Chapter 33: The Butler's Teaching

Chapter 33: The Butler's Teaching

At a time when even the plants and trees were asleep, three men wearing black hoods ran stealthily in the dark night.

Their refined running style hardly made any sound.

We need to do a final check. This magical tool inhibits the magical energy in a specific space, but its effect can only last for about five minutes. After that, it will self-destruct to prevent information leaksapparently.

So, basically, failure is not an option, right?

Thats right. We need to neutralize the Darkness and capture the target with the Magic-Sealing Shackles before the time limit.

Got it!


Their destination was the dormitory annexed to the Aslan Magic Academy.

Normally, the dormitory would have been heavily guarded by numerous magical tools, but strangely, none of them reacted to the presence of the intruders.

The men arrived at the dormitory and went around to the back of it. Vissit novelbin(.)com for new novels

When they put their hands on the door, it easily opened.

Just as the intel said.

Wow, theyre really letting their guard down.

Quiet! Stay focused. We cant afford to fail.

Okay, okay. Sorry about that.

After reprimanding his comrades for joking around, the man continued speaking.

So far, everything is going according to plan. However, in case of unexpected events, activate this magical tool immediately upon entering the dormitory. Got it?


Got it! Five minutes from there, right on time. Piece of cake.


You really only say that, dont you?

Alright then, lets go.

The man in charge took the lead and opened the door. They entered and activated the magical tool as planned.

The three men immediately sprang into action. Their first stop was the cafeteria.

In the hallway leading to the cafeteria, two men who appeared to be security guards were lying down in an unnatural position. They seemed to be breathing, so they were probably not dead.

The men showed no surprise at the sight and continued on to their destination without hesitation, as if they knew the layout of the dormitory shrouded in darkness.

Eventually, they stopped in front of a certain room and exchanged glances.

This was it. The door was locked, but the man easily picked the lock with his practiced hands.

After another nod, the man quietly opened the door.

Oh, welcome.


Although it was something small, the man let out a surprised shout. This was because, for the first time, an unexpected event had occurred.

There was already a small light lit up. Its form became clear: a beautiful woman with silver hair sitting calmly on the bed.

Confusion lasted only a moment, and the mans next action was quick. If he screamed, then failure would be certain.

And so he had to kill her. He didnt know who she was, but he had to get her to her last breath immediately.

The stiletto that was already in his right hand was aimed at the silver-haired woman with a clear intent to kill and then he dropped it with a clink.

Hmm, so youre an enemy after all. Thats all I needed to know.

Hmm, what is it?

Luke woke up with an undeniable sense of discomfort. But the true nature of that discomfort was soon revealed: for some reason, all the magic he constantly used was not functioning.

That became an intense feeling of discomfort, and Luke woke up.


And then, he realized that he couldnt use any magic. It was clearly an abnormal situation.

Magic cannot be used. However, he can sense magic power. In the case of Luke, who has linked his sensing ability with magic and has been using it constantly, it is terribly extensive and precise.

Therefore, it was easy to know that someone was coming towards him.


Recently, Luke had been feeling stressed a lot. It was also the reason why Alice was sleeping next to him right now.

Despite knowing it was not good, the number of times he had invited Alice to his room had increased. However, Lukes invitation was more like an order.

Lukes feelings of disappointment and resignation, as well as the pain in his stomach, were filled with a sense of No, not this again.

However, even as he sighed, his thoughts accelerated in a calm manner to deal with this unexpected situation.


I knew it, Luke thought.

The confusion was evidence that these people were after Luke.

The situation accelerated from there.

Luke keenly sensed the mans clear killing intent. He drew his stiletto and pointed it at Alice in that moment

Hmm, so theyre enemies after all. Thats all we need to know.

In the blink of an eye. Luke jumped out from behind cover and sliced the mans throat with his short sword.

Blood flew through the air, staining Alice red.

The man fell to the ground, groaning inaudibly.

(Killing people. Its the first time, but surprisingly easy. Next.)

Luke caught the remaining two with a sideways glance. He quickly kicked the ground and closed the distance between them.


The man intercepted in silence. It would be a lie to say he wasnt shaken by the loss of his comrade in such an anticlimactic way.

However, years of training moved his body reflexively.

He aimed for Lukes right eye and thrust his weapon forward.

But Luke evaded with a minimal movement of his head.

Another impact. Unbelievable. These were clearly not the movements of an amateur. This was different from the information they had.

That thought became the mans last.

Luke made a precise thrust towards the mans left shoulder.

His arm no longer moved, and he dropped the stiletto he was holding.

Despite that, Lukes attacks continued, piercing his throat and finally striking his vulnerable heart.

It was a terrifyingly refined and flowing three-hit combo of thrusts.


The second man fell to the ground.

I didnt hear anything like this

The remaining third man steps back. At that moment, a choice briefly crossed Lukes mind: restrain and extract information.

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

Because the enemy had unknown power or technology.

Stay vigilant. Be careful and thorough when theyre cornered, Alfreds teachings came back to him, and Luke made his decision: to kill.

And just as the man reached for something in his pocket, a short sword was thrust into his head.

It was a merciless throw. He didnt even have time to let out a final scream before he died instantly.

Luke quietly exhaled.

And then, he stood there motionless, looking down at the dead body that lay on the red-stained ground.

Luke, are you okay? Luke!!

Alice rushed over and shouted loudly.

It was understandable.

Suddenly, Luke had fallen to both knees as if collapsing. He remained there, even placing both hands on the ground.

It was clearly not normal.

Poison!? Dont worry, Ill take care of it

There were no noticeable external injuries.

Therefore, Alice concluded that Lukes abnormality must have been caused by some kind of poison. However

Whywhy would they attack us like this in the middle of the night these guys

Luke spoke up.

While relieved that he did not seem to be affected by poison, Alice listened carefully.

Suddenly attacking us like that!!!

It was a scream from Lukes soul, as if he was releasing all the stress that had accumulated until now.

Lukes soul scream easily woke up all the dormitory students, and this unprecedented attack incident came to light.

This was the first major incident since the founding of the Aslan Magic Academy, and it had a big impact on the people of the kingdom.


Hurry up and bring out the carriage.

Lukes father, Claude, was furious.