seal of Volgadon, ate Volgadon, absorbed and assimilated it.

And the god of cannibalism, Zesoleggin, became the god of cannibalism and robbery, with the ability taken from Forzajivar and the god of the mountains, Volgadon, and pretended to be dead by exercising its full potential. Was imitated as if it had been sealed.

Even though they absorbed and assimilated the two pillars of God, the two pillars were deeply wounded at that time, and their power is far from full power, even if they became "evil gods of cannibalism and robbery."

Even if you go out on the ground in such a state, you can not get a reward and you will only be attacked by the hero. Then you have to imitate it as if it were sealed.

That choice has made Zesoregin alive, and Goldi mimics to this day.

After the demon King Gudulanis was defeated, Vida and Arda fought each other, and after more than 100,000 years, Zesolegin continued to imitate.

He created a mimicry of the setting of "a clan with a mission to protect the seal", and spread the story of the god and the terrible evil god who protect the seal to humans. Since both are Zezoleggins, the prayers and awe of the humans, both helped him and healed the wounds.

However, there was no other evil god-like thing ... nothing to sacrifice, incite monsters to attack humans, or to disturb the world's revival.

Rather, he directed mimics to hunt monsters to protect the Holy Land, and sent mimics to the politicians in time to contribute to the country.

The more human beings that lived in prayer and awe, the more convenient it was for Zezolegin, and on the contrary, the Ardas had to avoid mimicry.

With such an insidious effort, Bellwood, Farmaun, and the gods of law, Ardas, could not see through the mimicry of Zesoleggin.

The existence of Zesorregin is hidden behind the shadow of the active evil gods, such as Hihryshkaka, the evil god of evil that leaps on the continent of Bang Gaia, and Lavovifard, the evil god of liberation that nests on the evil continent. No action was taken to investigate the situation closely.

In fact, even if Ardas explored from the sanctuary, they would have felt only the sign of "the mountain god" that Zezolegin absorbed and imitated.

The "God of Reincarnation" Rodcorte should have been able to notice the existence of humans who imitated Goldi. However, it was only recently that Rhodocorte had strengthened its cooperation with Arda, and only had to know about Vandalu rather than the remnants of the Demon Army.

Zesolegin's wounds have healed and he has regained his strength. However, for the next few hundred years, I was going to collect information while mimicking it.

He was supposed to take steps to rule this world as a new Demon King. The fulfillment of the plan is almost as promised by the experiments so far.

After that, we just waited for the moment of the war, when Arda and Vida reunited with each other.

However, the presence of Vandaloo forced him to hasten his schedule.

"So what does Baldilia do? In this state, it is not a fight against Vandaloo. Do you assimilate and mimic it?"

Asked by his partner, Goldi shook his head.

"It's easy to assimilate, but it takes time to mimic it exactly. It would be tedious to see" Baldilia ", which looks different from usual, in that suspicious Bravaille."

By mimicking and assimilating these mimic humans, they can seize their opponent's skills and exchange them like articles between the same mimic humans.

This ecology allowed the Goldi's generations of Knights on the Fallen Mountains to maintain high combat abilities, and Buddies to have the same level of skill as a skilled assassin.

You can steal Valdilia's skills and imitate your buddy just like her ... but you can't imitate your personality in a short time. Even though it looks like a human, it is a weakness of non-human Goldi.

"And I don't know what happens to the assimilated target's soul. This hidden room has a barrier to prevent the ingress and egress of the spirit ... If you get out of your body, you may be known to Vandaloo. ''

"I think that I think too much, but I agree there is no reason to kill this woman right now.

The poison created by the god secretion skill given by Zezeregin, the creator of “Aibo”, is lethal, but only a small amount has entered the body of Valdilia. With her vitality, it would take half a day to die.

With that much time, by the time she dies, the plan is already over. No information is transmitted to Vandaloo.

The goddess waited for the time to come, leaving Baldilia, who was confused and unmovable, in a hidden room.

Despite being a suburban villa, the garden was beautifully arranged, as was the residence of the Duke family.

According to the information Kimberly and colleagues examined, it is difficult to see the inside from outside because there are many blind spots.

(If you didn't get the information in advance, you would be surprised at the number of people lurking in the trees, ponds, and mansions.)

Unlike Muse, she is a vandaloo who has no skill, but she asked Kimberly about the location and number of spies and knights assigned by the Duke.

"Maybe you're motivated?

Olbia mutters involuntarily, and the ghosts warn her. I couldn't see him, but Gizania and Simon were nervous, as the atmosphere was transmitted.

