Chapter 68: Speechless

The first prince of the empire, Keithwood, was a man without desire.

He had absolutely no interest in the position of Emperor, to the extent that he wanted to renounce his right to succession as soon as possible. However, fortunately or unfortunately, contrary to this, he was an extremely capable person, and his father, the current Emperor, had high expectations of him. Because of this, he found himself in a situation where he could not simply say he wanted to receive a remote territory and live quietly.

(Ahh, why do I have to deal with kingdom nobility Its the worst, seriously)

He scratched his head several times, unable to help feeling gloomy.

No one from the empire would willingly interact with people from the kingdom. Keithwood was no exception.

Lets confirm one last time. Think of them not as nobles but as royal family members. If anyone shows even the slightest suspicion towards the kingdom, do not hesitate to punish them. Execute the death penalty if necessary.


Ever since this visit was decided, every day had truly been depressing. Why did the kingdom, which had shown no interest in the Sword Saint Festival, decide to participate this year? What was the reason?

It was natural to suspect some political motive behind it. This time, they said it was part of an educational program and would bring students, but it was hard to take that at face value.

(Really, once I guide them to the castle, Ill sleep a lot)

But, to be honest, Keithwood had no desire to be involved at all.

As he was thinking such thingshe saw.

Two carriages bearing the kingdoms flag, surrounded by knights in pure white.

Could I somehow be allowed to return as is, by some mistake? Holding onto such an impossible wish, as the prince of this country, he must give one last pep talk.

Hey, stay sharphuh?!

He saw something black writhing, approaching the kingdoms carriage.

Keithwoods knowledge immediately identified it. It was a pack of monsters called Hellhounds.

Draw your swords!!

In an instant, he kicked off the ground.

Keithwood accelerated with tremendous speed.

(Damn it, this is the worst! Can I make it in time!?)

If the kingdoms carriage were attacked here, it would be a matter of responsibility for the empire. Moreover, it could give the kingdom a good pretext to wage war.

The empire had formally requested and had adventurers thoroughly exterminate the monsters on this highway for the past few days to prevent such a situation.

Keithwood had checked it himself the day before. It was impossible for such a pack to appear when only a few were expected.

Questions bubbled up like clouds, but he instantly banished them from his mind as now was not the time to think about that.


Limit Break Super Physical Enhancement Super Acceleration!!

Keithwoods speed increased even more, but he knew it. He wouldnt make it in time.

Then, the next thing to consider was how to minimize the damage. He absolutely must avoid any fatalities.

(Why does this have to happen, damn it all!!! Huh, whats that?)

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud!



When Cyrus, driven by anger, opened the door, there was the girl he expected, looking not the slightest bit apologetic, as expected.

Stop messing around, Meety! Ive told you time and again

Come with me.

Huh? Hey, wait Dont pull meeee!

Without understanding the situation at all and without a chance to prepare himself, Cyrus was forcefully dragged away.

The reason why Meety, a half-elf girl with the Spirit Eye, took Cyrus, the Sword Saint, with her was exceedingly simple.

It was, so to speak, merely a hunch.

The massive number of spirits she sawno ordinary person could be so beloved by spirits. Whether friend or foe, or perhaps neither, was still unclear, but she thought it best to show Cyrus, whom she deeply trusted.

This is bad.

Leading the way on a white horse, the first prince, followed by two carriages bearing the flag of the Myrstia Kingdom, moved slowly down the highway.

To the common folk, this spectacle was unusual enough, but what she saw was even more astonishingspirits of all elements, including light and dark, swarmed around them.

The sheer volume of information was so overwhelming that it made her dizzy, forcing her to close her eyes momentarily.

Wow, did some important person come or something?

Meety sighed at Cyruss overly carefree comment.

Idiot, dont you know? That is

At that moment, the carriage abruptly stopped. Then, the door slowly opened.

Luke-kun, you cant just get off suddenly!

One was a blonde youth with very handsome features, and the other was a black-haired youth who seemed panicked, trying to stop him.

The voices of the empires citizens watching this scene halted, and tension spread. They had thought the carriage carrying the kingdoms nobility, whom they wanted nothing to do with, would pass by without incident, but now someone was disembarking.

It was indeed an abnormal situation. However, the reason everyone at the scene lost their words wasnt just that. It was the aura. The overwhelming presence of a ruler, worthy of being called charisma, had stolen the words from the people.

Hey, you there, girl

The blonde youth, Lukes words made the people part to the sides as if to say it wasnt them he was speaking to.

In front of him stood the half-elf girl and a man yawning sleepily.

However, Meety couldnt utter a word.

The reason wasall the spirits of every attribute except light were swirling around him.

The fact that she could swallow the word monster that popped into her mind without uttering it must have been fortunate for her.