"I came here today in response to my invitation. For an unofficial tea ceremony, don't worry about etiquette, and have a good time."

In the backyard, ready for the garden party, the Duke of Takkad Alkrem, who greeted the Bandarloos, said so probably because they interpreted their tension in another way.

Of course, there was some tension on his own face. Her expression is rather hard and she breathes fast. My heart is pale or my complexion is dark, and my hair looks supple.

The reason he is so nervous is the high fighting ability of Vandaloo-

"Nice to meet you, Duke of Al Krem. I'm Vandalou Zaccato, and she's--"

"I am Juliana"

It is the very existence of Yuliana, who bows beautifully with a cow's horned head. His appearance, which wasn't a good relationship but his half-brother, Tuckard reminded him of a life-long Juliana. And the gesture made her feel dignified and educated enough to hesitate to judge her as a kind of monster that merely spoke human language.

"You are ...!"

Takkad was convinced of seeing Juliana. I don't know what happened to her and what she's now, and what the intent behind it is. But he jumped beyond imagination and guesswork.

In front of you is Juliana Alcrem himself.

"Yes, I see you for the first time, and I am honored to be a follower."

But, contrary to Tuckard, who exudes complex emotions, Juliana declined his conviction, responding with a light, even chilly attitude.

For Tuckard, it was more convincing, but at the same time, lighter on his shoulders.

Because Juliana flatly denied any involvement in her previous life, she would not have to pursue the responsibility for bringing them to the dead, although this was not intended.

Of course, there is a possibility that you can be attacked from here with a netizenchi, but you do not want Yuliana, and Vandalu, whom she worships.

"The Duke seems to be interested in her, but rudely she is a follower who has grown up with me. If you use something, it would be helpful if you could send a request through the guild "

In a tone for the great, "Don't do bad tricks," Vandalou tells Tuckard.

"Yes, that's right. I feel like I was a child of an acquaintance."

"That's right. If you're a Duke, you'll have a lot of connections, and there's a coincidence that she's similar to one of the crowd.

She's still young and she's going to grow and change her shape, so I wonder if it's better not to worry too much. ''

When he said, "Don't worry too much," he nodded, "U, um."

With that, I solved the case of Juliana for the time being. ... It should have been resolved.

Of course, Vandaloo doesn't think that he has built trust with the Takkads. It is cultivated through talks that will be held at tea parties that will continue.

"Oh, yes. The tea will cool down, so please do it for now.

Tackard recommends tea and confectionery to reconsider and break the talks. Although unofficial, tea and confectionery may have been prepared with the highest quality.

The tea served by the waiter is fragrant, with baked confectioneries that use plenty of butter and sugar, and rare fruits from dungeons.

"Thank you. It's a very fragrant tea."

This time, taking over from Vandalu, Darussia responds to Takkad with a soft smile. The smile was extremely natural, but ...

Although diplomacy is ripe in countries within the border mountains, Dulcia is far from perfect in the manners of the upper classes of human society. The tea ceremony with Earl Moxy seed it, but the Earl and Duke seem to have different tensions.

"Vu, Van, could you take a cup?"

Gizanias, who have never experienced human society before, are less ethical and have structural handicaps.

In particular, Gizania, which has a giant spider's lower body, cannot reach the table if you keep your back straight.

"Yes, please. Muses and Privels should not use sickles or tentacles."

"I know, but ..."

"Yeah, it's a bit crazy to be able to use only two arms."

And Muze paints jam on bread with a much smaller knife than his own scythe that grew from his shoulder, and Privelle is a little frustrated by having only one baked confectionery with a teacup in his hand.

"... I'm nervous in another way."

"When I was an Earl, I ran away."

Natania and Simon do not try to reach for tea while keeping the pose "We are not guests, we are escorts". He doesn't want to join the tea ceremony because he knows only the minimum manners that tea does not make noise.

"It's easy when you're a follower, and you don't have to worry about fine manners."


Katia then eats baked goods, and Fang bites at a piece of meat prepared by a servant. The marols are biting the baked snacks that Vandaloo will pass from one to the next, screaming "chu-chu".

Looking at the situation, the nervousness of the servants who are serving with Tuckard is further relaxed. From their attitude, they may have felt unlikely to be hostile to themselves.

A certain amount of tension is needed and will vary depending on the outcome of the upcoming talks, but you may have thought that the battle for the duke of Al Krem would not break out today.

Without heart, the complexion of Tuckard seems to be getting better.

"By the way, Duke, it seems that some people are dying in the annex, do you know? I'll treat you if you like."

It suddenly turned blue because Vandaloo suddenly said that.